under fire

Chapter 1304 The Devil God of War with Disabilities

Chapter 1304 The Devil God of War with Disabilities
Dim moonlight.

Chilling envelops the earth.

The four black shadows running eastward suddenly stopped in their tracks.

Started picking up four bikes on the side of the road.

Then get busy.

Li Laosi put one foot on the ground and supported the handle of the car with one hand.

Wang Jinghong was busy behind him.

Leave the Dirty Face Bipeds open on the bike saddle.

Li Laosi pulled his dirty face arm with one hand.

Wang Jinghong took out a bandage, wrapped it around his armpits from behind his dirty face, and hung it on Li Laosi's shoulder.

After that, he crossed Li Laosi's chest, and then went back from the waist to tie a knot behind his dirty face.

The two were immediately chained together.

Li Laosi turned his face sideways and asked casually: "Dirty face, why isn't your mother dead?"

"I have a broken sternum." Dirty face felt that Wang Jinghong was slow to follow, so he put the spare magazine directly in his breast pocket.

The bullets fired by the devil's sniper are still embedded in the magazine.

Li Laosi's excited mood has not yet calmed down: "It's good that you can still talk! Otherwise, Daoist will have to perform a ritual ceremony for you tonight."

Dirty Face moaned: "Don't fucking tease me"

"Hehe, do you despise the Fourth Daoist? Why don't you get down and ride your bike away by yourself."

"fuck you mother"

"Tell me, how did you escape?"

"Remember to hang the magazine on your chest in the future."

Wen Wuquan, who was guarding west with a machine gun next to him, murmured, "Your life is really bad, the bullet was blocked by the magazine for the second time."

"You hang out with me from now on." Dirty Face was still in the mood to poach a corner.

"Fart, I want to learn marksmanship from Brother Tang"

"What a machine gun. It's fun to come." Sitting in the back seat, Dirty Face didn't look like someone who was about to die at all.

"Do you think I'm stupid when a machine gun shoots bullets?" Wen Wuquan held the machine gun in his hand and hung a grenade on his back, talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Xiao Hongying tied the rifle to the bicycle bar, turned her head and yelled: "Wenwuquan, ready to go."

Immediately, within 2 minutes, Wang Jinghong, who is familiar with the situation in this area, led the way on a bicycle.

The light is not good, the path is not smooth, and the speed is not fast.

Xiao Hongying has little strength, so she is really not very proficient in riding a bicycle this time.

Anyway, faster than walking.

The noise of the bicycle clanging is not small.

A group of people quickly entered the jujube forest and then turned to the south.

No one noticed, and about 500 meters behind them, the two devils kept running and chased after them.

One of them was Junichiro Suzuki, a devil sniper who shot a dirty face.

The other is his observer.

Suzuki Junichiro suffered a broken arm on the battlefield.

Taking into account his previous military achievements, the devil transferred him from the main force to the garrison to continue his service.

From the main force to the local garrison, this guy was very disappointed.

Large-scale multi-arms coordinated operations on the frontal battlefield. In wartime, both sides directly bombarded first and then fired machine guns.

There are few opportunities to shoot from a distance, and the sniper rifle is not very useful.

In the occupied areas, however, sniper rifles are more effective in the face of guerrillas who shoot and run in two shots.

After arriving in the independent mixed brigade, as one of the few semi-snipers, after sweeping around with the garrison a few times, I found that sweeping is really suitable for hunting targets.

It even aroused the fierceness in the bottom of his bones.

There are at least hundreds of Chinese soldiers and civilians who died under his hands!

He also won the title of God of War of the First Army.

When he was besieging the Eighth Route headquarters in the mountains last year, the scope of his original sniper rifle was directly damaged by a group of Eighth Route machine guns emerging from the periphery.

Supplies will not be available for a while, so the headquarters issued him a sniper rifle presented to the gendarmerie by the Tianjin German company as a reward.

This is a Carl [-] Mauser rifle equipped with a Carl Zeiss scope.

The scope is large at both ends and small in the middle.

The blued lens barrel is printed with the Zeiss code BLC.

The price of this scope alone is equivalent to two Mauser rifles.

In his opinion, the guns presented by the allies are really good.

He has an injury to his left arm, and it is difficult to deal with moving targets. He mainly focuses on fixed targets.

Suzuki pursued this kind of ambush guerrilla many times.

His idea is very simple,
No matter how strong the opponent is, he can't run fast with a "corpse" on his bicycle!
Why did the other party run away with a dead body?According to the eight-way habit, there are only two possibilities.

Either the target he hit was not dead, or the machine gunner was an official.

The tactics displayed from the opponent's ambush body are definitely not ordinary anti-Japanese elements!
Such an opponent deserves respect.

So, he decided to kill them himself.

Whether you do mental arithmetic or not, just wait until dawn.

I am in the dark, and those despicable escaped anti-Japanese elements are in the light.

It is their glory to be able to die in the hands of the Empire God of War!


Wang Xiaosan looked at the corpse at the second guard post, his heart was cold, and he ordered in a low voice without any hesitation: "Let's go back first!"

The layout of the guard posts tonight is completely different from the past.

Obviously, there must be internal devils in the regiment battalion, who know the detailed layout of the guard posts.

The person who did it must be someone who is familiar with the guard post, otherwise, the guard post hidden in the ditch could not be touched away silently.

So much so that there was no time to fire a warning shot.

Now we need to figure out two issues, one is who is the traitor, and who is the enemy who came!
Wang Xiaosan didn't intend to fire a warning shot, because he didn't know how many enemies were hiding in the darkness under the moon.

The three of them distanced themselves and trot towards the barracks.

A few flashes of light suddenly appeared ahead.

Bang bang bang.
Several dull gunshots interrupted his thoughts.

The soldier walking in front of him was immediately shot and fell to the ground.

Without any hesitation, Wang Xiaosan threw himself forward and rolled to the side of the path.

Quickly pulled the submachine gun behind him to the front, and turned off the safety trigger.

chug chug.
There is a shuttle facing the flashing position of the shot just now.

Immediately there was a scream not far ahead.

The attacker didn't expect the other party to react so quickly, and they also used automatic weapons.

With the bullets roaring overhead, the soldiers following behind crawled to Wang Xiaosan's side and said softly, "Company Commander, I'll lure them out, and you'll kill them later."

After speaking, he jumped up from the roadside ditch, and ran horizontally to the right for more than ten meters with his waist down.

Then he fell down again, took off his military cap, and used the bayonet to hold it up and shake it from side to side.

bang bang
Two bullets came one after another, and the hat was directly blown away.

The distance between the two sides was not far, the attacker in the dark finished shooting, and then heard someone next to him yelling: "I was fooled!"

chug chug.
The guy who shot just now immediately burst out a black dot between his brain, chest and abdomen.

The spray was several meters away, making the screaming bandit soldiers next to them covered in blood all over their heads and faces.

This guy was stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and then yelled strangely: "Da Niu!"

The body just left the ground.

His head popped open.

Then, something with tail flames was thrown into the air.

"Grenade!" The bandit soldiers who were ambushing screamed strangely.

Immediately, Yuan stepped on the ground with both feet, and his body suddenly jumped several meters away, and then rolled into the ditch beside the path.


A mass of flames shot up into the sky in the darkness, and the powerful airflow mixed with gravel and mud fell overwhelmingly.

After throwing the grenade, Wang Xiaosan rolled over again and looked up to see the opponent's situation clearly. There were eight or nine gray shadows in the uniform of the Autonomous Army.

Jumping up from the ground, braving the bullets of the bandit soldiers, he raised his submachine gun and swayed left and right: "Son of a son of a bitch! If I don't tear you into pieces, I won't be called Wang Xiaosan."

chug chug.
Every time you shake your body, it's a three-point shot.

Intensive and regular gunshots rang out suddenly.

A bandit soldier who leaned forward and planned to throw a grenade in retaliation was hit several times and fell headlong.

The other bandit soldiers next to them were directly crushed by the pouring bullets and couldn't lift their heads.

Holding up the shell gun, he fired back indiscriminately.

The location is revealed with the muzzle flash.

The soldier lying on the ground next to him immediately got up and knelt down, raising his gun and aiming at rapid fire.

Every time a gun is fired, a bandit soldier will be mercilessly killed.

There are submachine guns to suppress, and sharpshooters to shoot accurately.

In just a short while, half of the ten people under his command died!
Seeing the kick hit the iron board, the bandit squad leader who led the ambush team immediately yelled strangely: "The idea is difficult, withdraw quickly."

After finishing speaking, he crawled desperately on the ground like a dog, moving away from the flash of the gun.

The bandit soldiers probably didn't know that when they were shooting at close range, they fled in a far away direction, completely giving their lives to the opponent to kill.

The soldier in the field next to him held his rifle, looked at the backs of those black figures, aimed at one, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.
The last bullet in the rifle flew out of the muzzle.

Then pulled out a magazine and pressed it into the rifle
Wang Xiaosan has always maintained a three-burst firing frequency, and the [-]-round long magazine is empty.
Followed by one-handed pumping, a [-]-round magazine was pressed on
During this period of time, I practiced hard with Liu Yuanqing and learned the skill of changing magazines with one hand.

Although it was the first actual battle, he still showed an invincible momentum.
Two people beat a squad of bandit soldiers to pieces
(End of this chapter)

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