under fire

Chapter 1309 Makeup Penetration

Chapter 1309 Makeup Penetration

"Captain, the hole has been dug!" There was a noisy sound outside, and the puppet army took away all the belts with metal buckles on the students, completely soaked the wall by urinating, and used their nails to dig out the hole that allowed one person to get out. Hole.

"Captain, the security post of the puppet army in the backyard seems to have been withdrawn." The arhat leaned against the roof and looked out from the gap between the roof tiles and the wall, and the soldier who slid off the shoulders of his comrades came to the window and reported in a low voice.

"Don't panic, let's go one by one!" The student leader standing by the window was calm and calm, and couldn't help taking a deep breath: "Be alert immediately after going out, pay attention to the situation behind the wall, and if the enemy finds out, first lure the enemy away "


There was movement at the gate of the courtyard, and footsteps followed.

Someone in the alley outside the courtyard lit a torch.

The two puppet soldiers standing guard at the gate turned and walked into the yard.

More puppet soldiers followed with rifles in hand.

A voice yelled at the window: "Everyone here is listening, the officer thinks you are very obedient, so I will take you to the barracks."

If it wasn't for the fire in the town hall, there is no need to panic at all, just go to the barracks with these guys at gunpoint.

The puppet army who was born as a bandit is not stupid, so there is no need to make trouble at this time.

The company commander standing at the window suppressed the tension in his heart, stood at the window without moving and sneered: "Hehe, if you say disarm, you will disarm, and if you say let us go to the barracks in the middle of the night, you will go to the barracks. Are you playing us like monkeys?"

"Don't be shameless, hurry up and line up and wait for the old men to come in, gun butts don't recognize people"

The hastily dug holes are not big, so they can only be drilled out one by one.

The captain was anxious: "Brother, can you tell me, there was a lot of gunshots in the north just now, and we went over so late, what's the matter?"

How dare these guys be disobedient?The squad leader who entered the courtyard immediately became impatient and waved his hands: "Fart if you dare to be an old man, brothers, take a torch and go in to pick up people, whoever is disobedient will be shot on the spot."

What the pseudo-squad leader said was actually just a scare.

The puppet army who had been with him for a long time didn't take it seriously, and yelled with bluff: "Slip up, come out quickly."

Under normal circumstances, when it comes to this point, the other party will definitely come out obediently
It really doesn't have to be such a hassle to get in.
But the appearance is still to be done, two puppet soldiers are in front, and a torch lighter is walking towards the door of the house behind.

"Okay, come out now." Seeing that the other party really wants to come in, the captain became more and more anxious, gestured quietly, and then turned his head to delay time: "Quickly get up and line up to arrange the military uniforms so that the brothers will not underestimate us."

The two soldiers immediately unbuttoned their military uniforms and went out, followed by the gate, blocking the three puppet soldiers who came in.

Yawn, rub your eyes, grind your military uniform buttons, and wear your military cap
Time passed by minute by minute.

"Oh!" The soldier standing at the door suddenly lost his feet: "My legs are numb."

The soldier next to him quickly reached out to grab it.

Li Laosi, who had grabbed his tongue earlier and finished his questioning, stood side by side with Crazy Yang in the darkness of the alley, not daring to speak.

Some of the puppet soldiers yawned from time to time, waiting for the people in the yard to come out.

Wait another ten minutes, send these people to Beiying, and ignore their business.

At that time, maybe I can go back to town and sleep for half the night.

Hearing voices coming from the yard from time to time, in the old nest, there are not so many taboos.

The false platoon leader lit his cigarette directly.

Seeing the officials doing this, the puppet soldiers next to them were not far behind, they took out cigarettes and stuffed them into their mouths, and then lit the fire.

The puppet soldier standing next to Liu Yuanqing took out a cigarette and touched it for a while: "Hey, where are my matches?"

After thinking about it, he shook out two cigarettes in his hand and handed one to Liu Yuanqing: "Wang Sanpao, use the matches."

This guy spoke with a condescending tone. Obviously, the outermost Wang Sanpao and Er Manzi were the two most popular in the entire puppet army.

Although the rivers and lakes are small, there are still storms.

Infiltrating in black night makeup, the person performing the task first judges the person who was touched and his body.

The figures of Wang Sanpao and Er Manzi mentioned by the puppet army happened to be similar to the tall Liu Yuanqing and Li Laosi.

That's why the puppet army's first reaction was confused.

If you look carefully, even if the two are standing in the dark, there is still a big difference.

After being busy for a long time, the puppet army can only refresh themselves by smoking
Listen to the other party asking for matches.

Liu Yuanqing slowly groped his body and remained silent for a long time.

The little girl and the guerrillas deployed defenses from two directions on the periphery, but the deployment was disrupted because of the sudden gathering of puppet troops.

The three night bird cries of all the ministries being in place have not been heard, and I can't help but secretly worry.

With two shell guns stuck in his back waist, he was judging the probability of success if he did it rashly.

It's very difficult.

Because the puppet army stood too densely and the damage of shell shells was limited, it was still possible for the puppet army to fight back after being shot.

Some regretted not bringing a machine gun or a submachine gun.

Otherwise, just him and Li Laosi would be able to bring down all the puppet troops.

There must be a delay.

After touching the matches for a long time, the puppet army on the opposite side waited impatiently: "Is there any of your mother, why don't you say something?"

A flame flashed nearby, and another puppet soldier lit a match
Then he moved to the mouth of the cursing puppet army.

Under the firelight, two impostors with big-brimmed hats covering half of their faces appeared in the light of the matches
"Hey, what are you doing with a white towel wrapped around your arm?" The puppet soldiers who had been bandits for many years immediately realized that something was wrong. There were so many bandit soldiers in this area. Not less: "Aren't you Wang Sanpao?"

There was a sudden change.

Wandering on the edge of life and death for a long time, the puppet army who struck a match immediately pulled the rifle on his back before he lit the puppet army with the cigarette in his mouth.

With Liu Yuanqing's calm personality, he just lied a few words and said that the firefighter just came here, so he could easily delay it for a while.

Although the opponent pulled the gun, the distance was very close, and he could avoid the opponent's muzzle with a short dodge.

I have long known that the five or six hundred bandit soldiers from the Second Regiment came from different places, and it is normal for them not to know each other.

It's a pity that Li Laosi's experience is far behind, seeing the other party raise a gun.

Quickly discard the bayonet that was held backwards in your hand, reach your back waist with your left and right hands, pull out the shelling gun, press the machine head, and dry
flash of fire
bang bang
The distance between the two is less than two meters.
No need to aim.

The opponent has not pulled the bolt yet, and there is no need to dodge.
Then, Li Laosi dodged directly from the darkness to the middle of the alley, and fired suddenly with the pistol in his hand.
The powerful recoil keeps the muzzle beating.
At this time, I don't even care whether there are people of my own in the puppet army!
Liu Yuanqing had black threads all over his head, so he had no choice but to pull out the barge gun, and had no time to insert the barge gun into the holster hanging behind him.

Under the moonlight and in the darkness by the wall, the dense crowd of puppet soldiers who heard the gunfire and turned back suddenly opened fire.

Da da da.
The light machine guns in the hands of Wen and Wuquan opened fire, and the puppet army crowd in the courtyard was raging
Shopkeeper Cheng Er held a grenade in his hand, hesitated for a while, but finally didn't pull the trigger.
Xiao Hongying

(End of this chapter)

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