under fire

Chapter 1316 Focusing on the devils' transport team

Chapter 1316 Focusing on the devils' transport team

The fighting in the north was fierce, and Captain Pei of the guerrilla team was lying on the roof, feeling terribly nervous.

Their task was to guard against the puppet fire fighters who hid in civilian houses when they heard the gunshots.

These puppet troops that have not been eliminated are always hidden dangers.

She knew very well that the puppet soldiers were afraid of death, but once the Eighth Route Army failed in the battle, these gangsters would emerge from their hiding places.

While thinking wildly, I suddenly heard a flash of light appearing on a certain roof in the south.

A bullet flew over with a whoosh, and the soldier lying next to her didn't even groan, and there was no movement immediately after being shot in the head.

Then a gunshot was heard.

Feeling bad, I shrank my head subconsciously.

Phew, a bullet flew past where she was just looking
It is estimated that the distance is at least 60 meters or more. The old sleeve in my hand has no room to fight back at this distance.

The soldier on the other side of her was not afraid, and after fine-tuning the muzzle of his gun, he roughly fired back at the flashing place.

bang. bang.
The two gunshots followed within no more than a second.

The soldier who was pulling the bolt and preparing to continue to fight back trembled, and became silent again.

Four shots were fired, the opponent fired three shots, and the guerrillas sacrificed two people.

Captain Pei has participated in many "big" and small battles, and has good experience in guerrilla warfare.

Hidden behind the brick wall on the edge of the roof to remind loudly: "All under the roof, concealed, the enemy has sharpshooters"

The houses near the town hall are still burning, and the fire reflects the sky.

Continue to lie on the roof, facing the enemy sharpshooter, completely at the disadvantage of being beaten.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yuanqing, who was retreating, jumped off the wall and quickly crossed the street to find Xiao Hongying: "Girl, I knocked down an enemy car. There is movement from the puppet army in the south. The guerrillas can't beat them. Now the enemy is strong and we are weak. Can't take advantage of it."

Seeing the sacrifice of soldiers who graduated from the Anti-Japanese University on the street, Xiao Hongying felt heartbroken.

Now even the shell gun bullets are gone, and the guerrillas in the south encountered sharpshooters from the "pseudo army".

This battle can't be fought, so I can only mutter: "Quickly withdraw."

The retreat order spread, and the soldiers from Liuzhendong threw grenades into the street.

Follow one by one through the street in the smoke and run towards the west alley.

Two machine gun teams set up blocking positions on the west roof and at the intersection.
After receiving the order to retreat, the last grenade fired by the civil and military grenades lying on the roof never fired.

Take out the grenade and reinsert the safety pin, get off the roof, then slip along the base of the wall to the backyard, climb over the wall and run south.

One after another, looming figures retreated from the west of the town.

No one would have thought that the Zhennan puppet barracks had long been empty.
Daddy Yang didn't intend to leave, he looked at Xiao Hongying, reluctant to let go: "Girl, you go first, I have to continue to lurk by the side of the puppet army"

"Then be careful." Xiao Hongying said without hesitation, "I'll arrange a three-person team on the west roof, and later you organize a few of your own people to fight northward, and you can make a difference."

"Follow them, raise your guns higher."

"Do you think they are stupid?"

"Okay." Big Yang was familiar with the topography of the town, and began to slip along the wall and run towards the military camp to the south.

He slipped out of the puppet barracks and originally planned not to go back, but now that the situation is chaotic, if he goes back among the firefighters, he should not be found out.

As a veteran of the battlefield, I felt something was wrong in my heart.

The puppet troops in the southern army camp were all bandits, who could hit heads from a distance of 56 meters in the dark, so those with such good marksmanship had to be found out.

It is certain that there are no such good marksman in the puppet army, and there are two more.

In other words, there may be other powerful people in the town.

There were quite a few people in Long Huazhang's team with this level of marksmanship, and when they left the southern camp at night, not a single one was left.

This has to be made very clear.
After joining the Armed Work Team, he studied with Zeng Nansheng, his thinking improved, and the former soldier began to become conscious.

The two sharpshooters were on the east side of the main street, so he chose to go to the backyards of those shops in the west of the town, and also climbed over the wall to gather the firefighting brothers.

The "big guy" had just climbed over a wall when a voice shouted in surprise.

Shocked, Big Yang, who almost raised his gun to shoot, muttered, "Why are you here?"

"The company commander arranged for me to fight the fire. I didn't expect a fight to break out so soon. Hey, everyone was rescued?" Hei Ying lowered his voice, it was his own.

"Sacrificed a few, quickly recruit our people."

"The false company commander ran away with someone."

"What? So cowardly? Who's on the roof across the street?"

"I heard gunshots just now, it must not be ours."

"how do you know?"

"When the gun is fired, we usually hide in the house and hide in the courtyard. Who would be so stupid as to go to the roof to die?"

Daddy Yang thought for a while: "Immediately recruit the brothers who are scattered in the town and rob the South Camp. From now on, I will be the company commander and you will be the platoon leader."

"It's a good idea, but there aren't enough people?"

"Look for Uncle Cheng and ask him to pull a few boys from the nearby families to make up the numbers"

"But, no gun."

"It's enough to have three or five guns. Most of He Wangba's platoon in the north was killed. Hurry up, and you won't be able to get a gun if you are too late."

"Okay." Sombra greeted the staff immediately.

Not long after, a team of more than [-] people gathered in a hurry, and the big man Yang waved: "Come on, kill, kill an eight-way reward for ten oceans, and capture a alive reward for twenty."

A team drove out from the South Camp, shouting Yaoyao Liu in their mouths, shooting along the main street while attacking northward, it was unstoppable.

The eight-way sneak attack was so fierce that the devils and puppet troops did not dare to go to the street.

The devil on the roof saw a miraculous scene. The Zhennan barracks had been silent before.

At this time, Bravery broke out from the southern camp, and the eight roads hidden on the roof immediately fought back to the south.

Gunshots erupted one after another, and bullets flew randomly.
The devil who was lying on the edge of the roof on the east side of Zhenbei Street was taken aback. He quickly raised his gun to be on guard, hesitated for a while and did not shoot at the eight roads who fought back on West Street.

Firstly, the angle is wrong, the line of sight is not good enough to see, and secondly, it is the Imperial Association Army that is rushing up, so it doesn’t matter how many people die

Was ambushed by Balu, and the devils who suffered a lot of losses did not find the trace of the lost Bazan.

This matter can't be left like this, I have to find someone to vent my anger!
The elimination of Xu Tieying's department in Yongnian County, which had colluded with the Eighth Road, was immediately put on the agenda.

If you dare to attack the Imperial Army's new barracks, you must die!
To strike while the iron is hot, a large number of devils went out of the north gate overnight, marching towards Xu Tieying's garrison in Guangnian County.

Two roads meet.

To the west of the crossroads, there is a large sorghum field.

The big dog crouched on the edge of the sorghum field, and he liked this environment very much.

The only unpleasant thing is that after running, the sorghum leaves will scratch the face.

A drop of dew dripped from the tip of the sorghum leaf, and it fell on the neck, which was cold and itchy, so I raised my hand to touch it.

He stared wide-eyed at the black shadow that was slowly approaching.

It is the vanguard in front of the devil's vanguard.

The little devil didn't send a motorcycle to lead the reconnaissance first, and marched in the middle of the night, if he left unexpectedly.

The dog held his breath to avoid making a sound, and the trigger of his rifle was pulled back a little.

The trigger crosses the threshold.

A devil who was carefully searching for the advance with a rifle was shot in the left chest and fell down.

Then, the light machine gun not far from the big dog started to fire.

Da da da.
The bullets began to pour into the crowd of devil vanguards.

After only three bursts, there were no devils standing on the ground.

The devil's vanguard lying on the ground reacted quickly and organized a counterattack.

The light cluster flashed fiercely.

The bullets began to fly towards the sorghum fields beside the road.

Bullets roared above his head, and the big dog crawled and retreated on the ground, not daring to stand up and run.

The broken leaves of sorghum stalks were flying, and they were supported by dense sorghum leaves without falling to the ground.

After crawling for a certain distance, a small road appeared in the sorghum field, so I quickly ran eastward with my waist down.

Running out of the sorghum field, the road leading to Yongnian County appeared in front of him.

A light machine gun was placed more than [-] meters away from the fork, and several soldiers were digging the road in a hurry.

Hu Yi yawned and continued to march for two days and two nights, most of the time.

The soldiers can still take a short break, but he has a meeting, and he is a little tired
He did not fully carry out the order given by the head of the column to Minister Liu.

Crazy Yang is indeed a lunatic, this guy knows the devil's temper too well.

During the day, I played with a machine gun to shoot away the devil's plane. This thing can last for a year.

Now I'm going to play dirty again: when the devils are fighting with the bandits in Yongnian County, they will fight the puppet army's supply team
At least lure the enemy, the task is too simple.
The Puppet City Defense Forces have mortars, and there must be mortar shells in their trains.

It's been a long time to play small fights, and I always feel that it's not easy to fight without shells
[Return the accounts of the World Cup and Hanjiang Chuxue, everyone take the time to watch "Secret Agents" and leave a comment]

(End of this chapter)

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