under fire

Chapter 134 Seeing the Oriole Again

Chapter 134 Seeing the Oriole Again
No matter what, the current Okawa Toyoshi is the supreme commander of the southern advance team, but at this moment, he feels like an unlucky guy, and he has to be responsible for this unlucky failed operation.

No matter how wronged he feels, now, the shame of command mistakes, he will never forget.

Some news was also obtained from the old guys in the village. The headquarters of the Eighth Route Division has always been in the village, and there are less than one company of combatants.

If I had known earlier, I should have brought my two squads to directly attack the division headquarters of the Eighth Route a few days ago, and maybe I would have captured all the commanders of their division headquarters alive.

I have lost my mind, and I have to obey the orders of the First Army Command to cooperate with that idiot Mashiko Shigeo in the north to attack the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division. With the broken weapons of Balu, I blame myself for being too cautious.

If you regret it, you still have to think about it, otherwise, you will only be ridiculed when you go back.

Now that he has discovered the whereabouts left by the Eighth Route Army in its hasty retreat, he will continue to chase after him. Anyway, he is now wearing the ragged clothes of the Eighth Route Army, so maybe there will be unexpected gains.

What is comforting is that the eighth road actually went south, and Dachuan Taoji felt that he should still have a chance.

Immediately ordered the radio soldiers to send a report, and then, after a brief rest in the village, the team began to carry a few poisoned devils, and began to go south, along another mountain road, and embarked on the pursuit journey again.

The village became deserted, dead silent.

The two shadows broke away from the team and hid in the darkness of a small cliff outside the village.

The torches slowly went away.

half an hour.

On the small cliff outside the village, two black shadows began to pant after climbing up. One of them slowly fiddled with a stone in front of him, put down the equipment on his body, and arranged them one by one.

A gust of mountain wind drifted by.

"I seem to smell something bad."

Crash, the bolt of the rifle was pulled, and the muzzles of the two shadows were raised, pointing to the left or to the right. Under the gray military cap, two pairs of mouse eyes nervously searched the mountain ridge under the light of the moon.

Behind these two people, behind a certain stone pile on a higher ridge.

Two black heads were caught between the rocks.

"What did you eat for lunch? Are you trying to stink to death? Let's change places." The voice was very low.

"You can change it if you want? Your grandma's idea is beautiful!" Another black figure remained motionless and looked at the black shadow left by the two devils advancing into the team not far below.

"What the hell, let's shoot directly. These two guys must be the eyeliner left by the devil's advance team. Fortunately, we didn't go to say hello to them."

"However, the devils in the village at the foot of the mountain haven't gone far. Grandma, what if the gunfire brings the devils back?" Another voice whispered.

"That's even better, didn't the two of us just finish covering the division commander and the others to break through!"

"Grandma, you hit the one on the left, and I hit the one on the right?"

"What the hell, Cheng, the company commander told us to hide here, there really are devils advancing into the team, fortunately we didn't enter the village."

"What a fart, Uncle Liu was killed right under our noses, just to avenge Uncle Liu."

"Shall we shoot together?"

"Okay, I'll count one, two, three, let's shoot together!"

"Okay, then you count."


Bang, bang.

Then the bolt rattled.

"Damn, your grandma, I knew you were playing this trick again, but your marksmanship is really good!" After speaking, he jumped out of the hiding place and slid down the mountain.

"Hey, you fucking beard, wait for me, just two devils, you still want me to give you half?"

"Hey, whoever captures it first will get it."

"Fuck it, you have to hand over everything to the public."

"I just want to see if you want to make a mistake."

"Fuck, the public is not here now, so let's let it go with me first."

"Oh, grandma sent it this time. This guy must be a devil. You see, the loincloth he is wearing, and the bullets are much older, hundreds of them."

"It's true. The company commander asked us to guard here. I thought it would be a good guard. Unexpectedly, the company commander is wise. This rifle is much better than mine. Let's change it and hand over the broken gun. male?"

"Hey, you're just being slick, I tell you, it's against the rules, I'm the first to go to the instructor to sue you, I'll count how many bullets there are!" Grandma didn't deal with the fuck.

"Sue me? Hey, then you still count the farts, quickly collect your things and change to another place to squat, and the devil will be blind in a while when he comes back."

"You kid wants to eat alone. I haven't settled with you yet. I told you to learn and you didn't learn. You brag all day about your kung fu. You're dumbfounded now. There are so many bullets that you can't count?"

"You don't know, can I only count to three? For your grandma, pay half, keep half, and tell the company commander that only ten bullets were seized."

"You think the devil and us are poor people, huh? We killed a devil each, and you tell the company commander that only ten bullets were captured? He will believe you."

"You know what a fart, as long as we have the devil's corpse and this seized gun, hey, don't we all have to do meritorious service? Regarding the bullet, the company commander can fart you?"

"Don't you just want to kill two devils by yourself and become a squad leader? We don't like that in our team. To be a squad leader, you have to rely on your ability. You can't read two characters, and you are also blind when you are a squad leader."

"Okay, you killed the two devils, and you will share half of the bullets with me."

"That won't work, one for each person, one for each person."

"Your grandma, are you shameless?"

"You don't pretend, if you don't study culture, you would have been the monitor."

"Fucking class monitor, can the class monitor be used as a meal? Have to write a summary every month? There are also meetings. I think it's better not to do it."

"Then you want to take the two devils together? Uh, we have already killed the devil's eyeliner. Now, will those guys come back? Let's change places first."

"For another thing, the devils haven't come back yet, which means that they discovered the traces left by the division's deliberate arrangement. Isn't the logistics of entering the mountain and the hospital all right? Hehe, let's split up and act."

"Didn't you say you wanted to change places? Separate operations? How to divide?"

"You go and report to Staff Li, and I will follow these devils."

"Then why didn't you report it?"

"Carrying so many bullets to report the letter, do you think I'm stupid?" Heiying turned his head: "Give me half of your bullets, hurry up, and I'll pay you back later."

"Good idea, the two bullets you borrowed from me last time haven't returned me yet."

"Hey, you're just stingy, how many bullets do we have now? No, two bullets, return it to you." After speaking, he threw two bullets on the ground, making a loud bang.

"Hey, I have one hundred and five now." At this moment, a black shadow counted the bullets in the bullet bag, plus the two bullets on the ground.

"Hey,,, that, can you count for me?"

"You now have 110 nine, or if you give me eleven hairs, you can make up one hundred and eight?"

"One hundred and eight?"

"Isn't Liangshan a hero exactly one hundred and eighty?"

"Okay, I'm bringing the Liangshan hero to the devil now, you go report."

Not long after, the two shadows did not enter the village again, and separated on the road outside the village, one south and one north, and disappeared into the night.

Hey, no, why the fuck did I give you eleven bullets?
(End of this chapter)

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