under fire

Chapter 1318 Change Tactics

Chapter 1318 Change Tactics
It was finally daylight.

The company commander of the leading supply team was shot in the back and survived.

Seeing that the mule and horse convoy had gone far away, the false company commander hurriedly told his men to leave this unlucky place.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, there were indeed not many people hiding in the sorghum field to ambush.

If it wasn't for escorting the luggage, today they must be taken out one by one and shot to death!

There were more than [-] puppet soldiers injured on the ground, and it is not known how many died.

There was another muffled gunshot from inside the green gauze tent.

"Ah..." A puppet soldier just pulled the rifle of the injured comrade, and immediately fell over. The bullet pierced his lungs, and he breathed out a fishy smell.

The false company commander was angry: "Hit, give me a hard hit"

The puppet soldiers who were about to leave hurriedly squatted down again and raised their guns, shooting fiercely at the sorghum forest.

No fight back in the sorghum fields
The false company commander felt that there was something wicked, and immediately ordered his subordinates to rush in and kill the despicable assailant.
A squad of seven or eight puppet soldiers was ordered to pick up grenades and throw them into the sorghum field first.
Boom boom boom.
Following seven or eight figures, they rushed into the sorghum field one after another
"Oh, what the hell are you sending guns to your door?" Almost being hit by a grenade, the big dog shook off the dirt on his head and was furious: "They all spread out, put them closer to fight, the puppet soldiers outside dare not throw grenades .”

The gunshots in the green gauze tent suddenly became denser
Feng Lin Moru made such a reasonable sentence, the false company commander could barely remember it after listening to the storytelling for two years.

The puppet soldiers who have forgotten their ancestors do not know this.
Obviously they are laying an ambush, but these are so stupid that grandma's house is shot at gunpoint.
It seems that they can't be blamed. They were able to bully with three shots and eight shots in the past, so how could they take these "bandits" by the side of the road seriously!
As for the fact that the Eighth Route fought so hard yesterday, in the eyes of the puppet soldiers, it was definitely the main force of the Eighth Route, who had already been driven east by the imperial army.

A pseudo-company commander who knows how to follow the ancient teachings does have the potential to die.

If it weren't for Hu Yi's fear of beating too hard the leading pot, pan, and supply team of the puppet army, the puppet army behind would detour.

The hundred and ten of his subordinates are estimated to be at least half dead by now, let alone the civilian husband who ran away yelling at him earlier.
Luo Fugui was very depressed, saying that he was going to lose the battle, but his machine gun hadn't fired yet.

The puppet army was beaten by a squad of big dogs and couldn't find the north.

Yes, big dog, you like to play, and I will watch the fun and be an audience
"Company commander, what are you laughing at?"

"Tell me, how does it feel for a big dog to be bombed by a puppet grenade?" Luo Fugui smiled cheaply.

The devil commander of the following transport convoy stood on the roof of the chariot and raised his binoculars to look out.

The devil who was sweating from the sun in the back almost scolded the commander that his father is his brother, and his sisters are all kabuki.
The puppet army who ran back reported that the front luggage was attacked by more than ten bandit soldiers.

More than a dozen bandit soldiers?

Does the mantis stop the car?

A tracked armored combat vehicle in the lead roared immediately, rushing eastward with fury.

Immediately following the Devil Infantry Squadron ran to follow up.

A large number of peasants followed closely behind, driving mules and carriages.

In the back, the broken puppet city defense army took a long time to emerge from the shady sorghum field and slowly moved out.

The imperial army has already encircled Yongnian County, and then they will shrink the encirclement and attack the city.

The demand for ammunition for positional warfare and fortified warfare is relatively much higher.

The imperial army set off overnight with light clothes, and the bullets and shells they carried with them could last until dark at most.

The transportation team is likely to encounter emergencies along the way, so be prepared in advance.

In front of the imperial chariot, everything is scum.

Of course, devils are also good at summarizing battles. The casualties in World War I yesterday were "relatively" high, and the main problem was the bombing of the stone bridge.

Otherwise, with the invincible chariots of the imperial army, none of those eight roads could escape.

As for how many holes were pierced in the Devil's plane, how could the arrogant pilot tell those stupid infantrymen about these trivial things?
"Report, the enemy's vanguard has an armored vehicle, twelve cars, cannons hanging behind them, and countless mules and carriages. The enemy's number is about one squadron, and the puppet army is at least one battalion behind." The soldiers in charge of reconnaissance came to the small river.

"So many people?" Crazy Yang, who was guarding the small river, was taken aback for a moment: "Hurry up and report to the battalion commander."

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the fifty militiamen resting by the small river immediately got up from the ground.

Hoes, pickaxes and shovels all went into battle.

On the small river about three meters wide, there are three stone bridges with a span of about one meter each.

The top of the stone is covered with soil nearly half a meter thick.

What the militia had to do was simple: demolish the bridge.

Hu Yi, who was too tired to open his eyes, was shaken awake: "Come?"

The scout quickly told the enemy's situation, and Hu Yi frowned as he looked at the militiamen busy on the bridge.

In less than 1 minute, an order was issued immediately, asking the scouts to notify Crazy Yang to stop demolishing the bridge.

Crazy Yang came to Hu Yi: "What's wrong?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "The reason why the devils don't pay attention to the small bridge is very simple. Even if we tear down the bridge, we can't stop the little devils. They are heavy soldiers who do this by themselves. It is not difficult to build a temporary bridge."

"That's right" Crazy Yang nodded.

Hu Yi looked around: "Moreover, there are roads on both sides of the river, and the devils can detour at any time."

"Then what's the matter?" Crazy Yang's personal ability is outstanding, so it's no problem to lead a small group of troops to attack and intersperse, but when it comes to command, it's fine in theory, but he has no practical experience.

Quite simply, the paratrooper, as the elite of the national army, is a face, and he hardly participated in any decent battles during his service.

Later, I followed the New Five Army, and I also didn't have the opportunity to play.

Hu Yi, who has attended a military academy, has more experience from the battlefield. He worked in the frontline troops and fought many large-scale battles with the army.

Combat arrangements for regiment-level units have long been familiarized.

It's just a battalion of puppet troops, relying on a company's green gauze tent to fight an ambush, he has full confidence to win.

But the enemy has armored vehicles, which is a completely different matter.

The commander's thinking will change with the strength of his troops and the strength of the enemy. Simply put, this battle cannot be won.

Crazy Yang didn't think about the problem according to the thinking of large-scale operations.

Suddenly suggested to Hu Yi: "I think, you can do this now!"

This person doesn't read the Three Character Classic anymore?Do you want to zoom in?Hu Yi looked at Crazy Yang curiously: "Tell me!"

Crazy Yang simply drew a picture on the ground: "We still follow the assault tactics, the attraction of the mules and big dogs in front has already worked.

Then, after the Devil's armored vehicle came over, it would definitely go straight to the mule's side. After the Devil loaded the vehicle and passed by with the infantry, it would attack the car behind and block the Devil's infantry and the vehicle.

At this time, we only need to deal with the rear team of devils in front of the car. Moreover, we are attacking from the side, and the green gauze tents are densely packed on both sides of the road. Moving things, if the little devil fires his machine gun, he can only take a car. If he doesn't fire, he can only watch us move things. I don't believe they are willing to take a car! "

talent!Hu Yi nodded: "It makes sense, then block the puppet army behind, so that the enemy will be cut into three sections. The enemy is in the clear and we are in the dark. In fact, we only need to concentrate our forces to deal with the devils in front of the car. The vanguard of the puppet army behind the car."

"Did you do it?" Crazy Yang was not interested in fighting the puppet army when he saw that the devils wanted to kill them.

Hu Yi thought for a while: "The ambush site was chosen about one mile behind the mule's ambush, so give up the open ambush!"

The ambush site must choose a place with dense green gauze tents.

Although the devils and puppet army had a large number of people, the team could not be deployed at all. The actual enemies faced by the Ninth Battalion were at most a small group of devils, and the first company of the puppet army that would be defeated in one hit.

Order issued.

Everyone got up immediately, began to check weapons, and began to divide into teams.

Hu Yi thought of a problem, the militiamen with supplies like a car may suffer a lot of losses
Kindness does not hold the army!

(End of this chapter)

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