under fire

Chapter 1312 Smashing My Pot and Burning Your House

If you stay in the dark night of insects and frogs for a long time, your ears will give your brain an illusion.

Even the sporadic gunfire from the town could not tear away the silence of the moonlit night.

"No." The bird's voice was short.

"It seems that the target is still in the town." Suzuki Junichiro said calmly.

"Staying here is the best choice." The two devils hid bicycles near the road and waited for nearly an hour.

"Using ambush tactics against a few anti-Japanese elements is a humiliation to the warriors of the empire." Suzuki Junichi felt from the bottom of his heart that if he continued to wait, he would only lose the glory of the invincible God of War.

Hearing from the words that Senior Suzuki was about to attack, Soi Ying muttered: "Okay, I'll move these bicycles to a different position first."

"No need, they don't have a chance to ride bicycles anymore" It's like an adult beating a three-year-old child, but also relying on sneak attacks, saying it will only make your face look bad.

Habitually checked the guns and ammunition again, took a bridge clip and five rounds of bullets from the two self-governing troops who had just killed by mistake, and added them to the number I was satisfied with: 55.

As early as the Edo period, May [-]th was Boys' Day.

In his opinion, the Dragon Boat Festival on this land is an insult to this number, because it means death.

And on the day when he was 15 years old on May [-]th Boys' Day, his sister let him know for the first time that it was the beginning of life.

If you sleep, the night will pass without you knowing it.

The gunshots stimulated the nerves, and I forgot the time.

Another bullet flew ferociously from the roof, crossed the long street, and arrogantly brought out a cloud of blood mist, and continued along the street to slam into the big wooden gate of Zhenbei. It was a pity that it could not be embedded in the wood for a permanent memory, and fell into the rut Draw short blots.

The autonomous army machine gunners behind the barricades were penetrated, and the intermittent light machine gun calls stopped.

The gloomy muzzle flare group disappeared.The lieutenant's mood suddenly improved a lot. Hearing the irregular light machine gun fire, he really wanted to pull out his pistol and kill that guy.

Now that he was wiped out by Tuba Road, there was a tinge of pleasure in his heart.
When the machine gun fired again, illuminating the street in front of the sandbag wall again and again, the lieutenant became in a bad mood again.

There was no one on the street, not even a shadow of No. [-] Middle School.

He finally understood why these imperial association troops were so vulnerable.

Machine guns either provide suppressive fire for the attacking warriors to attack, or provide interdiction fire for rare retreats.

He didn't understand that the puppet soldiers on the barricade had to let the barrel of the machine gun red because of his watching
The lieutenant has not let his elites join the battlefield until now, and the situation of the enemy is unknown.

Although the town is not big, it is full of shelters, and street fighting is complete in the dark, and it is very likely to fall into a melee where the enemy cannot be identified.

Because Balu is cunning, he likes to pick clothes from dead bodies.

No commander would do such a thing, it's a complete fight.

It's not worthwhile to use the offensive elite life to exchange heads with Tubalu, even if it can be a one-to-five battle loss.

He was waiting, waiting for the false battalion commander to block the four gates of the town first, and then set up firepower points in the open ground.

As long as it is dawn, even if you don't go through the city gate on the Tuba Road in the town, it is still a dead end to climb over the wall and escape outside the town!
Relying on the powerful firepower of the imperial army, the precise long-distance killing of the snipers, the excellent shooting skills of the imperial army warriors, and the imperial army leading the way, they searched for those mice from house to house
No matter whether you run away or not, it is a dead end.

At that time, grab a few injured Balu and pour gasoline, and watch the fire dance with screams, just think about it and get excited.
It had been a long time since he had played such a game of cat and mouse, and he was looking forward to it.

Seeing the performance of the Imperial Association Army guarding the north of the town, and thinking of being attacked by the Eight Route Army with more than [-] casualties, he began to doubt his decision again.
town hall.

Hearing the gunshots, the puppet soldiers and residents fighting the fire stopped clamoring and hid in the nearby courtyard and house.

Seeing that there are eight roads shuttling in the streets and alleys, they dare not shoot.
In the dilapidated compound.

The smoke still hadn't completely dissipated.

in the corner.

Pei Xianglan's face turned pale, and she pouted: "There are loopholes in your plan, can you blame us?"

Shopkeeper Cheng Er's face was dark: "Don't talk about it, you didn't complete the outflanking task as planned, and accidentally injured comrades, and all of them were captured. Are you reasonable?"

"I saw them wearing puppet uniforms"

"Go back to your superiors for a review."

"Give us back the gun first!"

Shopkeeper Cheng Er got angry: "Shut up."

The students who got out from the hole in the back wall collided with the outflanking guerrillas with bare hands.

The guerrillas fired nervously, accidentally killing one cadet and injuring two.

The trainees recognized the guerrillas from their clothes, but all the guerrillas were captured
Xiao Hongying ignored it and was arranging an attack mission.

That's right, not a retreat, but an attack.

Now the situation is gradually clear, and knowing the idea of ​​the main force of the second regiment dispatching to fight the first regiment, then I will take your old nest.

"Report to the platoon leader, there are not many of us now, and there are less than 50 people who can fight." Wen Wuquan has already counted the number of people.

"Except for the guerrillas, we actually only have one reinforced platoon." Liu Yuanqing frowned: "The main reason is that there is a serious shortage of ammunition for the pistol! This battle cannot be fought."

"Check the ammunition!" Xiao Hongying resolutely ordered: "The shell gun bullets should be concentrated in the commando."

"Girl, have you been possessed by Crazy Yang?" Li Laosi next to him changed his clothes.

"Call the instructor!" Xiao Hongying's face darkened, she really wanted to go back to Long Town, but suddenly she was worried about the vixen who stayed in the town.

The people who borrowed from Wang Jingchang didn't know when they would arrive.

These devils must be dragged here!

In exchange for Li Laosi's white eyes: "Cut"

"With the commander present, the instructor cannot direct the battle." After Liu Yuanqing muttered, he arranged the combat mission again.

The puppet army finally stopped shooting.

The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood silenced the entire street leading directly to the North and South Gates.

The night wind blows.

The croaking of insects and frogs outside the town is still the same.

The shops and houses on both sides of the street are sleeping in the gray moonlight.

Li Laosi saw Liu Yuanqing on the roof next to him stop, then got down on the ground, and pulled all the civil and military men behind him onto the roof.

Followed by more than ten black shadows, they quietly dispersed from the nearby roofs.

Wen Wuquan pulled out the grenade, swung it a few times, took a few glances, and finally pointed at the Zhenbei barracks.

The barracks is blocked by a wall, and the position of the car above the wall can still be seen from the roof, but the distance cannot be judged.

Liu Yuanqing's arrangement is not complicated, the more complicated the tactics are in the dark, the more difficult it is to execute.

Li Laosi was in charge of the west, and he led people to attack from the east, with the main target being the Devil's car.

Big man Yang had a light machine gun strapped to his back and didn't need a ladder at all. He kicked on the wall and jumped straight up to the roof.

Liu Yuanqing, who climbed up with a rifle on his back, raised his thumbs up: "Good skill"

Liu Yuanqing crawled on the roof to the north edge, stopped quietly, gently put the rifle aside, and pulled out the binoculars to observe quietly.

There is an open field between the barracks of the puppet army and the nearby houses, estimated to be more than [-] meters away.

A Jap can be seen from the slope behind a machine gun on top of the car's cab.

After a while, he made a gesture to the back.

Then quietly start targeting the Jap Heavy on the left car.

He waited, waiting for the ordered fighters in the street to take cover and fire.

He believed that as long as the puppet military machine guns behind the barricades fired, the flashes would definitely blur the sight of the opponent's observers.

This time it was completely risky, there was only one grenade left in civil and military affairs, at least to attack the gate of the puppet army barracks.

The Devil's car tank must be hit with a machine gun.

The little devil really underestimated the enemy this time, and didn't turn the rear of the car to the gate that opened to the south.

It is also beneficial to do this, when chasing or taking action, you don't have to turn around when you go out.
Everything is fixed.

Under normal circumstances, the gate of the puppet army barracks located on the east side of the North-South Avenue directly to the east should be opened on the west side.

Maybe it was worried that people traveling from south to north would see the situation in the barracks, so they demolished some houses and opened the gate to the south.

Of course, if the gate faces south, it is also a matter of feng shui.
Self-governing army.

Knowing that the squad accompanied by the Imperial God of War was ambushed, Captain Guizi was a little uneasy.

Directly request the assault regiment of the military headquarters to attack overnight and send reinforcements to the town.
[About the extra-high team of the Gendarmerie Corps, please refer to the special episode "Secret Agents" from the starting point, and friends who are interested can learn about it]

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