under fire

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

All around, the soldiers were lying on the ground with their clothes on, snoring everywhere, and people kept following them, looking for a place to fall asleep.

The team is approaching their destination step by step. The goal is to rush to the division headquarters. As for whether it will play any role, no one knows.

Hu Yi was very worried, but what he was worried about was Dr. Zhou's safety. There were indications that the devil's advance team had already marched to the division headquarters, and sent correspondents to the division to report, but there was no reply.

The division headquarters, so many civilian staff, the division hospital, the arsenal, and so many ordinary people, can they escape?If they received the news, it stands to reason that they should go north into the mountains.

The goal is about to be achieved, the vanguard should not be far from the division headquarters, and there is more than one way to enter the division headquarters, but there is no news of the wounded who were scattered earlier.

Hu Yi resolutely carried out the task of a soldier. He felt that he had won at least half a day for the division headquarters, and it might be longer.

"We have already passed Guxin Township, and we will reach the division headquarters in two hours." Ding Deyi squatted on the ground, next to Hu Yi who was lying on a stretcher.

When his train of thought was interrupted, Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, and responded to Ding Deyi: "Political commissar, I think the devil's advance team should have reached the division headquarters, but in the dark night, an advance team should not pose any threat. According to what you said, There are also troops from the Beishan Regiment in the mountains, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the devils' advance team, right?"

"It's not as simple as you think. The political commissar went to Zhongtiao Mountain some time ago and took some troops from the division's special agent company. The division's current combat troops are not many." After Ding De finished speaking, the two fell into silence.

Another half hour.

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Well, we have nothing to do now, Jiulian is far less powerful than the devils, but the devils behind us, if they want to rush to the division headquarters, they can't arrive before dawn, no matter how powerful the devils are, In the mountains, it is simply impossible to march fast in the dark."

Ding Deyi wryly smiled worriedly: "I didn't expect the devils to invest so many troops in such a dangerous place in the south. I'm worried. I'm afraid that the devils are also sweeping up from the north. As early as the beginning of the month, the division headquarters got the devils. The news of the summer sweep was prepared, but I didn't expect that the devil would invest so many troops this time, and it would last for almost a month, and it turned into a crazy sweep of Benjali."

"I don't think you need to worry. No matter what the final result of the division is, I'm sure it's impossible for these devils to encircle the division. After all, we've already sent the news. There are only a few people in the advance team. What kind of waves can we make?"

"You're right. We stay in the mountains every day, and we're more familiar with the terrain. The devils really come here. In the depths of the mountains, just find a forest to drill, and the devils will have nothing to do."

I think that the devil's attack this time should not be like the previous few aimless raids. From our battles along the way, it can be seen that the devil is advancing layer by layer this time, and there is no sign of crazy attack. Even our Occasionally escaped into the small road, the devils did not pursue. "

"That's right, I'm afraid that the devils will not only attack from the south, but if they attack from multiple directions, it will be troublesome." Ding Deyi sighed.

"Unless the devils came over in a big way from the north, but I think that's even more impossible. The north is the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, our division headquarters, and the terrain in the north is more dangerous. Many places are cliffs. Besides, the headquarters is not I heard that there are tens of thousands of troops in the mountains! Do you need to worry?"

"How is it possible! This is impossible!" Lieutenant Okawa Momoyoshi suddenly roared, threw his dirty gloves on the ground, pulled out the command knife wrapped in cloth, and violently chopped off a nearby plant that was bigger than a finger. small tree.

The second lieutenant calmly said: "You can go and see for yourself. There are only a few ordinary people in the village, and they are all old and frail. Not a single guerrilla was in sight."

"Have you searched all over?"

"I have searched carefully, except for those houses where there are people, it seems impossible to hide people. According to your instructions, I didn't use force on those old guys."


"Grandpa, hello!" Okawa Toyoshi entered the low, shabby house and began to be enthusiastic.

"Didn't you all leave in the evening?" the old man asked in surprise.

"We are the reinforcements from the Sixth Brigade. Why is everyone in the village gone now?"

"What are you talking about, aren't we human?" The uncle looked unhappy.

"Uh, sir, I'm sorry, from what you said, we also have a mission, but we didn't even see a contact person when we got here, um, has the division headquarters been transferred?"

"Are you from the Sixth Brigade?"

"Ah, you know our army? That's great." Okawa Toyoshi was a little nervous.

"do not know."

"If you don't know, then you still ask!" I felt relieved.

"If you don't know, you can't ask? How do you talk? Let me tell you, baby, when your teacher sees me, you have to call me an old man. You kid is a fool."

The old man went out in shorts and turned into the dilapidated stove next to him: "Look at your hard work, I'll make you something to eat."

Lieutenant Okawa was speechless this time. He stared at the old man frightened, tilted his head and scanned the subordinates hiding in the darkness outside.

"Then, I have to thank you!" Okawa Toyoshi was helpless. Even if he knew that the Eighth Route Division had shifted its direction and marched for many days, the troops were exhausted and unable to pursue, let alone in the dark night deep in the mountains. I can't figure out which direction.

The old man went out and walked into the next kitchen.

"Hesitation will make us lose the whereabouts of the Eighth Route Command. I think we should rely on ourselves. There are so many people in the Eighth Route. If they really run away, they have to leave clues, right? Or, we arrest the old man and interrogate him directly? "The second lieutenant suggested to Lieutenant Okawa in a low voice. "

"You are marching in a hurry now, how long can you last? Stupid pig."

The second lieutenant blushed: "I'm sorry, lieutenant, I didn't think carefully, it's just that time is running out."

"Are you in a hurry, you can't use your brain!" Okawa's answer was gnashing his teeth: "Our imperial army is behind, wait for them to come up, and then chase them from various intersections. There are more than 2 troops in the north. , Eighth Road is in our palms, where can we go?"

"I heard from those in the Security Force that the Eighth Route can go to heaven and earth." The second lieutenant was a little worried.

"Enter your m's land, show me one by one? We have encountered so many eight roads, which one has entered the ground? Which one has gone to the sky?" Lieutenant Okawa was furious.

"Who do you think has gone to heaven?" The uncle who suddenly came out of the kitchen was suspicious: "You just look at it like this? Don't you know how to help?"

Lieutenant Okawa immediately turned around and walked towards the room where the uncle was burning the fire.

Taking advantage of the light from the dilapidated firewood house, he turned his face sideways, gave the second lieutenant a hard look, and then wiped his neck at the second lieutenant.

The second lieutenant immediately understood, greeted the two devils, and went into the village. Not long after, several people carried a black shadow out of the village and into the mountains.

"You old man, don't tell me, don't tell me, I will separate your head from your body! Uh, separate your family." The second lieutenant no longer held back.

"Hey, old man, I've already seen that you are not good people, baby, you follow the devil to do these unconscionable things, how will you meet your ancestors in the future?" An old man who was tied up, said by hunting Looking at the guy in front of him with the light of the torch, he was frightened and tried to persuade him.

The second lieutenant had black hair, dare to feel, he regarded himself as a security force.

(End of this chapter)

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