under fire

Chapter 1317 Segmented Ambush

Chapter 1317 Segmented Ambush
Dawn, clouds, breeze.

Green gauze tent.

The column approved Hu Yi's suggestion, and transferred more than [-] militiamen to him.

There are more than a dozen rifles in a team of more than two hundred people.

The enemy's machine gun on the road suddenly rang.

The devils were immediately called to retaliate, and mortars and grenadiers rang out.

Captain Guizi originally planned to secretly encircle Yongnian County.

Unexpectedly, twenty miles away from Yongnian County, he was ambushed by the peripheral troops of the "Xu Tieying" department.

I took out the tap to light it up and looked at my watch. At 05:30, the four-way encirclement team should have been in place.

That being the case, let's break into Yongnian County openly and squarely.

The highway extends eastward between the green gauze tents.

A small river runs through it.

Form an open field.

Hu Yi chose to lay an ambush in the open.

To prevent the start of the battle, the puppet army drilled into the green gauze tent.

At that time, the materials on the road will become the goals of both parties.

Whoever dares to touch the materials on the road will die.

Some people who are not afraid of the cold bathe in the river.

Noisy into one.

More than a hundred people hid in the sorghum field on the north side of the road, sleeping.

On the highway, there was a long train of puppet troops.

There are sorghum fields on both sides of the road ahead.

Walking on the road with green gauze tents on both sides, the puppet soldiers had to raise their spirits.

More than a dozen puppet soldiers took the lead nervously with bitter faces, imitating the devils and holding Czech light machine guns, and kept shooting at the green gauze tents on both sides of the road.

Da da da.
The howling bullets knocked down a piece of sorghum stalks.

It is said that this trick is called fire reconnaissance!
The peasant husband who followed behind mules neighed and horses yelled, and the whip in his hand rang.

The puppet soldiers scattered in the middle carried guns on their backs, yawned, not only did not help, but also walked with their eyes closed while pulling the mules and carriages with one hand.

The puppet army at the end followed lazily, and even if they were attacked, the brothers in front were shot first.

On the mule cart, there was a stretcher for pots, pans, grain bags, but no boxes for bullets.

Hu Yi put down the binoculars and waved.

He did not fully adopt Crazy Yang's suggestion to let go of the puppet grain team.

He thinks that this group of puppet troops should be used as a way to find the way, and they still have to fight, but not here.

For the Ninth Battalion, the guns and ammunition captured by the puppet army can no longer satisfy their appetite. Those materials are of little use, so let's let them go first.

Since you want to hit the baggage, then find the right target at once.

Jiuying seems to have never considered producing bullets by itself, not even Li Xiang playing with gunpowder.

It is different from many battalion-level troops who will set up a repair shop or set up a reloading ammunition workshop.

The Ninth Battalion relied on seizure.

Everyone seems to have developed a habit of looking for enemies without bullets.

Let this group of puppet soldiers who sent pots and pans go there first.

Arrange a platoon of soldiers two miles away, beat them and run away.

Show the enemy weak first.

The order was quickly issued to Luo Fugui.

In desperation, Luo Fugui immediately ordered a row of Big Dog.

Thirty people were drawn from the militiamen hidden in the green gauze tent to form a platoon.

Prepare to go two miles to the east and give it to the puppet army's supply team.

This battle can only be lost but not won.

It is difficult to win a battle, but easy to lose a battle.

Bring someone back to find the ambush location.

The big dog couldn't sleep, lying on the edge of the sorghum field on the north side of the road, looking west.

Luo Fugui took the big dog as the second echelon, and according to Boss Hu's arrangement, he had to fight first.

As the commander of the ambush force, he was lying next to the big dog at this time, making even slight snorts.

The big dog couldn't help muttering: "Fuck, I can sleep at this time, Balu is so fucking different from the national army."

There was another series of gunshots from the north, followed by loud gunshots.

After a while, it was quiet again.

Time passed slowly, and the eastern sky turned white.

The big dog suddenly thumped and kicked Luo Fugui's thigh: "Here we come."

Luo Fugui turned over and sat up, and said in a daze, "Who's here, roast chicken?"

"It's a correspondent, I guess the puppet army's delivery team is coming soon." The big dog curled his lips after finishing speaking: "As long as you can get rid of the puppet army's delivery team, let alone roast chicken, there are roast geese!"

"Your grandma has a leg! How dare you kick me?" Luo Fugui held his thigh and looked at the faint footprints.

The big dog looked at the soldiers gesturing in the sorghum field opposite: "Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Hu and the others are signaling to come from a company of more than a hundred people. There are civilian husbands."

Luo Fugui grabbed the binoculars from the side of the big dog and looked at it for a while, but there was nothing.

Lie down again, lazily looking at the morning stars in the sky through the gaps in the sorghum leaves: "Don't worry, the distance may be ten or eight miles away, it's still early, don't be surprised, let's talk about it later."

Gunshots from the direction of Yongnian County came faintly, and gradually turned into a continuous buzzing.

Presumably, it was the devils and the outlying troops of the bandit soldiers who caught fire.

Suddenly there was the sound of thunder-like cannons in the sky, echoing among the clouds.

Luo Fugui sat up abruptly: "Get ready for battle!"

"Get ready to fart, I haven't seen a ghost." The big dog muttered with a cake in its mouth.

As soon as Luo Fugui gave the order, the correspondent immediately sent the order, and there were rustling sounds and occasional coughing sounds in the green gauze tent.

"Cough cough."

"You can die if you don't cough?" A voice cursed.

"Never mind your business, believe it or not, I'll cut you down?"

"Continue to sleep." The second order followed.

"Who gave the order?" someone asked immediately.

"Commander Luo, you go find him." The correspondent looked arrogant.

"Grandma has memorized everything clearly. Without an order, you are not allowed to pull the bolt and load the gun." Luo Fugui's lazy voice spread wantonly in the green gauze tent.

The big dog stared nervously not far away. The mighty puppet army team on the road had already passed the place where Chief Hu set up an ambush.

The figures lying in ambush on both sides of the road immediately backed away
Since there is no need for victory, it is better to hide in the depths of the green gauze tent.

However, Dagou didn't want to let go of all the puppet troops. He wanted to get 23 guns to arm the militia.

It's best if you can get a gun, if you can't get it, forget it.

The quartermaster of the puppet city defense commander believes that there is no harm in being cautious when sailing for thousands of years.

Even if the imperial army fought a large-scale fortified battle like Yongnian County, it would be impossible to win it in a day or two.

It takes three to five days to be normal.

The ammunition consumed is not a small amount.

In the era of cold weapons, the army moved ahead without using food and grass.

Entering the era of hot weapons, it is reasonable for the army to attack and the food and grass to follow.

It was only yesterday that the Eight Routes had been overshadowed, so this time it is better to be careful. The imperial army said that the Eight Routes had a connection with Xu Tieying.

With the habit of the Eighth Route, it is very likely to ambush his own supply team.

Therefore, first send a company that is not very obedient to escort the grain truck first, and then transport the ammunition with the imperial army car.

Tang Dagou's rifle hidden in the green gauze tent was aimed at a puppet soldier with a short gun.


The puppet army on the road was taken aback.

Immediately yelled for enemy attack, followed by a puppet commander yelling to fight back.

More than a hundred rifles immediately fired at the green gauze tent.

A machine gun followed suit.

As the firepower strengthened, the puppet army pulled the bolt and pushed the bomb more and more diligently,

Anyway, the puppet army is not short of bullets, and bullets can blow from the imperial army at any time like the wind in the sky.

It didn't matter that the one who shot in the green gauze tent was obviously attracting fire.

While yelling to tell the civilian husband to drive the mule and carriage away from the ambush point, he continued to blindly intercept the shooting.

After fighting for a while, the pseudo-company commander ordered to reduce the frequency of shooting. Although the bullets were blown by the strong wind, if they were shot out now, the wind would not blow and life would be lost.

Finally, I heard the sound of hurried footsteps running and clothes rubbing against sorghum leaves in Ken's gauze tent.

Then the sound faded away and disappeared towards the north.

The false company commander finally raised his head, the ambush firepower was not strong, it seemed that it should be Xu Tieying's small force.

He still knew Feng Lin didn't chase this sentence, sighed and muttered: "Send someone back to report to the regiment leader, only a small group of bandits ambushed."

The green gauze tent is more than [-] meters deep.

A lot of sorghum leaves fell around the big dog, and through the dense stems and leaves, the rifle was aimed at the puppet officer who gave the order.

There are too many obstacles, and he is not fully sure that he can hit the puppet officer.

[The second chapter is presented, I always feel a bit messy, so I will change it first.]

(End of this chapter)

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