under fire

Chapter 1306 Guerrillas Everywhere

Chapter 1306 Guerrillas Everywhere
Car to town.

Earlier, shopkeeper Cheng went to the village to inquire about the news, saying that the Second Regiment had dispatched to go back to Longzhen.

He was still not sure what Shi Jianye was up to, but he just felt something was wrong.

After the ambush devils retreated westward.

I ran into an underground traffic officer who heard the gunshots and came to inquire about the news.

After the exchanges between the two sides, they realized that all the members of the Anti-University Group assigned to the Second Regiment were detained by Shi Jianye.

Only then did I understand that the teacher surnamed had no good intentions at all.

He was so anxious that he didn't even bother to join Xiao Hongying.

He pestered Liu Yuanqing into the town to find out the situation.

On a silent moonlit night, in the open environment, the sound of footsteps was exceptionally clear.

Liu Yuanqing turned his head to look at another black figure next to shopkeeper Cheng Er: "Are you sure they are all detained?"

Big Yang, who was dressed in the self-governing army, nodded: "The news is absolutely unmistakable, that bastard Shi Jianye is going to send them to the devils as laborers and vote for certificates."

Liu Yuanqing's tone was serious: "This son of a bitch, I said, why don't you shoot him black?"

Daddy Yang gritted his teeth: "Before today, this guy has maintained a friendly and cooperative anti-Japanese relationship with the first division, and promised to accept our reorganization, otherwise he would not have sent people over. Moreover, when our main force returned to Longzhen at the end of last year, hug Hit the rabbit in a hurry and kill him!"

Liu Yuanqing was stunned for a moment: "Our main force. We fought back to Longzhen at the end of last year? Daddy Yang, shopkeeper Cheng, please tell me in detail."

Shopkeeper Cheng Er thought for a while: "In the early years, there were so many bandits, heroes of the rivers and lakes, and heroes of the green forest near the Zhanghe River.

Big man Yang then added: "After the devils came, a man named Black Dragon Society secretly supported the bandit soldiers to give guns and bullets, and supported one to annex the other. After everyone was defeated in the fight, they secretly supported another group to come The two departments were annexed together, and then a group of people were supported to kill the big ones, and after a few years like this, the vitality of each department was severely damaged."

Shopkeeper Cheng nodded: "Big Brother Yang is right. Later, Commander Wang Tianxiang found out about this situation, and successively made obeisances with the leaders of various nearby ministries, and established a self-rescue alliance in Huilong Town, but we couldn't do it. He would be at odds with the devil's North China Command, so he used his connections to find Major General Suzuki of the First Brigade and mixed it with the Alliance Autonomous Army."

Mr. Yang made a thorough investigation of the success of the Autonomous Army: "At that time, the General Headquarters of the Autonomous Army was located in Huilong. Commander Yang Faxian, and then the commander of the Devil Suzuki Brigade was transferred away, and the new commander of the old devil Komatsu Brigade took office, and immediately forced the army to move to Wei County."

Shopkeeper Cheng Er lowered his voice: "After the military department moved to Wei County, because Huilong Town is located in an important traffic road, it is a piece of fat. All the departments wanted to stay in Huilong Town, and the fight was bloody. The first brigade, the second brigade, and the third brigade and the fourth brigade each sent a battalion to form a regiment stationed in Huilong Town. Cheng Haibo, who was sent by Brigadier Li, was the head of the regiment. He was stationed in Huilong Town to make money. Eight ways to raise supplies”

Big man Yang knew that Liu Yuanqing was from the Ninth Battalion, so he didn't hide anything: "Later, the Second Battalion Commander of the First Regiment who stayed behind was shot black, and the new replacement turned out to be someone arranged by Cheng Daohe. Food was not allowed to go west, so the main force of the Eighth Route Army attacked Huilong Town for the second time.”

Liu Yuanqing finally got a general understanding of the situation, and felt dizzy for a while: "Damn, this is too brain-intensive, stop talking nonsense, now we have to rescue those anti-university students, right?" Big Yang nodded: "Yes , the superior has sent someone to come over in the name of Wang Ziquan for reinforcements."

"Why are you getting involved with Wang Ziquan again?"

"Wang Ziquan was first supported by Cheng Ximeng and has a good relationship with us."

Liu Yuanqing interrupted this person and continued to talk: "Don't. Don't talk so far, you just want to save people, right?"

"Hey, that's right"

"How many puppet soldiers are there in custody?"

"Three battalions, two companies and one platoon"

"What is your position in the puppet army?"

Big Yang thought for a while: "Squad leader of the guard company"

"Can you get in?"

"I can't reveal my identity"

Liu Yuanqing thought for a while: "Isn't it just one platoon? If you kill them all, your identity will not be exposed."

Big Yang curled his lips: "Can you stop bragging?"

"Well, wait for a while, shopkeeper Cheng, you go to the south and bring Mrs. Li and the others over."

"Okay" Shopkeeper Cheng turned around and followed, two other figures hidden in the darkness followed him, and disappeared in the shadow of the wall under the moonlight
Daddy Yang didn't know what to do: "You ambush the devils just now, and you won't be able to stop them for a long time."

Liu Yuanqing shook his head: "The devils dispatched so many people overnight, it is absolutely impossible to just bring back more than [-] people. Most of their goals are to return to Longzhen."

Big Yang froze for a moment: "What you said seems to make sense."

Time passed by minute by minute.

Three miles south of the town.

Agreed meeting place.

Xiao Hongying is hiding in the jujube forest 300 meters away from the big locust tree.

Li Laosi, who was in charge of security, hurried out of the forest with a woman dressed as a commoner: "Girl, we are being targeted by devils."

"What?" Xiao Hongying, who was dozing off, rolled over and sat up.

The young woman who came over saluted: "Report to the chief, there are two devils in the jujube forest in the north"

"You are?" Xiao Hongying hurriedly stood up, being called the chief, she felt good sitting down without any momentum.

"Pei Xianglan, captain of the Women's National Salvation Guerrilla Team, Lunan Detachment Armed Task Force, Division [-]." When Xiao Hongying stood up, Pei Xianglan realized that the other party was a fluffy girl, and immediately stopped halfway through explaining her identity.

"Should I call you Captain Pei?" Xiao Hongying, who originally wanted to say a few words as the chief, was a little dumbfounded. As the old eighth road, she had never heard of this number.
Pei Xianglan's right hand inadvertently moved to the handle of the waist: "Why are you here? Where is my second uncle Cheng?"

Li Laosi could see clearly from the side, and quickly murmured next to Xiao Hongying: "This one is good at kung fu, I almost caught her way just now."

Xiao Hongying didn't hesitate, and directly stated her identity: "Chang Hongying, the instructor of the Special Agent Company of the Guard Battalion of the First Brigade and First Regiment of the Autonomous Army!"

Pei Xianglan pulled out her pistol with a bang: "Are you lying to a ghost? Where did the regiment come from the guard battalion?"

Xiao Hongying didn't expect this person to move so quickly: "It was just established the day before yesterday, haven't you heard of it?"

Pei Xianglan quickly retracted her gun: "Hey, I bluffed you just now, are you the red instructor the students mentioned?"

"Student? What student?" Xiao Hongying was confused.

"Replenish the students of the second regiment."

"Hey, where are they? According to shopkeeper Cheng, the second regiment has gone to Huilong Town?" Until now, Xiao Hongying hadn't thought about the fact that Shi Jianye's second regiment had defected.

"Someone is coming." Wen Wuquan, who had been staring at the road, warned in a low voice in the dark.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er turned from the big locust tree to the road.

Looking at Xiao Hongying: "Are you all okay?"

Xiao Hongying nodded: "Dirty Face's breastbone was broken, we're all fine."

"His second uncle" Pei Xianglan hurried forward to say hello.

Shopkeeper Cheng looked at Pei Xianglan and was overjoyed: "That's great, you are here too, where is your commander?"

"Wei County, the headquarters of the Autonomous Army, was in chaos this evening. The commander went over to check the situation. We heard gunshots from Chexiang Town. I brought people over to check. I didn't expect to meet that guy who called himself Si Daoye"

Hearing that she brought people just to inquire about the news, Shopkeeper Cheng's heart sank: "How many of you are here?"

Pei Xianglan proudly said: "One class has more people than you"

"Hurry up and gather people and go to the town to save them." Shopkeeper Cheng was anxious.

"What? Go to the town? Just us?" Pei Xianglan was shocked: "There are two spies from the devil who have been following you from the north. Do you want to kill them first?"

Shopkeeper Cheng heard Captain Pei talking about devils, and quickly looked at Xiao Hongying: "Have you been bitten by devils?"

Xiao Hongying's subordinates are too few to speak hard words, and she is a little embarrassed: "I just heard what Captain Pei said, so I know."

"Just two devils? Leave them alone. Saving people is the most important thing. Otherwise, it will be difficult to save people when Shi Jianye comes back." Shopkeeper Cheng Er is not polite at all.
[Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, Lao Ni, Fleeing like the wind, 3487, 0530, 3962 for rewards]

(End of this chapter)

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