under fire

Chapter 1305 Detained Anti-University Members

Chapter 1305 Detained Anti-University Members
Zhennan from the first regiment barracks.

The guard post heard a sudden gunshot about two miles away.

Immediately yelled loudly.

Zhao Hu, the deputy of the first battalion who had just returned from the checkpoint in the west, heard the sound of submachine guns from the east.

Immediately judged that something happened to Wang Xiaosan.

Without hesitation, he ordered a squad to go to support.

He didn't go with the team.

The guard posts were spread out within five miles, and gunshots suddenly appeared about two miles away from the barracks.

It shows that there is likely to be an enemy of unknown origin approaching the barracks.

Immediately order the sleeping ministries to assemble.

A tall soldier of the Autonomous Army ran into the barracks from the town and yelled, "Deputy Battalion Commander Zhao, the regiment commander hastened to order the whole battalion to be on alert. The son of a bitch, Shi Jianye, from the Second Regiment, sent someone to call him."

The barracks immediately exploded.

Fortunately, the fresh graduates of the Kangda University have rich experience.

After the correspondent sounded the assembly whistle on the playground.

Immediately ordered the self-governing army on Kang to get up and wear military uniforms and equipment.

Then, the team began to assemble on the playground.

on the playground.

Several sneaky self-government troops gathered together, but their faces were filled with joy, "Shall we throw a grenade to create chaos?"

"You know what a fart, wait for the group to call, and then we will shoot black guns to kill that surnamed Cheng."

"What are you guys doing, return to the team immediately!" A squad leader looked at the muttering autonomous army.

After re-division, the original team of the second company was broken up. Seeing those guys reunited, I always felt something was wrong, so I secretly noticed it.

Following each platoon as a unit, more than 100 autonomous troops went up to the wall.

Fire holes blocked with bricks at the bottom of the fence were opened.

Wang Xiaosan looked at the corpses on the ground under the moonlight.

The smell of blood is in the air
It tastes very similar to the chicken he used to kill
The previous excitement gradually subsided, and a chill ran from the feet to the head, causing goose bumps all over the body.

Looking at a corpse with only a head on its side.

Stomach churning, hands trembling.

With the submachine gun hanging in front of him, he leaned over his trembling knees and vomited.

It was not until he vomited all the broth and rice that he ate at night, that he managed to catch his breath.

It's not that I haven't seen bloody scenes, but when it was my turn to do it myself, I still didn't hold back
The soldiers on guard next to him were veterans from Cheng Haibo's direct line of guerrillas.

This guy has a vicious vision. When he was divided into shifts the day before yesterday, this guy resolutely followed Wang Xiaosan.

He was cleaning the battlefield, holding a shell gun, and shot the heads of the corpses on the ground one by one.

I even felt a little happy in my heart, so what about being a company commander?Seeing this kind of scene is not the same as unbearable.
Fortunately, half of the gangsters had inaccurate shell guns, and a few rifles were of poor quality.

Otherwise, Wang Xiaosan would have been overwhelmed by bandit soldiers if he attacked head-on with a submachine gun.

"Company commander, hey, Company Commander Wang."

no response.

"Wang Xiaosan Wang Xiaosan."

Still no response.

"Hey, I've made noodles, washed rice, and washed pots."

Hear those familiar professional words that go deep into the bones
Wang Xiaosan was shocked, and then slowly came back to his senses.

The crescent moon is like a sickle, hanging lonely in the gray-black night sky.

Under the cold light, the earth was colorless.
Looking around again,

After retching for two or three times, Wang Xiaosan slowly stood up.

Trembling, he took two rifles and two bullet bags from the guard soldier: "Cheng Haiguang? Where's Xiaotu?"

"Xiaotu died, we have to leave now"

Footsteps were suddenly heard under the moonlight ahead, followed by someone who shouted coldly from a distance: "Password!"

Wang Xiaosan replied subconsciously: "Dabeizhuang"

Several figures quickly approached: "Company commander, what happened?"


Clothing shop.

Su Qing drew a circle on the map: "According to what you said, Shi Jianye came from the north, and it is impossible to bring all the troops out."

"Shi Jianye's troops are about the same as ours. According to his habit, he will definitely send people to encircle the second battalion first!" Although Cheng Haibo has not participated in the Eighth Route command study, his understanding of the bandits in the plain far surpasses Su Qing's. .

"If he attacks his own people, isn't he afraid that other people will attack him too?"

"Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say." Cheng Haibo said helplessly, "This kind of mutual recruitment and betrayal will happen once every three to five months, which creates a situation where no one will obey the other!"

"Leaving this aside, how many people does Shi Jianye have under his command?"

"The establishment is said to be two battalions, and there are also nearly a thousand people under him, and there are more than three battalions!" Cheng Haibo, as the direct descendant of Brigadier Li, also arranged people in the second regiment of Shi Jianye.

"That is to say, he wants to keep people to guard the lair, and the troops coming here are at most two battalions?" Su Qing then drew two thick arrows on the map.

Cheng Haibo regained his composure, and judged from Shi Jianye's character and his usual behavior: "Most likely, he will arrange a battalion to encircle the second battalion in the north of the town, and the rest will definitely detour from the east and west sides outside the town. I think his main goal is It must be me"

Su Qing nodded: "If it weren't for the reluctance to part with these belongings in the town, our best choice is to leave the camp immediately and join Wang Jingchang's department in the south."

Cheng Haibo smiled wryly. Half of the supplies sent to the mountains came from Huilong Town, and Huilong Town couldn't lose them no matter what: "Wang Xiaosan sent out a peripheral security post at night, as long as the bastard surnamed Shi enters our defense area in the south of the town, It will definitely be discovered!"

"There is a high wall over the barracks, and there are Wang Xiaosan and the newly recruited students guarding there. Don't worry about it for now. What you need to be careful of is that after the second battalion in Zhenbei is surrounded, Shi Jianye may send people Straight from town."

Cheng Haibo's heart tightened: "I'll immediately arrange to set up a defensive line on the street."

After finishing speaking, he immediately went out and set up barricades with two guards.

Su Qing continued to look at the map.

The superior originally arranged for more than [-] students to join the Second Regiment, with the purpose of making the Second Regiment a monolith.

Now it seems that this plan must be revised.

No, the night before yesterday, the superior arranged for the thirty or so students to go to the Jianye Group.
Su Qing's heart sank.

Car to town.

Zhenbei is close to a compound next to the barracks.

Two soldiers with guns stood on each side of the gate.

The courtyard has been abandoned for at least half a year, and the paint on the gate is mottled and blackened.

The moonlight shines through the broken window lattice into the house.

More than [-] people who were disarmed sat quietly in the dark and looked out the window.

The lantern hanging under the eaves outside the window, only the skeleton of bamboo strips is left, and a piece of masked paper that has long changed from red to gray is hung on the bottom.
The room is full of cobwebs, hanging obliquely in the corner of the room. The light is too dim to see if there are any spiders sitting in the center.

After a while, there was finally movement in the room, and an inaudible voice murmured cautiously: "The liaison officer hasn't shown up so far. I think something might have happened."

"Could it be that the Second Regiment really rebelled?"

"Don't talk nonsense, at any time, you must obey the orders of your superiors!" The tall and thin young man next to him immediately warned.

"I obey Grandma Ni, have you forgotten? How did Captain Cheng treat us when we had a reunion dinner?"

"Don't forget the three major disciplines, the first is to obey orders," the lanky young man warned again.

"Then explain why they confiscated our guns and ammunition?"

"Yes, they clearly detain us," another person next to him added.

"Believe that this division built this reactionary, the brains of the superiors were trapped by the door"

"Isn't the student captain surnamed Hu a reactionary before? He even brought out an unorganized and unscrupulous girl as an instructor." The thin and tall young man curled his lips: "This time the wind blows, I will definitely expose him!"

"Fuck your grandma, you son of a bitch dare to smack Captain Hu?" A young student platoon leader next to him who had just graduated two days ago directly hit the tall, thin young man on the bridge of the nose with his fist.

All around the yard.

It seemed silent, but in fact it was opposite to the roof of the backyard.

Hiding at least one soldier from the second regiment.

A voice was also muttering: "Company commander, the north is fighting so hard, could it be that the imperial army was ambushed?"

"The battalion commander will handle it, let's just keep these guys safe."

"That's right, Balu wants to come to our regiment to seize power, these guys' heads must have been caught by the door."

Near the North Barracks.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Three black shadows stuck to the base of the wall, kept vigilant, and slowly approached the compound where the Anti-University students were locked up.
[I wish everyone a happy new year and get rich, brothers who have votes, don't forget to vote]

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(End of this chapter)

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