under fire

Chapter 1313 Mistakes Can Be Fatal

Chapter 1313 Mistakes Can Be Fatal

With only this few people, the location of the firepower point was almost arranged.

Next, whether you can make it or not depends on whether God gives you a chance.

Soldiers often have to believe in fate, because grass grows on graves with bad luck.

After receiving the attack signal from the front, Xiao Hongying shouted: "Tactics No. [-], one shoots."

The soldiers hiding in No. [-] position at the west side of the street quickly stretched out their rifles, and fired the first shot at the barricade that was constantly flashing in the flames.

A bullet flew towards the barricade without any target at all, the simplest tactic of shooting and attracting.

The puppet army, backed by the imperial army, immediately fought back, the bullets began to roar, and the streets were noisy.

The bullet hit the wall on the west side of the street with a crackling sound, and the bricks and dirt flew together. Due to the angle, the deflected bullet rubbed against the shop door panel, splashing in the darkness with debris.

The soldiers who shrank their heads after firing a shot had long since disappeared. More than [-] puppet army rifles and a light machine gun were seized. Unfortunately, the puppet army did not have much ammunition.

You can't be extravagant, you have to save bullets.

The two soldiers lying on the east side quietly turned out from the corner of the wall, squatted down and then raised their guns to aim.

What they want is for the puppet army to fight back. As a prisoner, the angry blood flows quickly in the body. The experienced fighters don't deliberately think about how to shoot the target in the dark as instructor Liu said.

The puppet army shoots to the left, the rifle is one meter long, the distance is about [-] to [-] meters, the street is [-] meters wide, and the deviation is one, that is to say, it shoots to the right of the muzzle flame, not as before. , fires at the center of the flash formed when the enemy's rifle fires.

bang. bang.
Two spiritual bullets rushed out of the muzzle of the gun, and the half-squatting soldier took advantage of the recoil of the rifle to retreat towards the corner of the wall.

After the soldier lying on the ground quickly pulled the bolt and pushed the bullets into the chamber, the rifle was placed directly on the ground, and then rolled eastward to leave the battlefield.
I have never heard of such a way of throwing weapons on the battlefield
Rifles are the lifeblood of soldiers, but unfortunately the rifles they brought were disarmed by the puppet army.

The rifle in his hand was captured by the puppet army, so it is impossible to say how tacitly it cooperates with him. Whether he can hit the enemy can only be a matter of luck.

Not surprisingly, as soon as his body turned over the corner, the bullets fired back by the puppet army arrived.
This time, the enemy who had been coldly shot had been prepared, and the Czech finally opened fire.
The observer shouted excitedly on the roof holding the telescope: "Second and third positions, hit the target.!"

Looking at the spot where the bullet bounced off the bluestone slab, the soldiers who rolled out of the street broke out in a cold sweat. If they were [-] seconds late, they would probably be angry on the spot.

"Ah" "I've been shot." Leaning their backs against the wall, the two screamed excitedly
The puppet army's sub-rifles and light machine gun bullets were drawn to the east.

Then there was another shot from the west, much louder than a rifle.
Because, the three bullets rushed out of the muzzle almost at the same time.
The bullets fired back by the puppet army immediately turned to the west.

Then there was another scream.

In the alley, a voice murmured: "Can you laugh when your mother pretends to scream?"

Then, two fighters from the east slipped out from the corner again
Two more shots, then retreat
The traitors of the detective team who beat Xu Jinsen last time were unfamiliar with each other, resulting in casualties among the students.

This time Liu Yuanqing felt that stability was the priority, lurking under the nose of the enemy, so naturally he couldn't shout the password.

All the students I brought with me were the ones I personally trained, and it hurts to lose one of them.

Liu Yuanqing is different from Hu Yi. In terms of tactical theory, he even far surpasses Hu Yi.

But to really talk about actual life and death experience, it is at least ten blocks worse than Hu Yi!
On the battlefield, it is not that if you study for a few years, bullets will treat you politely.

The same is true for command. The battlefield is ever-changing, and the weak fight against the strong. No one can make a [-]% perfect battle plan.

Even the best plan depends on the strength of execution.

Taking advantage of the fact that Li Laosi was still burning after lighting the fire behind him, he kept gesturing backwards.

It was completely expected that the little devil who had just been ambushed acted like a coward and didn't come out.

It was a little surprising that the devils did not order the puppet army to attack as cannon fodder.

Just give up the commanding heights of the civilian houses opposite the barracks, how many times does this brain have to be caught by the door to do it!
What he didn't know was that Lieutenant Guizi didn't know what to do. Even if he ordered all the puppet troops to leave the barracks and attack the town, most of those damn Huangxie Kingdom would hide in the houses!

Secondly, the lieutenant intends to wait for the defense outside the town to return, and then he can consider launching an attack to test it out.

What's more, he didn't see a single dead body on the Eighth Road, one-third of his men were killed or injured, and he lost a car and a motorcycle. It's hard to explain this matter after returning!
That's why he was eager to let the puppet army come out and kill the eight-way people who were detained. Although more than 30 are not many, but after dawn, they can kill some ordinary people, and they can make up the number when they go back.
Liu Yuanqing silently recited the numbers in his heart, and when he counted to ten, he didn't yell "fight" or "fire" like the commander of the Eighth Route Army.

Pull the trigger directly.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Within a second, five rifles on the roofs of houses on the east and west sides of the puppet barricade opened fire almost simultaneously.
Then, five grenades on the east roof flew over a distance of more than [-] meters and smashed directly into the barracks of the puppet army.

Big Yang followed suit and pressed the trigger of the light machine gun.

Da da da. Da da da.
The bullets hit the front of the Devil's military vehicle and sparks splashed. It didn't matter whether the puppet soldiers fought back or not. According to Liu Yuanqing, just hit the big pig's nose of the vehicle.

Subconsciously, he should beat the devil tires. Although he didn't understand what kind of water tank Liu Yuanqing wanted him to give him, he still faithfully carried out the order.

The lingering sound of the machine gun still seemed to be lingering in the ears, and it seemed that all the gunfire suddenly disappeared, leaving only the screams at the barricade.

The sound of a bolt being pushed and loaded can be clearly heard in the dark.

The observer on the west roof shouted faintly: "The second team achieved the attack goal, and the puppet army on the barricade was completely wiped out."

On the east roof, the observer next to Liu Yuanqing immediately shouted: "The target of the machine gun on the roof of the devil's car has disappeared! The machine gun has completed the combat target."

Suddenly there were footsteps on the street.

Two or three groups attacked the puppet barricades from the front of the street.

The difference between a professionally trained professional soldier and a puppet soldier who spends his days thinking about making money, eating, drinking, having fun and gambling is immediately apparent.

Before the war, two people were obviously sent to the houses on both sides.

It's a pity that the guy was scared out of his wits and slipped into the house, his pants are still wet.

A squadron of more than ten puppet soldiers on the north side of the street all died.
In a platoon, there were only seventeen or eight left in a blink of an eye, and the false company commander who was born as a bandit was frightened dumbfounded.
The brothers who were still drinking together at night were wailing, and more of them didn’t even bark
Seeing that Ba Lu was blatantly approaching from the street, this one didn't have the guts to shoot back, and waved the small pistol in his hand: "Withdraw!"

If you don't retreat, you can't do it. There are eight roads on the west side of the roof staring down from above. If you go out from the hiding place, you will die!

The barracks were also filled with gunpowder by eight-way grenades.

The imperial army car was jingled by machine guns
It's a fart.

This guy made the big mistake of retreating off screen, which meant selling his back to the opponent.

If they just hide in the houses on both sides of the street and don't come out to continue to fight, let alone the eight roads on the roof, they will be called from the street.

There is nothing you can do about them!
It's a pity that he, who was born as a bandit, thought he was still the same as before. When he was surrounded by bandit forces from all walks of life, as long as he ran fast with oil on his feet, he would be able to escape.
Mistakes on the battlefield. Can be fatal.

(End of this chapter)

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