under fire

Chapter 133

Chapter 133
After a while.

In the dark valley, beside a small road.

Four figures appeared nearby.

"Fuck, point the gun at me again, I will blow your head off!"

"Put down the gun first!" The other person on the opposite side was very upset, and the one who spoke just now was speechless.

The smallest one with pigtails leaned over from behind and said, "What's this for? It's the advance team again?"

"You are the advance team...we are the Eighth Route Army!" The unhappy black shadow put down his gun: "Don't you have two braids, when did you lose one?"

"What the hell, do you know them? Which way are they from?" Tang Dagou turned his head in surprise and asked the girl.

The one who put down the gun was speechless, this girl was always with someone, she was about to become a bandit.

The crooked braid couldn't help kicking the speechless one: "Hey, Wang Liujin, why did you come here? I haven't seen you for a long time, and I can't tell. Hey, you are a vanguard or a messenger. what?"

"I recognized you at a glance. I am the squad leader now, the squad leader of the second platoon of the spy company. Your independent regiment is clinking poorly. I will give you two bullets later!" The gun was pointed.

"Don't talk nonsense, you guys are just talking about homework, so you can't talk about something serious? There is a large group of ghosts following behind!" Tang Dagou glared and gritted his teeth.

"Okay...uh... six catties? What are you spies doing here in the middle of the night?" The little girl was quite clear about the establishment of the division.

"Uh... You girl... Of course our spy company has special missions, hehe, keep it secret, who are these two guys, and they are also from your independent regiment?" Wang Liujin looked at Tang Dagou, who was pulling his gun behind his back, and another shadow.

"Secret? Even your squad leader is serving as a vanguard, isn't it just that the division headquarters is moving!" The crooked pigtail rolled his eyes in contempt.

"Ah? It's really yours. You're a girl who knows how to pinch and forget, you can!" The dumbfounded couple were stunned.

"What? Am I wrong? Oh, yes, I forgot the business... Hey? Did you meet the devils and advance to the team?"

"Devils advancing into the team?" Wang Liujin was taken aback: "That's not the case. A few days ago, a company of the Beishan Regiment wiped out a squad of devils advancing into the team!"

"We have all received the news, uh, then why are you running south?"

"Didn't your independent regiment send a messenger to deliver a letter? The first time the division thought that the mountains were high and the land was far away, and a small group of devils could make waves, so they ignored it until Xiao Liu came to report that a large number of devils had entered from the south. The mountain, but it is far away, so the division decided to move. There were too many people in the division, so they split up. The wounded and the civilian staff all went into the deep mountain. The devil must have nothing to do. We are going south. Let's see what you report." Wang Liujin knows a lot about the situation of the independent regiment, because the independent regiment reported the situation twice in a row and was transferred to the secret service company, so he didn't care about keeping it secret. thing.

Thinking about it with pigtails, he looked worried: "The devil's advance team has already entered the mountain. They are disguised as Eighth Route soldiers, and there is a path led by the militiamen. Maybe they have already reached the division!"

"Is there someone to lead the way? I must have killed him, uh, is this devil so powerful?"

"You're so poor, if it wasn't for the wounded, we would have taken the path. Fortunately, the devil took the path, so you didn't run into each other."

"How did you know?"

"Hmph...Grandma's skills are great! You don't need to go forward, the south is full of devils, turn around immediately! Go now!"


A night passed, many things happened, and nothing seemed to happen. At least, this mountain area was still quiet.

The sky in the east is slowly getting brighter, on the edge of the cliff.

Holding the machine gun, Hu Yi leaned against a pile of backpacks, feeling the pain in his shoulders, squinting his eyes slightly, feeling the darkness before dawn, and occasionally mosquitoes flew by, and then he was taken away by the howling mountain wind.

There were people sleeping crookedly on the ground, snoring one after another.

At night, I encountered part of the division headquarters that had withdrawn to the south. Half of the combatants were there, including the division commander.

At the same time, I got the division hospital and went north into the mountains, so it should be safe.

The even more surprising news is that more devils are said to have surrounded the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in the north. There are more than 1 people in the headquarters. There is only one Eighth Route Army special agent regiment in the combat force. It is impossible for one regiment to block the devils drawn by several divisions. , the division has transferred the nearest Beishan Regiment reinforcements to the headquarters, but the latest situation has not yet come.

Most of the troops of the Eighth Route Army have entered the plains or are in the mountainous areas bordering the plains, and it is impossible to return to aid now.

According to news from various military sub-divisions, the devils occupied most of the roads into the mountains. They wanted to go into the mountains to return for help, but they were blocked by the high mountains and stared blankly.

Headquarters is now alone.

On the way to the division headquarters, the Ninth Company is still the disabled Ninth Company, but now there are many people who are lying on stretchers and being carried away, including those who are being carried, and those who are carrying stretchers, the number cannot be counted. One-third of the arrival.

There were still gunshots, falling far behind, sparsely, and the wounded who could not be taken away were left behind.

Ding Deyi went to the leader of the division to report on his work. After the team joined up with the people in the division, they did not turn back and headed north. They took a small road nearby and entered the mountain, and continued south. In the mountains north of Xinxiang.

Devil Lieutenant Okawa hates it!He hates the [-]th Division!Half a day later than the scheduled time, the Eighth Route Army division headquarters disappeared three hours ago, and I hated the company that the Eighth Route Army blocked him even more.

The Tuba Road Company stuck to his front and the entire southwest front, and then the two brigades attacking from the east were also held back by a regiment of the Eighth Route Army.The advance team that went into the mountain with him was wiped out by another company of the Eighth Route. Now the Eighth Route only left a few old and weak in the village.

Looking at the ghosts who were holding their stomachs, it was a good thing, no matter how poisonous the herbs were, they couldn't put much in the porridge. There were not many devils who drank porridge, so how effective were the herbs boiled in boiling water?
The Eighth Route Division headquarters disappeared without a trace!
They used tricks on a few common people, but they didn't get any news. It's not because the common people are so strong, because they didn't know, but found some traces from the clues on the ground.

It shows that a group of Eighth Road personnel went south, parallel to the road they entered the mountain, and they took the small path on the east line, while Eighth Road swaggered along the main road!
Dachuan Taoji's mouth was twisted with anger, looking at the Eighth Route guerrilla who had led him down the alley and was tied up by his subordinates, he resisted the urge to strike with a knife.

I even want to kill the two idiots who stayed in the mountains to inquire about the news, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division, the retreat of hundreds of thousands of people, how big a battle is going to be, you two idiots don't know anything.

Fortunately, Mr. Eighth Road still left some traces.

(End of this chapter)

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