under fire

Chapter 1315 Contradictions Between Enemies and Bandits

Chapter 1315 Contradictions Between Enemies and Bandits

The fighting in the town seemed intense.

The Eighth Route Army has limited ammunition, and its ability to continue fighting is not long.

The puppet army ran out from the south gate of the town in a panic, with dozens of boxes on their backpacks.

Suzuki Junichiro, who was slowly approaching the town, quickly lay down on the ground, lightly pressing the trigger with his finger.

Seeing this scene, I was a little confused.

Could it be that Tubalu is playing the old trick of some people fighting and blocking others in the town to grab some supplies and run away?
He has a deep understanding of how ruthless Balu is.

The master who dared to fight for the imperial army with a guillotine, there is no need to touch the jade with the tiles.

The imperial army sniper is an eagle in the sky, how could he take risks for the two chicks on the ground?

Think for a moment, finger off the trigger
The false company commander who escaped didn't even know that there was a killing god, who was hiding in the dark and treating them as chicken cubs.

His idea is to go back to Longzhen to find the head of the regiment first, when the time comes...
Let's just say that Che Xiang Town was besieged by a large number of Eighth Routes, and they risked their lives to withdraw such a small number of people!

What worries me the most now is whether he will be ambushed by the Eight Routes when he runs out of the town.

Therefore, he didn't even play the basic precautions for marching taught by the devil instructor, and he didn't set up a guard post in the open field on both wings.

I have a small calculation in my mind.

If he was really caught by Ba Lu this time, and he left bullets for Ba Lu by himself, and he didn't fire another shot, then Ba Lu would be quite easy to talk to.

My life can definitely be saved, and the gun will be handed over.

After receiving three days of education, he took two oceans with his brothers and left, and he hid twenty guns in Xiwu Village.

Another hero in minutes!
Therefore, when you leave, you are required not to shoot back no matter what the situation is!
After running for almost two or three miles, I found that I didn't meet any eight roads at all.

HD city east by north.

Yongnian County.

"The head of the family, the head of the house." Xu Tieying, who was soundly asleep, was awakened, and subconsciously took out a gun from under the pillow.

After touching it for a long time, he didn't touch it. He felt anxious and kicked the woman sleeping beside the bed.

Only then did he hear the voice of his distant nephew Xu Heizi calling him outside the door, scolding angrily: "It's midnight, what's the matter?"

"Gendarmerie, please answer the phone." Xu Heizi outside the door shrank his neck.

"Please me to answer the phone? Devils can use please, and I write my name upside down." Xu Tieying got up from the bed cursing.

As soon as he took a step, he was stunned by a woman who had just kicked off the bed and was still in a daze. In a panic, she turned around and raised her gun to shoot.

A small eye was punched in the front of the head of the woman next to her, and a hole the size of a teacup was made behind her.

The flames and gunshots startled him, and his mind instantly cleared up.

Xu Heizi outside the house shrank his neck, not even daring to ask.

Squeak, the door opened inward.

Xu Tieying stood at the door: "Go"

Under the moonlight, Xu Heizi was stunned for a moment: "Well, Master, you haven't got any clothes on yet."

"Put on a fart, and it will be troublesome to take off when you come back."

Xu Heizi smiled slyly in the dark: "Hey, master, how do you feel, devil girls?"

"Just now I fell over and killed me." Xu Tieying didn't care
"Dead? Brother just shot. Killed?"

"It's still hot, thank you"

“Thanks to the master”

"Call the two women to come over and clean up the house. I'm going to sleep later." After finishing speaking, he walked into the east wing.

Picking up the phone: "I'm Xu Tietou, who are you?"


"What? The Eighth Route attacked HD City, and they want to sweep it up again?"


"How much do you pay?"


"One million French coins for military expenses? Do you think I'm a beggar? One hundred thousand oceans, one penny less, whoever you want to go to."


"Well, I, Xu Tietou, keep what I say, and it's a deal!"

HD City.

When Xiao Song heard the report from the Gendarmerie Commander, his face darkened: "Are you sure he was the one who attacked the new barracks?"

The Gendarmerie Commander's face was distorted: "The information is absolutely reliable. Three elite instructors of the empire and 86 recruits from the country were captured. After robbing guns and ammunition, all the warriors of the empire were buried alive."

"That is to say, he didn't die when he was besieged last time?"

"Already encircled, the Eighth Route Army County Brigade also attacked my encircled troops just like yesterday, and rescued him."

Xiaosong tapped on the table with his fingers: "This one is quite interesting. Can you win me over?"

"I'm afraid not. He never listens to anyone's orders. Moreover, we asked him to encircle and suppress the Eighth Route Army. He asked for [-] ocean military expenses."

"He wants [-] oceans?" Xiao Song twitched the corner of his mouth, dared to ask the imperial army for military expenses, did he get impatient?

"That's right, this guy's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and he also colluded with Eighth Road, and then attacked my new barracks"

"How many people does he have now?"

"According to the statistics of the intelligence agents who went in, there should be three to 4000 people. You see, why don't you take him?" After finishing speaking, he wiped his neck.

"Since he has access to the Eight Routes, it is a joke to send him to suppress the Eight Routes. Immediately send more troops to suppress him together!" Xiao Song looked gloomy.

South of Yongnian County.

Temporary resident in three districts.

Minister Liu has no intention of letting Hu Yi's guard battalion leave.

The meeting was going on intensely, and Hu Yi was not qualified to speak at the meeting.

A middle-aged man looked around: "Xu Tieying is a vicious wolf. In his early years, he led a bandit team of more than 20 people, constantly annexing bandits from all walks of life, and coercing young and middle-aged people. He grew up in troubled times. , has developed into a team of more than 20 people, and controlled more than [-] villages on the south bank of the Ming River.

Minister Liu followed suit and nodded: "This bastard harmed one side. The county brigade asked the main force to send troops to encircle and suppress him, but the main force suddenly received an order to go into the mountains to fight a big battle. I didn't expect this guy to receive the news. In just half a month, nearly a thousand people were recruited from all over the place, and finally the county brigade was defeated by him."

The middle-aged man sitting on the head looked serious: "This dog knew that we were targeting him, so he joined the Kudo Division of the Japanese Army, and his bandits were organized into the Iron Blood Regiment attached to the Kudo Unit.
This dog is naturally rebellious. When the team expanded to more than a thousand people, he began to occupy a large area, and he ignored the devil's dispatch. Naturally, the devil would not tolerate such capricious behavior. After fighting for two days, the bandit army suffered heavy losses. Xu Tieying was shot in the leg and was beaten back several times after breaking through. "

Minister Liu looked a little embarrassed: "I was new at the time. I thought that this dog Dongben was fighting with the devils. I misjudged that he still had hope of saving him. Out of the idea of ​​uniting and resisting Japan, I sent the county brigade to open a gap in the devil's encirclement, The remnants of the besieged bandit army were rescued, but Xu Tieying did not change his banditry, after the devils withdrew and his leg injury improved, he immediately led people around again, causing harm to one side."

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "I don't blame you for this. At that time, the devils were mopping up the general manager, and the situation system focused on the mountainous areas."

Director Liu didn't explain any more, and continued: "It is precisely because this dog dared to fight against the devils that it made him famous in the world, and many bandits came to vote for him, and he became stronger again in a short period of time. This dog is completely disowned by his relatives. , in order to get guns, attacked the devils’ new barracks, buried more than [-] devils alive, and sent people everywhere to preach that the Eight Routes did it. Logically speaking, as long as it is an anti-Japanese team, we should all unite, but this kind of attack on our own people is comparable to Devil's bandits, we must not stay."

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "That's the end of the situation. This time, we have made careful arrangements, but in order to save Brigadier Li, the plan has changed. The intelligence department of the headquarters has just sent instructions. The conflict between them made the devils determined to encircle and suppress Xu Tieying, that bastard!"

Minister Liu stood up: "Order: The first company of the Autonomous Army's assault regiment, one brigade and one regiment of guard battalions, immediately move towards Yongnian County, and keep in contact with the chasing devils during the movement. Take a boat and hide at the confluence of Fuyang River and Zhizhang River East Mazhuang Village, and when the decoy team arrives, board the boat and escape from the devils immediately."

 Xu Tieying, a bandit who did all kinds of crimes, was named "Iron Motou" when he was shot five times in the head during a fight with other bandits when he first became a bandit.

  However, those who beat devils are not necessarily heroes.

  The middle-aged head of the three divisions was accused of having an affair with Liu Qingshan, and he was awarded a senior colonel two levels lower than the same period.

(End of this chapter)

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