under fire

Chapter 135 Encounter

Chapter 135 Encounter
The meat is roasting on the fire, and the oil is dripping down, holding the bun in one hand, and the dripping oil drips under the slightly burnt meat. The piece of meat is obviously not too big, and there is obviously more The wings were obviously an unlucky chicken. Jiulian had the best bite, and there was no one else except Luo Fugui.

There were a dozen or so gray-faced people squatting all around.

The throat moves up and down.

The mountain wind passed by, and a marching pot came over. In the twilight of dawn, Wang Xiaosan carefully put the pot borrowed from the teacher on the ground, inserted a bayonet behind him, and stabbed the roasting chicken again. The hole, together with the branch that passed through the chicken's body, was raised and placed horizontally on the marching pot.

Luo Fugui was about to curse: "Your grandma."

The latter words were swallowed back.

Behind the crooked pigtail holding the bayonet was the serious-looking Political Commissar Ding.

He Gensheng followed at the end, wearing a dirty red cross armband, but carrying his exquisite pure cowhide Japanese-style field medicine box, with a somewhat frightened expression on his face.

In the valley, there is a large open space, and there are some sparse trees and dense leaves swaying in the dawn. On the mountain ridges on both sides of the valley, there are a few dirty figures lying on their stomachs, looking around nervously.

There used to be a township below, and the township office. Troops had gone down a long time ago, and all the people and the Eighth Route staff in the township were transferred to the other side of the mountain. The soldiers were lining up to climb the mountain ridge.

Tian Sanqi, who returned to Jiulian, led Xu Xiao, Tang Dagou, and three people from different platoons up the mountain ridge.

Tang Dagou is leaning against the mountain ridge at this moment, half lying down, half squinting his eyes, looking up at the bright blue sky with cold gray clouds. Was chased by devils.

Listening to the roar coming from the southwest, what the hell, I guess, after a while, the devil's reconnaissance plane will pop up again.

Perhaps, sooner or later, an iron guy will fall from the sky, and quickly cover the body with the branches prepared earlier.

Xu Xiao crawled over, squatted halfway beside Tang Dagou, pushed the devil's steel helmet covering his eyebrows and eyes, and revealed half of his face: "Brother Tang, what are you doing? There are no devils, you hide yourself and do it!" What?"

The big brother Tang made Tang big dog swear in his throat and slipped back. He thought of his brother.

What the hell, little boy, don’t follow the mule all day long, it’s a guy who recruits bullets, listen to my brother, wrap branches around your body in a while, otherwise, the devil will fly over and drop two bombs, everything will be his grandma’s It's all over.

Flying chicken?What did you say?Can Feiji throw fried eggs?

Tang Dagou had black lines on his face, and he didn't bother to talk to the bumpkin anymore.

Xu Xiao didn't ask any more, what's so strange about the flying chicken, he cast his serious and innocent gaze to the north, and started to take the initiative to observe vigilantly.

Luo Fugui reluctantly came to Hu Yi's side, and when he came to the backpack, he swayed and fell beside Hu Yi, sighing.

Hu Yi ignored it, straightened his military cap, pulled the machine gun next to him and began to check, with skillful movements, he was silent and speechless.

Jiulian was used to being free and undisciplined, and the division and special agent company started a day of morning exercises. Under the leadership of the third platoon leader Luo Fugui, the morale of Jiulian was in a slump, like a group of frustrated ghosts.

The mountain breeze passed by, bringing a faint smell of chicken, and at the same time, it also brought the shouts of the training of the secret service company.

The crooked person on the ground was woken up, covered his face with a dirty hat, rubbed grass into his ears, turned over, snored again, and no one spoke.

Not long after, there was movement on the mountain ridge. Those who were lying down quickly sat up, those who were sleeping were kicked awake, those who were training stopped, and those who started the fire extinguished the fire.

After a while: "The devils have come up from the south and have already started to drill into the countryside. Everyone, go up the mountain immediately."

The order came quickly, and the orderly roared in a low voice, and looked at the temporary resting place of the Ninth Company with no formation, dirty uniform, and various colors.

"Didn't the division headquarters all move? These devils are vying to advance to the division headquarters. It's nothing to do with us. Just hide here. Go to the mountain ridge, haha... hahaha... oh, I'll go"

Before he could laugh out loud, Hu Yi kicked the bear's shoulder hard with the sole of his shoe, ending the continuation of the silly laughter.

"Boss Hu, am I wrong, you kicked me again?" Luo Fugui was depressed.

Luo Fugui got up quickly, and kicked at the gray military uniforms who were still lying on the ground without making any movement but holding back their laughter.

"Grandma is so heartless! You are laughing farts, ordering us to go up the mountain, do you know what this means? Huh? The devil is following up again, your grandma, hurry up and clean up!"

Being kicked is completely different from being kicked. It feels really good to be kicked. Even the depressed mood of being confiscated by He Gensheng with the political commissar has improved a lot!
"Going up the mountain ridge...then you won't have to fight devils again, will you?"

"Hit your grandma! Is it so easy to fight being a devil? We are on the mountain ridge. As long as the devils don't send people up, how can they pay attention to us who are eager to go to the division headquarters?"

"Uh... No, I heard from the secret service company that the division deliberately lured the devils to the south, and left some traces?"

"Ah, are they stupid? Still leaving a mark for the devil? His grandma's, how careless is this?"

"The teacher is over there, you go and tell him!"

"Uh, let's pretend I didn't say that..." Xiong froze immediately.

"Platoon Leader Luo, I think the company commander is here, what can I do for you?"

"Success, I'll leave you behind for a while."

"Ah." The soldier who spoke was dumbfounded.

Xu Xiao's observation post was treated as a messenger and returned to the Ninth Company: "Company commander, the company commander of the special agent company, let us retreat first, let us turn east along the ridge, and be careful not to be discovered by the devils down the mountain."

"Did the devil arrange for people to come up the mountain?"

"Yes, but halfway through the climb, I was panting on the mountainside. It was estimated that I would come up. It was still early. The secret service company had prepared two stones. He stepped forward again and was going to push the stones down. Anyway, the secret service company asked everyone , bullets are not allowed to be loaded, all pistols are fully unsafe, and no shots are allowed without an order."

On Wang Xiaosan's side, there was a large circle of people, and the soup was seen by the silhouettes, each person took a spoonful, with a burnt smell, and it tasted like chicken soup.

All the chicken was fished out and given to the wounded.

A group of people took soup, grabbed a handful of roasted seeds and nuts from the grain bag, stuffed them into their mouths, swallowed them whole, and began to organize their equipment.

Tian Sanqi finally held the rifle he found back in his hand, raised his head and said solemnly: "I think we should support the spy company, they only have half a company, if we really want to fight devils, they can't hold it for much longer For a long time, and each of them has ten bullets."

"The most elite spy company in the division, one person has ten bullets?" Hu Yi frowned.

"Your grandma, are you letting this fart go now?" Luo Fugui chimed in.

Tian Sanqi looked at Hu Yi and said nothing.

Jiulian said that he was blocking the devils, but he had never fought against the devils, and the bullets were still waiting for the cubs.

"Fifty rounds per person, send them over immediately." Hu Yi didn't hesitate.

"Would you like to send a machine gun over there?" Xiong next to him rolled his toad's eyes and looked up at the sky and muttered, "Most of what we brought this time are [-] bullets, they don't need them."

Hu Yi was even more speechless, turned his head and asked Tian Sanqi: "How many people are there?"

"Combat personnel, like two platoons, plus the periphery, number eighty or so."

"Go over and ask them, exchange twenty thirty-eight big covers, prepare one gun for one hundred, and send two crooked machine guns over."

Half of Jiulian's heavy firepower is just given away like this?
 If there are comments, post two more, thank you for your support, and have the motivation to write down.

  Thanks for the support of the new brothers.

  Bubble!sister?sister.You cow, I can't beat it

(End of this chapter)

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