under fire

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321
chug chug.
Stopping to pick up the armored vehicle finally opened fire.

The cart was full of warehouses and continued to shoot, and the heavy machine gun was piled up with sandbags, which were hit by armored vehicle bullets.

Shrink your head quickly.

"Withdraw to the next position!" The correspondent's strange cry came from the sorghum field.

The devil who was lying on the road and shooting straight ahead finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the assailant had a heavy machine gun, and many devils realized that it was not good, because there was a heavy machine gun in the eight roads the day before.

If it's that gang, be careful this time.

The devils who entered the green gauze tent and outflanked them were struggling to squeeze away the dense sorghum poles
But in this sorghum field, after walking for a long time, the progress was less than [-] meters.
Fortunately, the attackers did not set up an ambush inside.

Whatever you think, it will happen, no fluke
Da da da.
The light machine gun that moved from the road to the sorghum field first began to roar.

Dense bullets ricocheted in the sorghum field.

After the bullet broke the sorghum pole, it continued to move forward, passing by the trajectory.

Pieces of sorghum poles were broken and sent flying.

The devil who was struggling to move quickly lay down on the spot and fought back.

The distance between the two sides is not far, and people can be seen faintly.

The sorghum stalks are too dense, and the bullets break at most seven or eight sorghum stalks before stalling and falling.

In the dense sorghum, it is difficult for the devil to shoot.

Because after lying down, the rifle cannot swing left and right in a wide range, and the shooting range is too narrow.

Knowing the position of the opponent's machine gun, he had to erect the rifle first, and then press down through the gap.

The sorghum branches and leaves looked fragile, but after a dozen leaves were gathered together in each gap, the downward-splitting rifle was hung in mid-air and could not be pressed down.

If you want to throw a grenade, but you can't swing your arms round, this battle is almost impossible to fight.
Fortunately, most of the opponent's bullets can't hit at all.
The despicable assailant, with just a light machine gun, dragged more than a dozen elites to the sorghum field and couldn't move.

The outflanking Devil Sergeant Cao was not stupid, and immediately judged that the ambusher's machine gun could move left and right freely, and must have opened the way in the sorghum bushes in advance!
Moreover, as long as you rush out of the sorghum field in front, you can enter the attacker's position.

At that time, whoever runs ahead will suffer
I have practiced how to deal with this situation in the green gauze tent before.

Immediately ordered his devils to unload their bayonets and cut off all the sorghum poles around them
The poor Sergeant Chief didn't even know that the rear commander this time was called Fox.

The main target is not them at all, otherwise, all the elites who surrounded the two wings would have been beaten to death and used as fertilizer in the sorghum field.

The frontal assault went smoothly, and the whistle of assembly was constantly blowing on the highway.

The heavy machine gun that had been silent for a long time on the east road suddenly rang out again.
Tom tom tom.
Is the ghost lingering?
The armored vehicle of Commander Lieutenant Shizi went crazy. Under the command of the second lieutenant who took over the command, he increased the accelerator and roared to the east.

The devils lying on the road hurried to get out of the way.

This time I finally learned to be smart and followed the armored vehicle
Twelve cars followed one another.

Temporarily stopped on the highway and did not follow up immediately, planning to follow up after clearing all the despicable ambushes ahead.

There were more than [-] devils in a squadron, one team participated in the attack, and the other team dispersed around the car to guard and protect.

Hu Yi was lying in the sorghum field next to the ditch, discussing urgently with Crazy Yang: "The little devil is not that stupid. Now they all stay by the car and can't fight."

Looking at the mountain cannon behind the ghost car's butt, he stared blankly, but Crazy Yang didn't move: "Change the target?"

Luo Fugui followed suit: "I think so too, it's better to play the mules and horses behind."

Hu shook his head: "This is not right, there are too many peasants, let's eat it if we hurt them."

Luo Fugui muttered beside him: "It's not easy. There are not many puppet soldiers mixed in among the civilians. Although our military uniforms are from the autonomous army, they are not much different from their dog skins. Besides, we have more people than them when we go out. It is estimated that those puppet soldiers dare not even fart!"

Crazy Yang was right: "It makes sense!"

"I think the weak medicine on the little devil's army is true. It must be for the little devil. The scout said that there are also boxes on the mule cart at the back. It is very likely that the ammunition of the devil and the puppet army are transported separately." Luo Fugui. Analysis with blinking ugly eyes.

Hu Yi nodded: "After the devil's car drives away, the mule cart will go to the car's position before doing anything."

If the main target can't be chewed, then use the mule cart team behind.

As long as people are still around, those cannons will be available sooner or later.

There is really no way now, if the devils don't leave the military vehicle, people like Jiuying can't bite this hard bone.

The current situation is not like an ambush, although hiding in the green gauze tent seems to have the advantage of concealment.

This advantage is also a disadvantage.

It is difficult to move in the green gauze tent.

Unable to attack the enemy quickly.

The road opened in the green gauze tent, facing the position of the devil's military vehicle, also had no effect.

Soon, the sound of heavy machine guns in the east disappeared.

After fighting for so long, at least two heavy machine gun bullet bags were wasted, and no more than ten devils were killed!

There are quite a few injured, more than twenty.

The devils began to arrange for civilian husbands to carry the wounded and killed devils into the car.


After the death of the lieutenant commander, the devil is no longer interested in singing.

Second Lieutenant Guizi, who took over the command, sat obediently in the armored vehicle.

He doesn't mind the heat in the armored vehicle, and if nothing else happens, he will take over the position of commander.

The team set off again.

The cars started one by one, and the speed was not fast. This time, the devil infantry did not dare to be arrogant, and all followed behind the armored car.

The team ambushing in the green gauze tent tensed up again.

It seems that there is no such thing as a bang, then decline, and three exhaustion.

The last car drove through the ditch where the lieutenant of the devil was killed in battle, and the devils who were lying on the edge of the ditch got up and left alternately.

The devil knew very well that the next was the mule and horse convoy driven by the peasant husband.

Assailants generally do not attack civilian husbands.

Suddenly, the howl of Czech light machine guns sounded from the green gauze tent.

Then, the position where the end of the mule and horse convoy meets the puppet army.

Two Czech light machine guns howled loudly.

Immediately, a large rain of rifle bullets followed, knocking over a dozen puppet soldiers walking in front on the spot, and the puppet soldiers who heard the gunshots behind immediately rushed into the green gauze tent next to them.

Want to fight back but can't fight back at all, because the two light machine guns don't seem to stop at all.

The puppet army is different from the devils, he will not face difficulties.

Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is their true qualities of heroes.

Crazy Yang's machine gun's trajectory continued to extend, without a target, and no living puppet army could see it anyway.

During the fifth three-burst shooting, Luo Fugui's light machine gun with a new magazine was ready to fire.

Blindly scanned over and over again the approximate location of the edge of the green gauze tent where the puppet army might be hidden.

The stems and leaves were broken and broken, the immature sorghum was broken and broken, and the shrieking gods of death were everywhere in the air.

The puppet soldiers finally realized that the correct decision was to continue to crawl deep into the green gauze tent.


Hu Yi did not shoot at the devils heading east.

The little devil's infantry mission is to protect the military vehicles, and he has no intention of coming back for reinforcements.

Because the heavy machine guns in the distance to the east were buzzing again.

And the backfire of the heavy machine guns of the Devils armored vehicles.

If you can take care of the head, you can't take care of the tail, and if you walk back, no one knows if there is a black gun in the sorghum field.

The lieutenant is dead, no one is giving orders at this time, go back and fuck.

In the green gauze tent, countless figures squeezed away the sorghum poles: "Give up your guns and don't kill me"

"We are the Eighth Route Army!"

"Whoever dares to shoot back, I'll kill his whole family." A dissonant voice yelled arrogantly.

The puppet army mixed among the civilians on the highway had no intention of resisting at all.

I was caught by Eight Roads. I can't die!

(End of this chapter)

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