under fire

Chapter 1310 The Red Instructor Is Here

Chapter 1310 The Red Instructor Is Here

Xiao Hongying lightly pressed the trigger.

A ball of flames flashed at the muzzle of the gun.

The small shoulder trembled violently when the rifle hit him.

The puppet army machine gunner who hurried up to the roof heard gunshots in the yard opposite the gate, pulled the trigger and was ready to fire at any time.

The bullet that flew suddenly in the darkness penetrated into his head accurately.

The distance is very close, there is no need to hit the body.

While pulling the bolt of the gun, Xiao Hongying yelled at the shopkeeper Cheng Er: "Hurry up and throw the grenade."

Shopkeeper Cheng Er looked at the Anti-University student being pulled out, gritted his teeth, and threw the smoking and swirling grenade into the yard after pulling the fire.

Another shot hit the false platoon leader, and a crisp shout suddenly sounded in the darkness: "Ninety-nine."

The sound was extremely penetrating, and it passed through the dense gunfire of the shell gun and spread to the middle of the courtyard.

Inside are the students she personally brought out, with a unique voice and nine meanings, they must be able to understand.

in the yard.

After grinding and chirping for a while, they were still escorted to the three students blocking the door in the yard.

First, he heard gunshots suddenly sounded outside the courtyard wall, and he was shocked at first, but he didn't know why.

The puppet soldier next to him was asking what happened with a loud voice.

He heard that strange but familiar voice drilled between the gunshots.

Red instructor?
Ninety-nine?It means that our attack has started, and fire suppression is about to be carried out. All assault personnel need to find cover on the spot.

Not the common "down" command!
The three figures in the yard suddenly rushed forward on the spot, and less than a second after hearing the sound, the three of them had already thrown the person beside them down.

Although it is possible to block the enemy's shrapnel, there is at least a [-]% survival rate!

The remaining puppet soldiers next to them looked at everything in front of them in a daze, and their first reaction was that these Eight Routes who finally got out of the house were going to riot.

Immediately turned the gun and pointed it at the entangled shadows on the ground, a puppet soldier cursed: "You mother, dare to resist, I am shot dead."

The word "you" has not yet been exported
The explosion of a grenade in the middle of the yard suddenly shook the moonlit night, and the mess that was thrown up into the sky fell like rain, and the surrounding area crackled and crackled.

The three black shadows who were lying on the ground one step ahead shook their heads and raised their heads.

My ears are buzzing, but I can't hear anything.

Naturally, he didn't know if there would be a new order, and the black shadow started to move.

Actively lying down and being blown up are completely different things, even if there is an injury, it will basically not be fatal.

Instead of pulling the rifle that was tightly woven in the hands of the puppet soldier next to it, he directly pulled the bayonet hanging from the puppet soldier's waist.

Many soldiers have suffered such losses when they used to fight with the enemy hand-to-hand with spears and broadswords.

Seeing that the enemy is injured or thinking that the enemy is dead, he will grab the rifle in the enemy's hand if he wants to.

Only after studying this time did I realize that doing so is a very risky act of committing suicide.

An enemy who is injured or dying holds a gun with great strength, even if his fingers are broken, he will not necessarily let go.

Because, at this time, his hope is all in his hands, the pain caused by physical injuries will make people go to extremes, either directly let go and cover the wound, or hold the straw in his subconscious mind more than life.

The instructor said that only a dead enemy is a good enemy.

If the enemy is not good enough, make him a good enemy first.

The instructor said that the bayonet cannot be stabbed in the chest, because it is likely to be stuck by the enemy's sternum.

Therefore, stabbing the neck or stabbing the abdomen is the first choice.

In the hot summer, wearing thin clothes, a sharp bayonet can easily pierce the enemy's belly.

Seeing the figure next to him raising his bayonet, he realized that the puppet soldier whose mind was full of stars quickly got up, stumbled and ran out.

At this time, I just want to stay away from these devils.

In the smoky yard, there were screams of wailing and panic, and their ears were still buzzing. For them, it was like watching a silent movie.

As for returning fire, let the niggas do it
"Six six." The clear voice under the moonlight pierced through the shell gun again.

Six represents change of defense.
Hearing the gunshots, he shouted "Nine-Nine" following the red instructor, and then the grenade exploded.

In just a few seconds, the captain standing behind the window in the room immediately reacted.

The voice was trembling with excitement: "Comrades, the red instructor is here. Come out with me."

The soldiers who didn't have time to rush out of the hole in the wall followed behind the captain, rushed out of the gate and shouted: "Move." "Move."

Movement is zero, which means returning to the starting point.

It is the password to identify friend or foe during melee in the dark.

After stabbing six or seven soldiers of the puppet army in a row, they saw their comrades rushing out. Although they couldn't hear the shouts from their mouths, they still ignored them and screamed strangely: "Move."

The crackling sound outside the courtyard is intermittent and seems to never stop
The so-called three-three system cover, one soldier lowers the shooting frequency and fires, and the other soldier hides behind the firing comrades, and must prepare for a new round of shooting before the comrades' weapons and bullets are exhausted.

At this time, the firepower is weakened, and the main target is to deal with nearby targets. If the enemy in the distance fires back, he can only block the comrades behind him stubbornly, and use his flesh and blood to buy time for his comrades to press bullets or change magazines.

As an assaulter, I usually carry two shredders on my body, and six short magazines. I have enough ammunition, so I don’t need to think about pressing bullets into the magazines. Short-range continuous firepower is a priority.

If in the daytime, the commandos are fighting against the devils, the commandos are death squads, and the death rate is as high as 80.00%.

Injured 20.00%. Unscathed, almost impossible!

In addition to suppressing the raindrops of machine gun fire, the devils also had riflemen shooting accurately.

After assaulting the enemy about 30 meters away, densely packed grenades fell from the sky like hailstones. Under such firepower, the whole body retreated.

Eighteen generations of ancestral graves must smoke together.

The dark night is a completely different situation, and the enemy is a mob of puppet troops. As long as they can blend in with the enemy crowd, they are like wolves in a herd of sheep.
This is why Liu Yuanqing dared to take the risk of attacking.

Four shelling guns fired more than 60 bullets, but failed to kill all the puppet soldiers standing in the alley outside the courtyard gate preparing to detain prisoners
Because, as soon as the gunshot rang out, the puppet soldiers who were originally bandits subconsciously lay down on the ground and ran away from the gunshot.

This is their instinct, and it is also the capital for them to survive countless battles in the chaos.

There was only one thought in my mind, how could this be the Tuba Road I had seen before.

This is the master, it is the eighth master, the eighth master is so crazy!

It's a god, it's a god, how can a man fight a god?
The puppet soldiers in the alley yelled in their hearts for the protection of the Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun, Tathagata Buddha, and Songzi Guanyin, and began to flee westward
"Daddy save me."

"Baye, please forgive me."

For a while, near the entrance of the compound, there were still people shouting and screaming, some people were crying and crawling, some were running away with all their strength, and the shell guns still rang out regularly.

Liu Yuanqing and Li Laosi hit with all their strength, plus Wen Wuquan on the roof who was changing magazines, more than a hundred rounds of bullets, actually killed or wounded a dozen puppet soldiers!

The first reaction of the beaten dog was to jump into the nest, and the puppet army ran to the northern barracks desperately.

The sound of hurried footsteps, running off shoes, throwing away the big-brimmed hat, and holding a fire stick in his hand has no intention of fighting back.
Injured and unable to run, he desperately yelled for his brothers to take him away.

I bumped my head against the shop next to the street, hoping that the familiar shopkeeper inside would open the door and let me go in to avoid it.

It's a pity that the shopkeeper behind the door greeted the whole family to join the battle, firmly against the door panel.

Before the gunfire ends and the sun rises, the door will not be opened even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes outside!
"Something went wrong! Something went wrong and the eight roads came..."

 The digital password is made up, so don't ask about CQB tactical training
(End of this chapter)

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