under fire

Chapter 1307

Chapter 1307
Back to the north of Longzhen.

From the second battalion barracks.

Flames blazed all around the playground.

In the middle squatted a large group of puppet self-government troops who were bandits.

Long Fanzhang, commander of the ranger, stood in the dark.

Looking at the mob of the Tujiwagou Autonomous Army, he couldn't help but frown.

Two figures hurried into the barracks: "Captain Long, something happened to the head of the regiment, the vanguard squad was attacked and all were killed."

Long Fanzhang nodded: "I see."

"The meaning of the leader. Please go over and help me."

"Didn't you see that we are busy?" Long Huanzhang was displeased, with sarcasm in his tone: "You two battalions still can't win a Cheng Haibo?"

"Eh, that idea is really solid, and I ask Captain Long for your help."

"Not enough successes, more than failures, wait for me to make arrangements." Long Huanzhang's face was not very good-looking.

The two who came didn't leave, it seemed that Long Huanzhang didn't move, they would wait forever.

Long Fanzhang ignored the two, turned around and walked towards the gate of the barracks.

A figure quietly slipped out of the darkness, and lowered his voice: "Captain, the black shopkeeper is in Zhennan"

"Go and see."

Under the moonlight.

Deji grain number returns to Long semicolon.

Long Fanzhang stepped into the grain hall, followed by a man in black into the backyard.

Lifting the curtain, looking at the woman sitting under the oil lamp on the opposite side of the table, he asked cautiously, "Master Hei?"

Su Qing looked at the tall soldier who came in, and stood up directly with joy in his voice: "Hi, is it Captain Long?"

After a brief handshake, Long Fanzhang showed great enthusiasm in his tone: "I say hello to you on behalf of 'Xianghuo'!"

"Comrade Xianghuo sent you here. How many people are here?"

"Xianghuo knows that you failed to complete the reorganization task of the Second Battalion on time, let us come to support, and now the Second Battalion has been disarmed by our department."

Su Qing was stunned: "Why didn't I receive any news?"

"The HD rescue plan failed, and I just received the news from my superior." Having said that, Long Fanzhang took out a stack of documents from his pocket, took out one from the middle and handed it to Su Qing: "This is the latest order from the superior! "

Su Qing took it over, looked at the few inconspicuous symbols on the corner, checked them correctly, raised her head with a look of surprise: "The superior asked a group to leave and return to Longzhen?"

Long Fanzhang weighed in his mind that if he didn't tell the other party his real identity, it might cause misunderstanding: "The people I brought are the special operations team, and they are lurking in the division construction group under the order of Chongqing. There are not many comrades in the special operations team. Therefore, we will have the opportunity to notify you after the Second Battalion is taken down."

Su Qing nodded: "I understand."

Long Fanzhang sorted out his thoughts: "Before dark, the intelligence team of the Rangers came and asked Shi Jianye to reorganize a regiment to drive the Eighth Route Army out of the autonomous army defense area, and Shi Jianye took over the defense and returned to Longzhen."

Hearing that Shi Jianye would control Huilong Town in the future, Su Qing's face immediately turned ugly, because this person had always had a good relationship with the first division, but unexpectedly he voted for Chongqing.

The superior's order must be obeyed, Su Qing reminded: "You have to find a way, Huilong Town must not completely fall into the hands of the enemy, and half of the materials that enter the mountain come from here."

"You don't have to worry about this, the superior arranged Comrade 'Xianghuo' to take charge, you will contact him in the future"

Su Qing tried to suggest: "Do you see if this arrangement is okay? The second battalion is full of bandits. It doesn't matter whether it can be reorganized. Is there any way to keep part of the reorganized first battalion of Captain Cheng in Huilong Town?"

Long Fanzhang shook his head: "It's too risky to do this. The most important thing is that there are devils' eyeliners among the people under Captain Cheng. Once the news spreads, the involvement will be too great."

"OK then!"

Long Fanzhang added: "Also, the anti-university members who were sent to the Second Regiment were detained by Shi Jianye and might be sent to the devil's concentration camp. We can't do anything now. Comrade Xianghuo went to Cheng Daohe's side again. Please think about it." How about sending a small army to the rescue?"

Su Qing thought for a while: "How many troops are left in Chexiangzhen's first regiment?"

"There is less than a company in the town, and the autonomous army in the outer artillery tower is close to a battalion!"

"Okay, I'll arrange it immediately."

"Now time is very tight. In 10 minutes, I will lead the ranger from the town to attack the first battalion directly. I remind you that the ranger is very powerful. You must move quickly. Don't worry about the belongings in the barracks. At that time, I will find a way to send it back to the divisional base." Hearing the continuous gunshots from the south, Long Fanzhang became anxious: "Take care."

Su Qing got up immediately: "Okay!"

The towns in the autonomous army defense area seem to be well-defended.

In fact, the interior is already riddled with holes.

Two guerrillas sent Dirty Face to hide in a nearby village.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er led a group of six people in front, and Pei Xianglan led eight guerrillas behind.

Bending over a ditch in the ground quickly approaching the car towards town.

About 300 meters away from the outer wall of the town, the team began to crawl on the ground.

Under the response of the inside line of the sentry, the team quietly entered the town.

The dim moonlight at midnight released a dim light, which fell into the dilapidated town that had suffered countless wars and chaos, and was immediately divided into pieces by the buildings.

Frogs croak outside the town and insects croak in the town, but it is full of vitality.

Otherwise, the town was dead silent.

It showed a palpitating weirdness.

There are only dogs in the barracks in the town, and they seem to hear something.

Started screaming violently.

In response to the old saying that the dog barks deeper at night.

It did not attract the attention of the people in the town.

Because, the roar of a car engine happened to be heard on the Zhenbei Highway.

Two cars are behind.

The puppet self-government army conscripted by the devil from the gun tower carried the devil's body and walked ahead.

The team of more than ten people who sneaked into the town from the south of the town quickly approached the northern barracks like mice along the wall.


The team joined Liu Yuanqing who was hiding in the dark.

After a little discussion, the team immediately dispersed.

The team began to go up the roof and drill the alley.

On the periphery of the dilapidated compound, the puppet army guarding the Eight Route Army mainly prevented the Eight Route Route Army from escaping.

A machine gun squad was set up on the southern roof with a wide view, staring at it for half the night, and the observation post rubbed his eyes to force himself not to doze off.

A dark man came from the north, hurried into a courtyard, and whispered: "Platoon Leader Li"

A yawning voice came from the room: "What's the matter?"

"The company commander asked you to take all the people in the yard to the North Camp"

After a while of crickets, a figure walked out of the room: "Didn't you say that you will be sent to the county seat tomorrow?"

Hei Ying, who came to report, hesitated for a moment: "The little devils were ambushed in the north of the town. I guess it's probably because they want to vent their anger on them."

"What little devil, I want to be called Taijun." Platoon Leader Li warned and then asked: "How many dead children are Taijun?"

"According to the brothers who carried the corpses, twelve died and seven or eight were injured. A motorcycle and a car were also blown up."

"There are more dead than wounded? Are you saying the opposite?" Normally, in a battle, there are more wounded than dead.

"I heard from the translator of the little ghost Taijun that there are sharpshooters in the team that attacked the Taijun."

"Hey, well done, do you know who did it?"

"It was probably done by the Lunan guerrillas." Heiying said excitedly, "I heard from the interpreter that Wang Qinglin, the captain of a pistol regiment, shot Cheng Ximeng and ran to the city. This evening, he was shot three times in a row and was beaten to death at the door of the hut."

"This kind of person who betrays the brigade commander and does not show loyalty should be damned," the pseudo-platoon leader said, not only did not mean any indignation, but even a little bit of joy.
"Let's not talk about that, hurry up and send the eight roads in the yard over."

The false platoon leader immediately ordered the subordinates next to him: "Tell the brothers on the roof to come down and prepare to take these eight routes to Beiying."

 The internal and external relations of the Autonomous Army are complicated.

  To simplify. Written like a dog's head.
(End of this chapter)

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