under fire

Chapter 1320 I Let You Sing For A Lifetime Green Gauze Curtain

Chapter 1320 I Let You Sing Forever Green Gauze

Hu Yi did not have the habit of sacrificing his life in exchange for enemy commanders.

Because it is entirely possible to arrange for a death squad to hide near the road.

Wait for the Devil armored car to come over and shoot directly, killing the Devil commander sitting on the roof of the car.

Since the line of sight cannot be seen in the green gauze tent, it is necessary to shoot at close range.

In this way, in the face of a nearly one squadron of devils fighting back, the death squads would die out of ten.

Hu Yi made a decision after discussing with Crazy Yang.

The devil commander must be defeated, and there are many benefits.

The devil's team stretched for a long time. Even if the devil's second lieutenant took over the command, it would not be possible to establish an effective command system for a while.

It is impossible to figure out what tactics Jiuying is playing in a short period of time.

At that time, a few grenades were thrown in the front, and the heavy machine gun on the road directly ahead followed.

With the devil's dog temper, he will definitely launch a pig attack to attack the assailant.

The little devil's tactics are rigid, frontal assault, outflanking.

They even think that the green gauze tent can provide cover for the outflanking devils, and such a detour can be a big deal.

If the devils don't attack, then fire a bullet with a heavy gun, kill ten or eight devils, retreat to the front and come back again!

The devil is used to being arrogant, how can he bear it?

When he became angry from embarrassment, it would be a matter of time before he attracted a small group of devils to attack.

The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion really attacked the Devils military vehicles.

The light machine gun mounted on the roof of the military vehicle by the devil can only shoot at the front.

When the time comes to launch a surprise attack, before the machine gunner can react, the soldiers ambushing in the green gauze tent will give priority to killing them.

On twelve cars, the defending army vehicles and the devil machine gunners approached a small group of devils!
The enemy is in the open, I am in the dark, and I am the only one who fights him. The devils returned to the west without even seeing the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion.

Shading them is no problem!

The biggest difficulty was to prevent the remaining squad of devils behind the armored vehicle from returning to the defense vehicle.

Two machine guns were used to intercept, and two more machine guns were mounted on the roof of the car. When the devil fought back, he had to hit the car to see if he had the courage.

A machine gunner can at least change a few devils plus a car, it's worth it!
This is different from the situation where the commander who beats the devil must die, there is no choice.

As for the puppet battalion in the back, it can make people laugh their chins until they hit the ground.

Because, there is a huge convoy of peasant mules in the middle!

If it weren't for the fact that there were too few people in the column this time, Hu Yijue would have the ability to eat up all the mules and horses!
Of course, the Ninth Battalion is not yet capable of destroying a squadron that was escorted
Talking and laughing, the ghost soldiers who kept shooting eastward had already walked through the ditch far away from the big dog.

Ditches abound along the road.

A three-person team of devils and pioneers just stopped by the ditch for routine vigilance.

The sorghum leaves that had been cut off had been cleared away long ago, and everything seemed to be all right.

The team's engines rumbled, and the tracks rubbed against the ground.

The harsh creaking sounds of all parts of the armored vehicle rang together.

There is a convoy of mules and horses behind, armored vehicles and cars can't move fast, just a little faster than walking.

Observers gesture more and more frequently.

The big dog suddenly picked up the rifle and lay down on the horizontal wooden pole on the ditch.

The front of the yellow-green armored vehicle finally appeared.

There was no other sound in the big dog's ears, and the front sight coincided with the junction of the brim of the military hat and the head of the figure sitting on the armored vehicle.

A bullet penetrated the devil's lieutenant's ear, passed through a paste bag, and flew out from the temple on the other side, leaving a large bowl of spicy fried tofu nao.

For a split second, the sound of the engine drowned out the sound of gunfire and the roar of bullets.

The devil who followed seemed to have noticed nothing, because the lieutenant devil was still sitting on the roof of the armored vehicle, and behind him, the devil observer with a telescope was still in a daze.

A voice from hell howls, "What the hell I made you sing"

"Singing is worse than a wicked girl."

"What the hell, I'll let you sing the green gauze tent for the rest of your life."

The big dog who yelled and pulled the bolt fast fired the second bullet.

The arrogant bullet flew out again, directly interrupting the observer who had almost disappeared on the edge of the green gauze tent, holding the telescope in his hand and supporting Lieutenant Guizi's observer's arm.

"Ah..." The observer immersed in the poetry and the distance, was watching the head of the devil lieutenant who opened the scoop in front of him, and both fell off the armored vehicle.

Luo Fugui's finger on the trigger was close to a critical state: "Tofu brain, I will never eat it again"

With a strange cry, he let go of his fingers, pulled the machine gun and burrowed into the green gauze curtain next to him.

His machine gun was just in case the big dog missed the target and fired again.

"Enemy attack."

Tom tom. Tom tom.
da da da da da
One heavy machine gun and two light machine guns fired in unison.

The trajectory tore apart all bodies that stood in the way of the bullet, and finally pounced on the armored vehicle behind.

Mancang gripped the handle tightly, and shifted slightly to both sides of the road. At this time, whoever dares to run into the green gauze tents on both sides will be shot.

The trajectory of the heavy machine gun continued, and the light machine gun stopped for a while after firing a clip, and then fired again.

Facing the intensive firepower, the barrage was like rain, hitting the area where the armored vehicle was located like hail hitting the iron roof with a bang.

In a blink of an eye, maybe five seconds, maybe half a minute.

The light and heavy machine guns were silent.

After a short respite, the second lieutenant captain of the devil's transportation team finally stood up courageously: "Fight back!"

There is nothing to say, anyone who dares to shoot at the warriors of the imperial army will be killed!
After hearing the gunshots, the devil's vanguard subconsciously lay on the ground, followed the infantry, immediately pulled the machine gun to the sides, set up the grenade, and pulled the grenade.

Everything is well-trained, the battle is arranged in an orderly manner, first gain a foothold, and then attack later.

Tom tom. Tom tom.
da da da da da
The heavy machine gun rang again, but the sound of the light machine gun was not there.

The trajectory is low, as if it has eyes, knowing that the devil will get up.

The half-squatting devil was torn apart again.

In the face of heavy machine guns, with the excellent training of the invincible imperial army, several bullets that returned fire still flew in the direction of the ballistic trajectory.

The devil who fought back was shot through, and the bullet continued to penetrate the second one, and finally stopped in the body to let the devil breathe
The addicted dog did not retreat immediately.

Jump into the ditch again, glance at it by feel, and then pull the trigger.

There was a small eye on the devil's steel helmet lying on guard by the ditch, and he fell down sullenly.

Only an afterimage remained of the bolt of the Big Dog rifle.

Eject the cartridge case and advance the next cartridge.

He raised his rifle again and knocked down a devil trotting from front to back delivering orders.

Then, another bullet flew over the edge of the rear track of the armored vehicle, and broke the calf of the Devil medic who was about to rescue the Devil lieutenant and fell on the other side of the armored vehicle.

Enemy on both sides, out of instinct, all the devils on the road have already got down.

The screams of the devil's medical soldiers, and the shouts of "enemy attack" everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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