under fire

Chapter 132

Chapter 132
In the middle of the night, the crescent moon in the sky is still dim, and the starlight in the sky reflects the strange rocks, the sheep guts mixed in the bushes, the leaves and grass are light and black, and the undulating mountain road, a team is shaking tiredly under the torch.

There are more than a hundred shadows, the stretcher being carried is moaning, the crutches made of tree branches are supported on the shoulders, panting, and slowly trying to speed up the pace.

On the mountain road ahead, there were sharp soldiers exploring the way, and they just reached a mountain pass.

After the night owl called twice, all the torches were extinguished immediately, and the figures scattered into the surrounding grass, blending into the darkness, and there was no more movement.

The soldier crawled on the ground, holding his rifle, leaning against a rock and panting heavily, pulled out the kettle nervously, unscrewed the wooden stopper, lifted the kettle, and poured water into his mouth.

Excess water leaked from the corner of his mouth and dripped down his neck to his chest.

Under the dim moonlight, a spot of light in the distance was approaching him. He was at the mountain pass. Anyone who came had to climb the mountain first, occupying a favorable position, and the black shadow did not notice that there was anyone at the mountain pass.

Except for the sound of the wind, the surroundings were quiet. Looking back, in the mist under the moonlight, a group of people were approaching him. They were the reinforcements, and they finally let go of their hearts.

"What's the matter?" The visitor asked in a low voice.

"Someone was found at the foot of the mountain. It doesn't look like a torch was lit."

"Well, it should be a flashlight." The visitor looked down the mountain carefully for a while.

"Flashlight? Could it be a devil?"

"It must be a devil! Pay attention to reconnaissance and see how many people are behind!"


lean less.

A voice sounded: "There seems to be no one behind? Isn't it, catch alive?"

"Don't worry, wait until he comes up, he seems to be in a hurry, maybe, he's not a devil, he's not slow, just wait."

Panting, he finally climbed up the mountain pass. The person with the flashlight stopped suddenly. After hitting the stones, a black shadow appeared in the bushes, accompanied by the rattle of the gun bolt: "Who is it? Put your hands up!" !"

The figure trembled, and the flashlight fell to the ground. Under the moonlight, he subconsciously wanted to pull the rifle, but in vain, he quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist. A faint light reflected from the black gun body, and the voice was tense but excited: "Who are you?"

"Uh, I asked you first, hey, didn't you see our dozen or so guns?"

"Okay, I'm from the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment, which part do you belong to?"

"Independent regiment? Which independent regiment? My special agent company."

"A secret agent? Devil?" Heiying's heart skipped a beat, he was dumbfounded, and immediately pressed down the nose of the shell gun in his hand.

Boom, I got a bullet butt in the back.

"Ah" Borrowing the mountain wind, the strange cry came from far away.

A voice: "Tie up first, uh, don't break that flashlight."

Then there was a short movement, the black shadow had his hands cut behind his back, and the gun in his hand changed hands.

In panic, he struggled hard, but to no avail.

"Be honest, or I will kill you immediately."

Sombra didn't speak until a rifle was pressed against his forehead.

The other two shadows ignored the shadows they caught, and continued to move forward into the moonlit night in front of the mountain.

A black shadow inserted two fingers into its mouth, and blew two long and one short bird calls.


On the mountain road next to the mountain, the torches were lit again, and then the torches were connected into a line.

"Report, we found our own people in front, saying they are from the Southern Independence Regiment!"

The special agent company is good, Tian Sanqi was unwilling to open his mouth at first, but finally found out that the group of people who claimed to be the special agent company turned out to be the special agent company of the division headquarters.

What's your name? Can't you?You have to call the spy company, which made me blind for a long time.

Someone came and turned the old background of the independent regiment upside down. It is impossible for the devil to know so many things about the independent regiment, the personnel's positions, and clearly stated. Tian Sanqi finally believed that the spy company in front of him was his own. Immediately and honestly told the whole of his situation.

Tian Sanqi was untied, but was still being held by two soldiers.

Whether it was the intelligence statement or the situation in the mountains, he was not very good at expressing, so he could only talk about it. The division heard that the political commissar of the independent regiment was behind, and immediately arranged for soldiers from the special agent company to contact.

The division headquarters received the return of the correspondent arranged by Hu Yi, but did not pay attention to it. The Devil's advance team made several calls, and the division was used to it. It was decided to transfer overnight.

A crippled company from the Independence Regiment suddenly popped up right now, which is unreasonable!
The defense zone of the independent regiment is more than 100 miles away from here, and it takes two or three days to walk. Your independent regiment only has a few guns. When did the defense zone become so big?

No matter how big the error is, it won't be as big as Dacheng, right?The person here is undoubtedly the Independence Regiment. This guy said that the Ninth Company of the Independence Regiment blocked most of the Devils Division. Are you joking?It's better to say that a little ant overturned a big mule.

Bragging, you also have to look at the object, right?
As for the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment, who doesn't know that Commander Lu's broken independent regiment doesn't even have a battalion, and there are several regiments that are often broken down to only a few semi-disabled companies. Now there is a semi-disabled company that can How much does it work?
In the dark night, the division commander wearing glasses was thinking like this, and found that the team had slowly gone away, and the soldiers of the independent regiment were still guarded by the soldiers of the two special service companies, standing beside him without moving: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up. "

"There are a large number of devils coming from the south, so we can't go south!" Tian Sanqi was anxious.

"This is not something you should care about!" The man holding him grabbed Tian Sanqi's neck: "Stop rambling, walk quickly, and talk nonsense, hehe, if the political commissar Ding you mentioned later doesn't see you, Lao Tzu I want you to look good!"

The strength is not ordinary, Tian Sanqi doesn't even have the thought of resisting, only a fool resists, and he is not the one who was beaten.

You all want to go south, let's wait and see!
Tian Sanqi was led to keep up with the marching brigade ahead.

After stopping this moment, the radio soldier nervously turned on the radio to receive new news.

"Report, urgent call from headquarters."

A soldier came up, saluted and offered a page of paper with both hands.

"Little devil, I'll fuck you first!" With the light of the torch, after reading through the middle-aged glasses on the letter, he crumpled the letter into a ball, unfolded it, and handed it to another middle-aged man next to him.

"Has the headquarters been surrounded?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"Immediately send this message to Chief of Staff Li, and ask him to lead the people and the wounded to hide in the mountains, turn off the radio immediately, and turn it on every day at [-]:[-] am and [-]:[-] pm.

Order the Beishan Regiment, which is close to the headquarters in the north, to immediately reinforce the headquarters. Even if there is only one person left, they must ensure that the headquarters personnel break through! "

"Master, we can't go further south. What the soldier of the independent regiment said just now, judging from this information, what he said is true. Then, he should be a member of the independent regiment, and there should be no problem."

"Is there any problem, we all have to go south, this thousand miles of Taihang Mountains, my territory, hehe, when I was fighting guerrilla, these little devils were still wearing crotch pants, afraid of a ball, he can be as familiar with this area as I am The vast mountain?"

"But he said that there are a large number of devils in the south!"

"Didn't the kid in front say that a company of the Independent Regiment stopped the devils for a few days? We old guys, can't compare to a company commander named Lu? Get to Guxin and rest."

The gentle and polite Mr. Wearing glasses was depressed and anxious, but he ordered angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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