under fire

Chapter 1319 Singing the Song of Death

Chapter 1319 Singing the Song of Death
The devil's logistics commander frowned.

Yesterday, the Eight Routes that colluded with Xu Tieying's department appeared. Those despicable mice like to plant landmines the most.

Don't overturn the boat in the gutter and sprain your feet on the flat ground.

Order a squad of warriors to walk in front of the armored vehicles.

He quickly shrank back into the chariot, surrounded by stretches of sorghum fields on both sides, and had to guard against the eighth-way bandits shooting black guns.

Holding a light machine gun, he walked all the way and beat the green tents on both sides.

Let the observer sit on the roof of the car and bask in the sun that has not risen much.

Standing on the roof of the car, half of his body protruded like a tall beam.

Looking at the green sorghum with a little bit of red and yellow, the observer really wanted to write a poem, but he didn't learn a few Chinese characters: "Ah, the sorghum field. It's all green."

It caused the devils behind to burst into laughter.

The vanguards, holding light machine guns, beat the green tents on both sides all the way.

After walking for a while, the deputy shooter added three rows of bullets into the hopper.

The machine gun cannot be fired empty, otherwise it will lose its continuous firepower in an emergency.

The leading soldiers even began to sing the military song: "Song of the Camp."

Oops, it's disgusting, I can't hear it.
The three devils trotted ahead, stopping to check carefully from time to time.

The sorghum on both sides stretched out their hands as if trying to stop the invaders, but they were hacked to pieces by the following devils with bayonets.

Because it is located in the Hebei River System, the severe drought of one or two hundred miles to the south does not seem to have a great impact on this place.

The green gauze tent has lush branches and leaves.

Walking on the road, the vanguard can't see far.

The observer sitting on the armored combat vehicle suddenly noticed that there seemed to be movement on the road far ahead.

Immediately yelled to inform the others, and knocked on the chariot under the buttocks by the way.

The chariot stopped, and the infantry stood guard on the spot.

The commander hurriedly climbed to the highest point, holding up the binoculars and looking forward.

A ghost jumped out of the car behind the chariot, holding a map in his hand: "Report to the lieutenant, there is a small stone bridge two miles ahead."

About two miles away?

Stand tall and see far.

In the field of vision of the telescope, a group of people dressed as ordinary people seem to be busy on the road, trying to destroy the stone bridge?

A bullet was fired from a distant road.
With a bang, the warhead flew high along the road and flew a long way. A puppet soldier yelled "Oops" from behind, and then cursed: "Who threw the warhead at me?"

Is this still available?

The lieutenant immediately yelled at the vanguard in front to get out of the way.

Then, the vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun began to roar.

The line of sight in the tank is not good, and the machine gunner can only rely on feeling.

Fortunately, as soon as the machine gun fired, the villagers on the road ahead swarmed into the sorghum fields on both sides.

The commander stood on the top of the chariot and couldn't draw his knife, so he kicked on the chariot with his feet, and a heavy machine gun that had been fired from the plate stopped clamoring.

The lieutenant yelled strangely: "Target, right in front, a team, kill a dick."

At this time, the vanguard detachment immediately regrouped.

A group of three: alert on both wings, assault from the front, followed by an engineering team to prepare for demining.

When reinforcements came up, a crooked machine gun immediately established a machine gun position on the side of the road, ready to suppress any possible attacks on the green gauze tents on both sides of the road at any time.

Followed by another unit to follow closely, and then the light machine gun positions moved forward.

The armored vehicles followed suit, stopping and going.

Not in a hurry.

It's only past ten o'clock.

We set off after dawn and had already walked half the distance.

Another forty miles to drive before dark, no problem.

If it weren't for the fear of an ambush, it would only take half an hour for the car to drive at full speed.

The mule and horse team is a little slower, and it only takes two or three hours.

When the chariot came to Xiaohe, the surrounding terrain was slightly open, and the two wings in front had already established vigilance.

These ordinary people are very bad, and it seems that they really want to dig bridges.

Fortunately, I just shoveled half of the soil on the stone bridge.

The armored vehicle was in danger of overturning in the past, and the Devil's assistants immediately called in the engineers who were standing on the supply truck.
When the engineers saw it, it was just a fucking earthwork, let the elite who had been resting to maintain their strength to do this for the empire at any time?
What is this called?Quickly call the puppet soldiers behind to come up and do physical work.
The river is not wide, the devils began to try to run as assistants and jump directly over the river
It's fun, like an outing to practice leg strength
Captain Guizi, who searched nearby, brought the puppet army who had gone back to report to the chariot parked on the west side of Qiaoxi: "Report to the lieutenant, traces of people's activities have been found in the sorghum field, and the initial estimate should be more than a hundred people!"

The lieutenant sitting on the roof of the armored vehicle smiled contemptuously: "Are you talking about those ordinary people?"

The search team leader held several small cloth bags of evidence: "Uh, there are hoes, picks, wooden poles, chisels, rattan frames, sacks, bags of mixed flour, and tire marks left by carts on the ground. traces of defecation”

"You mean, do they want to repair the house?" The lieutenant interrupted the search leader with a wave of his hand. The lieutenant was an architect before joining the army, so he naturally knew what this long list of things was used for.

Immediately, the devils around laughed like pigs: "Hahaha"

The search leader was loyal to his duties, ignoring the laughter around him: "Ahead is the place where the Eighth Route attacked the vanguard of the Royal Association Army's ration team."

The lieutenant felt that his humor was recognized, and waved: "Continue to guard and search!"

Walking on the road between the green gauze tents on both sides, you can't see far away, and the team can't see the end.

From time to time a bullet would be fired from the east, flying across the sky overhead from time to time.

The devil was so nervous that he had to concentrate all the time, knowing that there must be someone in front of him.

But I don't know where the despicable black gun guy is hiding after shooting.

Judging from the gunshots, the opponent is at least one mile away from the leading vanguard!
If this can also hit the target, tomorrow I will go jumping into the Pacific Ocean!
Since you are playing with me, then I will accompany you.

Anyway, if you fire a shot, I will shoot you a burst based on my feeling.

I also don't care which way you hide, keep changing directions, I have two machine guns, and I can shoot into the green gauze tents on both sides at the same time.

I don't want to, so I hit it to see if you, the unlucky one, will hit it.

The lieutenant didn't bother to stop his men, he just regarded it as a fun during the march.

The convoy is still stop-and-go.

The lieutenant kept on going to the roof of the car to look down.

There was no intention of hiding the body at all.
Crisis will always appear inadvertently.

The green tents are not all connected together.

In a canal perpendicular to the road, the big dog constantly adjusts its position.

Ahead near the side of the road, there are observers hiding in the sorghum clumps and gesturing relay, reporting to the big dog the location and speed of the devil's vanguard, armored vehicles
The canal runs across the bottom of the road.

After reaching the opposite side, it extends into the distance.

If you pay attention, the south side of the road is complete except for the sorghum leaves two meters away.

A little farther south, the slender blades of sorghum protruding into the ditch seem to have been cleaned.

The purpose of doing this is to kill the devil commander in the lead car when the devil armored car comes over.

This first shot is very important, and people are arranged on both sides of the road.

On the opposite side was Luo Fugui, who just waited for the big dog to shoot before launching a surprise attack on the Devils armored vehicle.

If the devils can be introduced into the ditch to chase, the best effect will be achieved.

The deployment of the battlefield is constantly being adjusted.

Before the devils came over, the soldiers at the back had already cut out more than a dozen open spaces two people wide in the green gauze tent, leading directly to the path more than a mile behind.

The sound of the engine of the armored vehicle was getting closer.

Singing a beautiful song, no one realizes that the scythe of death is swinging above their heads.

The tense heartbeat is everywhere in the green tent
[There is another chapter, which is being revised]

(End of this chapter)

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