under fire

Chapter 1311

The raging fire in the city shows no signs of abating.

I heard the puppet soldiers screaming heart-piercingly in the street.

The devil team who had just arrived at the North Camp to rest hurriedly grabbed their guns and copied their equipment, and rushed to the playground to complete the team.

The puppet army that had been staying behind was in a mess, and they assembled urgently amidst the harsh whistle.

The phone crank was shaken wildly, and someone from the Wei County Military Department who had called before finally answered: "Hello, where?"

"The car here is going to Zhenbeiying. Unidentified armed forces attacked the town office. Take me back to Longzhen Beiying." The caller didn't directly say eight ways.

After a while, the operator's indifferent voice came from the phone: "I can't reach you."

Shi Jianye's subordinates said that there were two battalions, but in fact there were more than that. Who doesn't have a little girl in mind?

After taking two battalions out, only more than two hundred remained, and seven to eighty people scattered to garrison in various artillery villages outside the town.

A platoon guarded criminals, and some of them went out to fight the fire. There were less than a hundred people in the North and South Battalions.

There was a lot of gunfire in Zhenbei before, and it was found out that the imperial army was attacked. The puppet battalion commander hurriedly took his guards and puppet troops to the Zhenbei camp to receive them. Now with more than half of the infantry squad of the imperial army, the total number is more than a few hundred.

Lieutenant Guizi did not directly command the pseudo-battalion commander. He knew very well that these mobs had no fighting power at all.

If anything happens, these guys can't count on it at all.

Moreover, he has always suspected that Zhenbei was ambushed, and these duplicitous guys might also be involved.

The pseudo-battalion commander is also an old bandit. He guessed that it was the Eighth Route Army who took action earlier, and it may be that they planned to cooperate with internal and external riots to rescue them.

The buried landmine may have been prepared for the Yin Autonomous Army, which happened to blow up the Imperial Army convoy.

The purpose of setting fire to the town hall was to play tricks on the self-government army detaining prisoners.

He heard that the gunfire was not dense, and there were imperial troops in command now, so he was not very nervous.

Just a few bluffing rats!

There was one question that he couldn't figure out: Did the Eight Roads have their brains trapped by the door, thinking that they would send twenty or thirty people, and wanted to recruit a team of eight or nine hundred people, the head of the group, what a whimsical idea!

Standing on the roof of the barracks, seeing the puppet soldiers under him running desperately towards the northern camp, something seemed a little wrong.

Could it be that those eight routes really killed all the guards' subordinates?
If this is the case, things will be troublesome, because the ones locked there are not ordinary eight roads, it is said that they are anti-university students.

It is equivalent to at least 40 people in the city of Balu.

The Eighth Route Army is desperate to fight, and now there are more than 100 of my men.
"Report to the battalion commander, the phone to the military headquarters cannot be made." The voice of the communication soldier came from downstairs.

"Give me an order to immediately send people to the gun tower, and all the people in the nearby villages to withdraw, surround the car and go to the town, let's catch a turtle in a urn!" Go back to Long Town by bike and ask the head for help!"

The escaped puppet army finally arrived: "Report to the battalion commander, we have been ambushed"

"You guarded around the courtyard, you said you were beaten and ambushed?" The puppet battalion commander was furious, this man did not know when he learned the great skills of the imperial army, he raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

The brains of the beaten puppet soldiers were buzzing, and they couldn't find the north for a while.

"Your mother's words, what the hell is going on?" The false battalion commander suddenly realized that he slapped his face before he finished asking, as if he hadn't learned the essence of the imperial army yet.

"We received an order to send those Eighth Routers to the North Camp. During the assembly, there was water in the town hall. Two Eighth Routers took the opportunity to sneak in. Then, they opened fire. There were also people on the roof with machine guns and others throwing grenades. .After the platoon leader died, we immediately fled, fought and retreated back. Brother, you have to be the master for us.” The puppet soldier who was beaten finally finished the story with a mournful face.

After the report, I thought to myself, when you come out of the cloud, I will definitely put a black gun behind your back. At that time, the leader of your own family will be able to stand on top of the battalion commander and reserve a seat.

Hearing this, the subordinate who had not been recruited for a long time said a long list, and roughly figured out what happened.

In other words, how many people are there in Eight Routes?

In the dark, the puppet battalion commander didn't notice the hatred in the puppet army's eyes, and began to plan foresight: the Eighth Route's night raids usually use crowd tactics.

Even if it was a rescue operation, even if he was killed, he would not believe that such a small number of people on the eighth road would dare to take a taxi to the town.

Moreover, the first division once returned to Long Town twice, who knows if their target this time will be on the car to go to town?

Suddenly felt a little timid, Eighth Road arranged for people to join the second group, but was arrested by the head of the group, and the head of the group took people back to Longzhen overnight.
Could it be a trap set up by Eight Routes to get news?
The head of the regiment has a relationship with the national army, and the relationship with the deputy chief of staff is also good. It's a big headache.

It's better to stay the same and respond to all changes: wait until the brothers scattered in Paolou Village come back and gather enough people to talk about it!
The gun rang for a long time.

The puppet soldiers in the barracks are motionless!

Lieutenant Devil, who was standing behind the car driver and held up his binoculars, had a headache watching it.

He told Niaoyu, the interpreter standing by the side of the carriage: "Cheng Sang, go and call me the person in charge."

The translator shouted majestically at the puppet soldiers waiting under the car.

The puppet army immediately turned around and ran away, and hurriedly invited the battalion commander who was watching from the roof to the side of the car.

"Report to Taijun, Zhou Shuben, the deputy of the second battalion of the first brigade and second regiment of the Autonomous Army, will report to you." The second regiment has only two battalions, and the pseudo-battalion commander did not dare to say that he is the battalion commander.

After chatting with the devil for a while, the translator turned his head: "Battle Commander Zhou, right? The Taijun ordered the left-behind team to leave the camp immediately after gathering, and sent people to guard the four city gates. Now, barricades are set up at the intersection of Zhenbei Road."

The pseudo first company commander in charge of the defense of the barracks received the order, and hurriedly led a platoon on a shift, ran out of the camp and turned a corner.

Immediately spread out and move the sandbags in front of the north store in Qiandui Town to the middle of the road.

The gunshots in the town became sparse after a while.

A bicycle rattled and rattled and approached quickly.

The two figures were hidden in the darkness under the moonlight in the southeast of the town, their bodies almost integrated with the environment.

Communicate in bird language from time to time.

Under the faint moonlight, only two blurred figures could be seen clearly.

A figure immediately dispersed to the other side of the path.

Junichiro Suzuki put the butt of his rifle against his shoulder, and loaded it with a clatter.

Following the leveling of the muzzle of the gun, he aimed at the approaching black shadow.

The muzzle flame of the Mauser rifle flashed violently.

The recoil hit his shoulders violently, and his body trembled slightly.

For a brief moment, he could clearly see the figures of the two puppet soldiers riding on bicycles.

Wearing clothes and riding bicycles in the middle of the night is Tubalu's favorite thing to do.

The two bicycles immediately tipped over into a roadside ditch.

The one who was not shot quickly pulled the rifle from behind, preparing to fire a random shot before running away.

Another shot rang out, and the Nanbu large-caliber pistol was fired from the chamber.

Knock down another black shadow who is ready to shoot.

Then there was a scream.

The head shaking from side to side is quite regular.

Even in a moonlit night, at such a short distance, it is not difficult for Suzuki Junichiro to accurately hit the target.

The screams stopped immediately.

The rapid-fire gunshots were brief.

The two devils can't speak Chinese, there is no translator, and it's useless to catch their tongues.

Suzuki lay motionless under the moonlight, his body almost becoming one with the surrounding environment.

After a while, the sound of insects around was still there, and Suzuki finally let out a soft chirp.

The black shadow on the opposite side of the path started to get up, and his body swayed from side to side in a tactical offensive manner, approaching the black shadow who should have been killed.

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