under fire

Chapter 136 Aircraft

Chapter 136 Aircraft
Hu Yi's scalp tingled when he heard the humming sound from far away in the sky.

The Devils sent planes, perhaps just for reconnaissance. Of course, the Devils' reconnaissance planes could also dive and attack the Eighth Route Army without anti-aircraft weapons. The Devils' reconnaissance planes were equipped with machine guns.

It's not a good idea to go up the mountain. The Devil's plane should start at dawn. According to the sound, it should start from the southwest, and it can only enter the mountain from Changzhi Airport.

"Everyone, hang branches on your body, weave a tree hat on your head, and when you find the devil's plane, immediately squat in the bushes and don't move. The devil's plane is so fast that he can't find it."

This order, for the security forces who had just been recruited into the Ninth Company, immediately began to move around with ease.

The other old Ninth Company soldiers don't understand, what is an airplane?I don't know, but I've heard it often, never seen it.

The company commander seems to have said before that the bullets of the devil plane have a trajectory, just avoid them if you pay attention, and there are bombing chickens, you have to lie on the ground and hide when you see them.

With excitement, the soldiers were full of fear for the coming gray chickens and bombing chickens, but also full of hope, hoping to learn more.

It is not difficult for anyone to follow the gourd and paint the ladle, and all the soldiers of the Ninth Company have become Shuren.

"You have so many ties, how do you walk, how do you march?"

"It's none of your business, I'm happy!"


Not long after, a small figure with a wreath on his head swayed over.

Hu Yi suppressed his anger, and swore secretly that he would have to teach these idiots how to defend against air in the future!

The girl's garland was torn off by Hu Yi and thrown aside.

The girl was stunned, her eyes slightly bright.

Luo Fugui, who has observed his words and expressions until now, finally figured out Hu Caida's real thoughts, so he cleared his cough and twisted his neck unnaturally: "Um... Boss Hu, there is a sentence... I don't know if I should say it or not."

"If you fart, let it go!"

"Just now I saw...then He Gensheng arranged all the wounded to the division. Well, should the wounded also be dealt with?"

"How to deal with it?"

"They have big goals, and they have to think about it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hey, I'll go with the wounded, will it be okay to cut down trees and hold them up?"

"Okay, the tree is too small, the mountain is full of devils, they will run away when they see the tree, what do you think they will think?"

"Uh, then you pretend I didn't say it."

The crowd stared, this brat just wanted to run away with the wounded!
The bear who was about to run was stunned, and he clicked his toad eyes, as if he was thinking about life, or praying to the Taishang Laojun, maybe the Master Sanqing, but he didn't blush, how could he blush because of it?
Such a smelly and shameless product!How could he blush!
The atmosphere at the scene was embarrassing, and there was a cold air everywhere, and the ugly eyes of the unscrupulous bear suddenly withered.

The cunning and shameless became a little evasive, and Er Niu, who was covered in leaves, strode over, holding a bundle of branches in her hand.

A large bundle of branches and a small bundle of rattan were thrown at Luo Fugui's feet, splashing dust.

Then, the thin body fully armed turned around and left.

There was silence all around, eyes wide and small.

"Grandma, what crime did I do in my previous life!" Xiongzhang subconsciously patted the bear's leg vigorously.

Finally he let out a breath of air, as if he had changed in an instant, he kicked the bundle of branches away.

It's really hard to be a Balu!
"Platoon leader, what are you thinking? Hang it up quickly, the troops are about to leave..." Xu Xiao tightly grasped the [-] rifle that was taller than his body. The bayonet hanging on the muzzle dazzled slightly. Branches on the ground.

"Shut up! Do you have a place to speak here!"

"But, we are about to go!" Xu Xiao was aggrieved.

"What a long-winded fart, if you don't want to shut up, get out!"

Xu Xiao's face was mournful, and his body didn't move.

"Your grandma, don't even you listen to me?" Xiong kicked Xu Xiao away, ignored everyone's eyes, and ran straight to the hillside.

Pulled out the machete on his back, swiped it twice, the small tree with thick arms fell to the ground, and part of the branches were removed,

The bear stood up, and in the early morning mountain wind, it was as tall as ever, making the subordinates look up.

"Grandma's, isn't it just moving house and changing places, and bringing those wounded back to me, isn't it just running across the road... What are you talking about?"

Everyone didn't ask and didn't speak, they just sorted out the branches and leaves on their bodies. What Xiong said made everyone laugh.

"Your grandma's, what are you laughing at, huh?"

"Are you running away and asking the wounded to do the fart?" A soldier raised his leg to follow the company commander who was already leaning on a cane and heading east.

"Officer Su asked you to study, didn't your grandma learn? Take care of the wounded first."

Pan Zhuzi, who had never shown his face, went into battle in person, carrying a soldier under him, carrying a big knife, with black and red silk wrapped around the handle, no longer fluttering casually, the rifle hung across his chest, and the sword next to him The soldiers kept sticking branches on him.

"What the hell, you have a fart on your back with a knife, and we don't fight devils in close combat, you three companies are all fools."

Pan Zhuzi gave Tang Dagou next to him a hard look, but did not respond.

The devils don't think there are too many people in the mountains, and a small town has long since become empty, and the devils don't bother to talk to each other.

After entering the mountain, the mountain near the headquarters of the Eighth Route Division is still steep, but there are more canine-toothed roads, although most of them are small trails, and it is not easy to travel.

The devil who had climbed halfway up the mountain, for some reason, was summoned by the devil at the bottom of the mountain, and retreated back.

The army of devils is here, who dares to stroke the dog's beard?What's more, there will be a reconnaissance plane coming up soon, and climbing the mountain is a waste of energy.

The current group of devils is the one who took the road to chase the devils earlier, and the vanguard of the brigade is not the group that chased after the Ninth Company.

Before they had time to receive the news from the advance team, the devils acted unswervingly according to the set goal.

Carrying the wounded, the speed was not fast, and the Jiulian people were dejected, shaking their bodies covered with branches, and ran in a messy formation, and ran quickly to the northeast.

On the other side of the mountain, the road at the foot of the mountain was full of devils, and no one said anything when they were running. Both sides were heading north, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

The sun has risen, shining a multicolored sky, casting a glow on the top of the mountain, but the bottom of the mountain that cannot be illuminated is pitch black, and the mist is billowing.

The sound of bang bang has been ringing, like a curse.

The sound gradually got closer, and two big silver-gray birds slowly emerged from the southwest sky, the fuselage was shining with light, and from the other side of the mountain, the ghosts marched above the team, slowly shaking north.

"All concealed."

On the position of the spy company that hadn't retreated yet, there was a small sound.

The company commander kept watching the devils down the mountain with his binoculars, and suddenly remembered that there were still some people from the independent regiment.

My heart skipped a beat. Those bumpkins I met before dawn must not be discovered by the devil's plane, and even the division headquarters will be implicated and suffer.

Pulling out the binoculars to look at the base of the independent regiment, there was no movement, not even a single shadow in the binoculars, only then did I remember that I had ordered the mob to retreat.

Congratulate yourself for your foresight.

Those guys from the independent regiment run really fast!It is worthy of guerrilla material.

I hope they won't be discovered by the devil plane.

In the secret service company, most of them are veterans who have experienced many battles. Naturally, there is no problem with camouflage on the battlefield. The problem is that the goods of the independent regiment must not be exposed.

The devils at the foot of the mountain wanted to catch up, but no one could escape.

Those country bumpkins can really boast, saying that they blocked half of the devil's division, they can really talk.

(End of this chapter)

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