under fire

Chapter 1308 The Ghost Under the Moonlit Night

Chapter 1308 The Ghost Under the Moonlit Night
The moon is dark and the wind kills the night.

Setting fire when killing people has two meanings, one is to see clearly, and the other is to destroy teachers and traces.

In fact, setting fire has two other uses: to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and to startle the snake by finding grass.

Li Laosi followed behind the guerrillas who were familiar with the environment in the town, and got into an abandoned courtyard.

Guessing that the dispersed personnel were already in place, Li Laosi struck a match again and lit the firewood piled in the abandoned yard.

Then, the two wandered into the darkness outside the courtyard without looking back.

Suddenly, a fire broke out near the backyard of the town hall. Sleeping on the roof, the guard who guarded Jianye's kennel immediately blew a whistle from who knows where.


Immediately afterwards, in the compound of the town hall, more than a dozen figures hurriedly walked out, panicking and trying to rush into the next door of the head's house to put out the fire.

The puppet army, who was coming down from the roof, heard the siren from behind the town hall, and looked up at the raging flames that reflected the red night sky not far away.

There was a lot of talk, but no one went to put out the fire.

Because they didn't know that the head of the group had set up a tender nest outside the town hall.

Shi Jianye took most of the people away, and all the puppet soldiers who stayed in the town went to work, and the puppet soldiers who were sleeping lazily also got up and put on their clothes and trousers.

The puppet soldiers responsible for the defense of the city hurriedly assembled with their guns on their backs, and then the officials led them, picked up pots, pans, brooms, etc., and went to the back of the town hall to help prevent the fire from spreading.

The ear-piercing police whistle outside, the noisy coughing and coughing in the alley outside the courtyard, and the sound of hurriedly running footsteps all alarmed the more than [-] detainees immediately.

They looked up at the window one after another and saw the fiery red that illuminated the sky from the window.

He finally heard people shouting for firefighting everywhere, and the leading company commander hurriedly stopped the grassroots commanders from moving rashly, got up and went to the window to see the situation.

The students who had been trained by the red instructors had already opened their minds, and several people were poaching corners.

At this time, it would not be worthwhile if the guards and puppet troops from the Second Regiment outside came to check because of the disturbance.

Standing by the door were two puppet soldiers on duty, looking out from time to time at the soaring flames at the back door of the town hall in the distance.

Listening to the noisy yelling from the fire scene and the clanging of pots and pans, they muttered to each other and guessed the cause of the fire.

Suddenly, I saw the platoon leader who was hiding in the courtyard diagonally opposite brought someone over, thinking that I was afraid that something might happen here, so I hurriedly reported: "Report to the platoon leader, everyone in the room is very quiet."

"Yeah," the fake platoon leader spit out a word from his nose and waved to the back: "Damn it, quickly bring everyone out to me."

Two black shadows came from the dark corner of the alley like ghosts, and followed directly behind the two puppet soldiers.

The two puppet soldiers walking in front suddenly found someone behind them, thinking that they were hiding in the farthest distance, there should be no one behind, and they were about to look back.

He suddenly felt a chill on his half-turned neck, followed by something hot rushing towards the cold place.

The knife edge where the artery was severed was indeed spraying moonlight and shining something gray, and it seemed that it was difficult to breathe.

He wanted to exclaim, but found a sharp pain in his throat, and his body twitched subconsciously.

It seemed that a hot body was leaning against him, and then he felt that his body was being supported, and the severe pain in his neck made his head involuntarily tilted to one side.

I felt that my body was carried into the shadow of the wall on the side of the alley where the moonlight could not reach.

Only then did he see his companion who was still talking to him about nasty jokes just now. After the two got close together, he finally understood what happened.

He watched as the two black-clothed ghosts tore off his rifle and bullet belt, and followed his brother who had just come down from the roof not far ahead as if no one else was there.

Another puppet soldier turned his head to the back, looking at the dark shadows, four ghosts came out, followed the dog's brain and lost consciousness, and fell into the boundless darkness.
Only the body was still twitching.
Because the fire illuminated the sky, the alley under the moonlight was only a little dark, not completely dark.

Even at a distance, I still can't see the face clearly.

The gates of some nearby courtyards were open, because the puppet troops who were about to gather did not bother to close the gates.

The moonlight illuminates the gate from the yard, forming irregular sharp triangles at the gate.

The noise in the distance made this short alley look eerie.

Looking at the two figures with spears behind them, there is no difference between gray and black under the moonlight.

The two puppet soldiers didn't care, and asked casually: "Hey, we are gathering at this time, why are you sending me to the barracks?"

The two people behind were farther away, knowing that there would be no answer, he still asked.

The alley is a bit gloomy, and the night breeze is cool, and it seems to have a bloody smell.

The two black shadows at the back tightened the rifle belt with one hand to avoid the sound of the rifle colliding with the body, and heard the questioning of the person in front.

It seems that I am too lazy to answer, maybe I am still thinking about the answer.

Every time the cloth shoes take a step forward, there will be a light landing sound.

Occasionally, it is accompanied by the sound of kicking small stones.

The black shadow walking in the dimness has not spoken.

The pace is neither fast nor slow, and he does not deliberately speed up the pace, but just keeps walking forward.

It seems to be a ghost that came out of the graveyard in the dark
"Wang Sanpao, you two, don't pretend on purpose"

"What are you pretending to be?" asked one of the two approaching ghosts.

"You're not San Pao, and you're not Er Manzi either?"

"Blessed Blessed Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable." The other party spat out verses.

The tone is unfamiliar.

The ghost followed and approached the two puppet soldiers who stopped and turned to be vigilant and a little nervous.

"Borrow a fire." The other party refused to let go, stretched out the hand pulling the rifle strap, and stretched it directly towards the puppet soldier's neck.

Then, the left hand that had been swinging all the time stuck out like lightning, and the bayonet tip pierced the thin cotton military uniform on the abdomen, pushing the abdomen back out of a pit.

Skin elasticity reaches its limit.

The bayonet tip continued to strike, emptying the dirty skin, and the following blade cut through the subcutaneous fat and cut open the abdominal muscles.

The handle of the knife was pressed down, and the tip of the knife was turned upward, pushing the fist-sized heart, which was beating half faster than usual, out a certain distance, and then came into contact with the blood inside.
The bayonet of the other phantom hand pierced straight into the spleen from the half side to the back of the puppet army, and rotated ninety degrees with the bayonet.
The movement is agile, without trembling at all.

Following that, the right hand suddenly exerted force, directly crushing the cartilages of the throats of the two puppet soldiers one after another.

One of the voices murmured: "Hey, you said that if you stab that 'spleen', the enemy will die on the count of fifteen?"

"That's right. It's exactly the same time as when you cook lamb belly by counting to fifteen."

The two ghosts who followed panted heavily and stripped off all the clothes and equipment on the puppet army.

A low voice muttered: "They must also be commanders who have participated in the Anti-Japanese War!"

"How do you know?" A female voice said coldly.

"Hey, I heard that everyone from the secret service team has come this time?" The voice of laughing and speaking was still very weak.

"Shut up, can you talk nonsense about this?" the female voice warned.

Followed by.

A figure holding a machine gun began to climb up the roof, and another black figure who was stepped on his feet grinned and grunted.

The flames in the distance seemed to show no signs of abating.

Then, a black shadow with a sky-high braid stepped on the black shadow's thigh with his left foot, and stepped on the black shadow's shoulder with his right foot.

The one who went up to the roof first leaned out and lay down on the roof, stretched out his right hand and pulled the soaring braid to the roof.

Xiao Zhui'er immediately lay down in front of the edge of the roof, inserted a long magazine into the shell gun, and then snapped the handle of the shell gun into the slot of the holster.

He tried it on his shoulder, and put the gun beside him in front of him.

The view from the roof is wider, so it is easier to observe.

The little hand reached into the backpack, took out the Browning Huakou small oar captured by the original Water Conservation Regiment Commander Gou, and pulled the sleeve bullet to load it with a clatter.

Next to the braid.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er, who had just climbed up, took off the two rifles on his back, pulled out a shell gun, and pressed down the nose.
(End of this chapter)

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