under fire

Chapter 1314

Chapter 1314

Spread out on the roof, the muzzles of more than a dozen rifles facing the barricades are in very good positions.

Unexpectedly, the puppet army suddenly came out of the house on the street, spread their legs and fled northward.

It takes time to go from seeing a false escape to aiming for a shot.

They looked for targets one after another, first picked the puppet army in the middle and aimed at the back, and the fleeing figure was bigger than the photo gate.

After the puppet army ran more than ten meters, the first row of guns finally fired. Because of the salvo, the gunfire did not seem to be intensive.

Seven or eight puppet soldiers fell and screamed.

The puppet army was 30 meters away from the barricade to the half-open north gate of the town.

If the movement is slow, the enemy will run away with one shot.

There was a sound of pulling the bolt of the gun and loading the bullet, and the puppet army had already run away.

You can only pick the best ones first.

The second row of gunshots rang out in disorder, and after the first row of gunshots, only three were killed.

The remaining seven puppet soldiers tried their best to escape from the north gate of the town in one go.

The car was hit by the eight-way machine gun wantonly, and then the observer heard that the barricade had fallen.

The ghost lieutenant who stayed in the northern camp had his nose up to his ears, and flew into a rage.

Now two of the three cars have been hit, and the motorcycle for mobile reconnaissance has also been lost.

The current situation is the same as the wild boar being slapped by a few mice holding the pig's head, or the mosquito biting a lion in the Western proverb.

Tuba Road is simply deceiving people too much!

Is it true that the imperial army is vegetarian?

Don't give them some color and see, this breath can't be swallowed.

First, he yelled at the translator and asked the puppet soldiers in the camp to immediately draw stools and lift the table on the wall to organize a counterattack.

Then ask the driver to turn the car parked on the playground around.

Then he ordered the devils to line up and prepare to attack!
Heavy guns were placed directly next to the damaged car to suppress fire.

The light machine guns were mounted on the fence, and the light machine gun group on the roof of the car was reorganized to provide cover for the warriors preparing to attack.

The grenadier dials the firepower of the eight-way machine gun at fixed points.

Twenty grenades, just wait for the heavy machine to sound before throwing it out.

After heavy fire, the infantry strikes.



The big deal is to exchange one with the Eighth Route Army, more injuries and fewer deaths in alley battles.

The imperial army has a hospital, and those who are seriously injured and not dead have a chance to be revived.

Balu lacked medical care and medicine, and was shot and scratched by shrapnel. Many people would die even if they were slightly injured.

The soldier and observer placed on the flanks felt his scalp tingle, and suddenly shouted: "Four four four four"

"Retreat" screamed along with Liu Yuanqing on the roof.

Flames flashed on the walls of the barracks.

Tom tom tom.
chug chug.
blah blah.
Bang bang bang.
Under extreme conditions, it can run more than ten meters from a static state in two seconds.

However, the roof here is uneven, and the soldiers who are close to the street can only retreat along the roof.

Fighters on the edge of the roof can jump directly to the roof.

The fighters attacking north on the street had just pulled back the machine guns behind the barricades, and the Devils machine guns and puppet army rifles followed suit on the wall only ten meters away.

The soldiers on the roof on the west side of the street also withdrew for a certain distance, and the soldiers fired back and kept suppressing the devils' machine guns and puppet troops on the wall.

call out.
A bullet accurately hit the Devil's machine gunner, and directly hit the Devil's machine gun on the dumb wall.

The inferiority of the puppet army's fear of death appeared again. Seeing that the machine gun of the imperial army next to it was dumb, they immediately shrank their heads.


The soldier holding the machine gun was shot twice, and still tried his best to pull the light machine gun out of the barricade.

The soldier next to him fell down on the spot.

I touched the neck of my comrade-in-arms. There was no movement.
Suppress the fear and sadness in your heart.

He pulled the light machine gun casually, unloaded the empty magazine, took out the bullets in the bullet pouch, and pressed them in one by one.

Bullets whizzed overhead.

Boom boom boom.
Rooftops, barricades, explosions everywhere.

The blasted tiles shot around, were thrown high, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

An occasional tracer shot appeared, illuminating the avenue lit by still-burning fires.

The Devil's heavy machine gun on the ground is rather sad, because the eight roads and one retreat, due to the shooting range, it is completely a display.

Immediately after hitting a bullet, the shooting stopped, and the machine gun team began to lift the heavy machine gun to the cargo compartment of the car, intending to replace the reorganized light machine gun team on the roof of the rack.

Then, the devils came out in groups of three from the gate of the barracks.

Some rushed to the street, some began to run forward in the open, and the other part spread out to the east to climb the fence.

Behind them, the puppet soldiers carrying ladders hurried out.

on the street.

Soldiers at the front of the barricade loaded full magazines into machine guns.

Pull the machine gun now.

The trio of devils who rushed out first had rushed to the front.

The trio guarded the west of the street.

Three muzzles pointing in three directions, one pointing to the street, one pointing to the west roof, and one pointing to the west shop.

The two sides are almost face to face.

Pointing at the muzzle of the ghost on the street, he raised his gun and adjusted it without hesitation
Too bad it's one tenth of a second late.
Da da da. Da da da.
The muzzle flashed fiercely.

Two bursts.

Bringing down the three devils who took the lead, the shot fired by the devils facing each other before they died almost wiped their heads and flew past screaming.

The speed of the bullet was too fast, it just felt like the ear was burned.

Da da da.
He didn't even care that the devil in front of him was not dead.

Devils have powerful tactics and resolute execution of orders, but they can also be called rigid.

Guard the ghost trio on the east side of the street. Their task is to guard the roofs and shops on the east street.

Even if he heard the sound of machine guns a few meters away, he could only turn his gun to a devil who was guarding the street.

The muzzle of the machine gun was fine-tuned, the body began to run, the trigger was pressed, and two bursts were fired again.

Overturn the trio of devils who were guarding eastward diagonally.

Then, holding a machine gun, the muzzle pointed at the puppet army who was still fighting back on the wall.

Almost four seconds passed.


Of the two three-person assault groups coming along the street, the remaining three-person group was still accustomed to the previous tactics, and finally couldn't help shouting out the old password.

All the shell gun bullets were concentrated on the commandos, and the three shell guns began to flash, like six submachine guns.

No time to aim at all, all by feel.

Intensive shooting, the three groups of the two devils who continued to charge on the street were directly shot back.
Thirty or forty rounds of bullets only hit two devils.

The shell gun was not very lethal, and the two devils who were shot rolled on the ground a few times and returned to the corner of the wall.

Regardless of the burning pain in the ear, the machine gun turned to the wall of the puppet barracks, and the gunfire rang out again.

Da da da.
All the last eight bullets in the machine gun were fired in one breath.
After the machine gun was handed over to the left hand, the right hand took out a twenty-shot shell gun.
Shoot again.

One person, one machine gun, one shelling gun, and all the 12-man attacking squad of devils who came out shrank their heads.

On the roof the fighters followed and began covering fire.

Keep suppressing firepower against the devils who follow up and hide at the turn of the wall.
After emptying the machine gun magazine and emptying the shell gun bullets again, he ran westward.

He pulled up his comrade who was injured in the first wave of battle and hid in the cover on the west side of the street, carried it on his shoulder and ran back.

Assault team of six, one sacrificed and one injured.

Just to get a machine gun, pick up a few rifles.
fight back
The shell gun was completely out of bullets.

The commando group retracted the shell guns, raised the rifles they had just obtained, and under the cover of the soldiers on the roof, they fired alternately along the bottom of the wall to cover and retreat southward.

Until now, neither civil nor military forces have fired.

The grenade thrown by the devil could only blow up to Liu Yuanqing's group on the east roof.

The fighters on the roof on the west side of the street still maintain the control of the street, whoever goes on the street will die!

Lieutenant Guizi had known for a long time that there were eight roads on the roof of the west street.

But his goal is to clear the eight roads on the roof of the east street first.

A light machine gun was arranged to suppress the west side, and a squad of Japanese infantrymen suffered half of the casualties as soon as they rushed onto the street.

The puppet soldiers hiding behind the wall were killed without stretching their heads.

It's really not a bragging rights
There are not many puppet troops left in the barracks.

Seeing Zhenbei fighting fiercely, I have been a bandit for many years, and I have never experienced it!
Anxious like an ant in a hot pot.

The false company commander is guilty.
The last time the eight roads fought back to Longzhen was also played in this way, first entering the town, and then surrounded by the eight roads outside the town.

There were no devils that time, and Balu just disarmed him.

After studying for three days, I finally sent him two oceans to tell him to get out
If he is caught again, his life may be in danger!

Seeing that the eight attacking routes had reached the northern camp.

Even the imperial army can't cover it.

Can't stand this place.
So, the false company commander took dozens of brothers, packed up their belongings, and prepared to run away!
These days, as long as there are people and guns, you can go anywhere!
When he was about to leave the barracks, he thought for a while and told his subordinates: "Leave ten rifles for Balu, and some bullets, and make a good relationship with Amitabha."

 When the second dozen returned to Longzhen, the Eighth Route Army entered the town in disguise, and the puppet troops barely resisted before being disarmed.

(End of this chapter)

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