under fire

Chapter 1303 I'm a fool if I can't fight

Chapter 1303 I'm a fool if I can't fight
Devils advocate offense.

The devil who went to check the fire was shot for a long time after lying on his stomach.

He didn't even touch a hair, and the other party was still jumping around in the open field.

At this time, the grenadier should provide fire support.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of a grenade explosion on the other side.

Instead, the reorganized light unit fired again.

Moreover, a bullet bridge with tracer bullets is loaded into the hopper.

At this time, traces of light streaked across the night sky.

In addition to fire suppression and cover, it also guides the infantry in the general direction of attack.

The infantry had to get up and attack the north side
on the road.

Devil observers soon discovered the anomaly, and the grenadier has not fired a single bullet so far.

Follow up to check the situation.


Attacking at a close range of more than a hundred meters, the devils who cooperated tacitly did not need to group up for battle.

Some of the more than ten devils who attacked from the front squatted down to cover and shoot.

Part of the charge, intending to throw grenades when approaching the enemy.

The dirty face in the ditch poked its head out, and saw that the scattered devils had quickly approached about 40 meters away.

The devils from the south seemed to be outflanking them as well.

Had to hastily stick out the machine gun and fire again.

Da da da.
If you wait any longer, you will be bombed by the grenades thrown by the approaching devils!
During this period of time, I learned a lot of new tactics from Chief Hu and Liu Yuanqing.

Countless brothers have been killed by the devil's offensive tactics.

He knew in his heart that as long as everyone didn't give in, little devils wouldn't be so scary.

In the past, most of the time when they were beaten, it was completely because of the commander's blind instructions.

First, the slogan was shouted loudly, asking the brothers to fight the devils.

After a certain position was breached by devils, the officials ran as fast as a rabbit.

The brothers who lost their command had to fight on their own, and the escape was completely sold to the devils.

After following Chief Hu, I found that guerrilla warfare was quite interesting.

You don't have to listen to the commander's order for how long you must persist. There is no such thing as using human life to complete the pre-war goal.

Take a shot and switch places.

Killing a devil counts as one, and, before starting the fight, the method of retreat has been figured out.

Why didn't you find this kind of confrontation between the devils before, and it was all about hitting the muzzle of a gun?

After shooting two bursts, he immediately ran sideways with the gun and changed positions.

north of him.

Xiao Hongying, who also just changed positions, poked her head out, aiming the shell gun in her hand at the nearest devil.

With two muffled bangs in a row, the bullets from the large-caliber pistol turned over the devil who was smashing the [-]-style grenade cap on his head.

Then narrowed his eyes and shrunk his head, and changed positions again.
A shellgun is different from a rifle.

On a moonlit night, the muzzle flames directly form clusters, which are extremely conspicuous.

Immediately recruit alternate cover attacks, half-squatting devils on the ground fight back
Xiao Hongying raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, there were too many problems with the pistol when shooting at night, and the muzzle flash seemed to be still swaying in front of her eyes
She swears that when this battle is over, she must ask Li Xiang to make the flame suppressing tube that Liu Yuanqing said
The bullets above his head kept whistling.

The devil was so arrogant that he forgot to put out the fire by this time.

Si Daoye next to him saw the devil take out a grenade.

Holding a shell gun in each hand, he jumped out of the ditch and shot while running in the ground.

His feet flashed quickly, and after the bullet in the gun was emptied, he jumped into the ditch and disappeared.

It's completely a posture of desperately fighting the devil.

By feel, hit at least four targets!

As the devil infantry continued to approach the opponent's position.

The Devil's machine guns installed on the highway then lost their suppressive effect.

The Devil sniper held his rifle wrapped in gray cloth.

This is the third time I aimed at the machine gunner who was about 80 meters away and fired one or two bursts.

If that guy hadn't switched positions every time he hit one or two bursts, he would have been killed long ago!
He is not in a hurry, waiting for the next opportunity.

As for killing the opponent's ambusher holding a shell gun.

Not at all interested.

I quickly concluded that the machine gun moved about five or six meters north after firing one or two bursts at each shooting point.

This time, he will never run away
The muzzle of the rifle with a six-fold scope moved slowly northward with the flashes of the opponent's continuous firing.

Roughly estimate where the machine gunner may appear next time, gently press the trigger to reach the critical state.
Just wait for the opponent's machine gun to fire.
Dirty Face didn't realize the danger at all, and after switching positions again, the light machine gun was aimed at the devils who were rushing towards him again.
Da da da.
No more pre-set machine gun bunkers.

The dirty face was not allowed to protrude half of the body, and the butt of the machine gun shook violently on the shoulder.

Before he pulled the machine gun to move, a bullet hit his chest accurately.
Dirty Face let out a scream and fell backward into the ditch.
Wang Jinghong, the recruit's deputy shooter who had been following Dirty Face and kept pressing bullets into the magazine, hurried up: "Brother Zhang Lian, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Zhang Lian didn't respond, he quickly howled: "Brother Zhang Lian was shot."

Civil and military all hit empty-handed shelled bullets.

He stacked the gun on his back, and pulled the grenade on his back to his front.

Then tear off a grenade and load it into the grenade.

Slightly aim at the position of the car on the road and pull the belt quickly.
Boom, the grenade burst out of the iron tube and flew into the night.
The grenade exploded next to the devil's first car
The forced shooter who had just stopped waiting for the deputy shooter to load bullets into the machine gun was overturned by the explosion of the grenade.

Rolled over and rolled into the bottom of the car.
The hand subconsciously wants to grab something to stabilize the body.

His luck doesn't seem too bad, he really caught something like a rope
Unfortunately, that's a deadly fuse
A dazzling light suddenly flashed on the road a hundred meters away.

The light illuminated the entire battlefield, and everyone couldn't help squinting, and their pupils shrank.

Then there was a loud bang.

It's time for the thunder!
Liu Yuanqing, who had been attacking all the time, was finally discovered by the devils, and he was hit back violently.

Ignoring the roar of the bullet above his head, he screamed strangely: "Withdraw!"

Then he fell to the ground and quickly crawled a distance to the north.

Turn over into the ditch, and run west quickly with Maoyao.

A few black shadows followed without hesitation
The ghost lieutenant Lang next to the second car got up embarrassingly, his face was pale and he said, "What happened?"

The observer nearby hurriedly reported: "They must have buried a cluster grenade here, and it was accidentally detonated by the grenade just now."

Lieutenant Guizi said with a dark face, "Why hasn't the grenadier fired yet?"

"All the bomb-throwing team is broken." The observer shrank his neck for fear of being slapped, and then added: "All the warriors of the bomb-throwing team were shot in the back! All the warriors on guard to the west were killed."

The lieutenant reached out and grabbed the observer's lapel: "What did you say?"

The observer tensed the muscles on his face: "There is also an ambush to the west, and it is preliminarily judged that there are snipers on the other side!"

Lieutenant Guizi was startled: "Where's our sniper?"

The observer replied honestly: "The sniper just knocked out the enemy machine gun team."

Seeing this question and answer, the lieutenant finally got angry, and slapped his ear: "How many people are there?"

"Four to the east and four to the west"

"Only eight?" The lieutenant was stunned for a moment, then overturned the observation.

Then he pulled out his beloved iron rod and roared wildly with a hoarse broken gong: "Quack, squad two and squad three, all bayonets, charge."

The devil sniper looked at the moonlit land in the east and kept rubbing his eyes.

The flash of the explosion just now greatly disturbed his vision.

It took a while to get used to it, raised the gun again, and searched the gaps between the devils rushing into the field
Suddenly discovered that the gang of despicable attackers
It seems to have disappeared out of thin air.
Because, there was no muzzle flash that returned fire at all.

If you can't fight but don't run, you are a fool.

Xiao Hongying pulled the bag on the backpack of Wang Jinghong, who was tall and burly.

The legs follow fast like stepping on hot wheels.

Dive headfirst into the moonlight.

Li Laosi, who followed closely behind, was running wildly with his dirty face on his back.

Wen Wuquan raised his machine gun to make a decision, looked back from time to time, and shouted: "Run faster."

Wang Jinghong still had the energy to speak: "Instructor Hong, why didn't you kill the devil commander first?"

"You know what a fart, the devil's firepower is too strong, if we don't destroy the devil's machine gun, we can't take the lead at all"

"The devil doesn't seem to be catching up, why don't you take a break? See how brother Zhang Lian is doing?"

"Go to the front where the bicycles are stored first."

(End of this chapter)

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