under fire

Chapter 137

Chapter 137
A group of hats made of branches and leaves on their heads, and a team wearing branches, walked slowly along the mountain ridge.

On both sides of the mountain ridge, the sky is deep and deep, the canyons lie across, and the endless mountains are majestic and majestic. They are by no means comparable to the rolling hills, just like a dragon that sees the head but does not see the tail.

Overlooking, thousands of peaks compete for beauty, thousands of valleys compete for strangeness, the two confront each other, or feel that the two mountains are within reach.

The mountains are high and man-made peaks, especially when the bluestones are stacked on one side, or the rocks on the Yellowstone mountains are bare, and the cliffs are not covered by soil, but they are covered with green layers. Looking from a distance, in the mist, there are all mountains. The mountains are higher.

The simple and green pines and cypresses squeezed out from the cliff rocks, and flourished stubbornly and tenaciously.

More than [-] people from the division headquarter walked in the front. They had heard the sound of the plane approaching earlier. With an order, they all lay down in the few bushes on the mountain ridge. The branches cover the body.

On the contrary, it makes the bare mountain ridges in most places more green.

The exhausted elites of the Ninth Company gathered together again and fell to the ground.

Xiao Hongying moved her body a few times, leaned next to Hu Yi, and whispered, "Why did this plane come into the mountains to play?"

Hu Yi didn't move, and asked in surprise, "Have you ever seen an airplane?"

"Hey, how could it be possible that I haven't seen it before? When I went from Jiangxi to northern Shaanxi, I was chased by reactionary planes all the way. It's no big deal!" Xiao Zhui'er hid in a hat made of branches and leaves, frowning.

"Do you know how to hide from the machine guns and bombs on the plane?"

"What's the problem? The trajectory of the devil's machine gun is mostly a straight line. Just look at the line and rub it on both sides. When the plane drops bombs, you have to lie down and support your body with your elbows to avoid being injured. Didn't you say it before? ? Ask again."

There was a sound on the ground, and the guys who listened carefully lifted their bodies off the ground immediately.

"What is an airplane? Why can it fly?" The mule next to him blinked and asked.

"A plane is a chicken, and your grilled chicken can also fly. You can ask why it can fly?" The little girl had such a great opportunity, so she naturally showed off: "There are machine guns on the plane, and they can also drop bombs!"

"Nonsense, it's a reconnaissance plane up there, not a bomber, what kind of bomb is it dropping!" Banxian who was lying on the side couldn't help interjecting.

When encountering uncooperative goods smashing the scene, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, the frantic little girl threw a stone sideways, which hit Banxian on the forehead.

Li Xiang pulled the branches on those guys who were not covered.

Political commissar Ding was not with the Nine Company, and as a first-level cadre of the independent regiment, he was recruited to the division headquarters again.

On the verdant mountain, the Devil's plane did not fly over the mountain ridge. It was a little far away from the team lying on the mountain, and the sound was scary.

It's okay to speak loudly, as long as you lie still, the sound is caught in the roar of the plane, and in the valley on the other side of the mountain, it is impossible for the devils who are far away to find it.

One or two hundred people in full camouflage lay motionless by the bushes beside the mountain ridge road.

The huge roar of the Devil's plane flew overhead not far away.

The mountain wind blew the weeds swaying, and the bumpkins who had never seen an airplane dared not look up, staring dumbfoundedly at the legendary airplane gradually going away.

I was terrified, it turned out that this was the plane, those who had been blown up by the devil's plane, their hearts hanging in their hearts fell to the ground, and their little hearts were still beating wildly involuntarily.

Hu Yi, who was full of helplessness, was speechless. The Eighth Route Army, without anti-aircraft weapons, was not at ease walking around.

As the plane went away, it was a little strange that there was a much more lush vegetation on the mountain ridge, but there was no doubt. The Eighth Route Division was ahead, and there was a long march of infantry at the foot of the mountain. The devil team did not behave abnormally.

A group of people slowly got up, watching the plane that was about to become a black spot in the distance disappear.

The country bumpkins are still reminiscing that the plane can fly in the sky, it seems that it is not very high, it is such a magical thing.

Xu Xiao was sticking out his tongue to lick the two lines of snot on his lips. The bear next to him was taller and stronger, holding a huge tree umbrella, staring blankly.

After stabilizing his mood, he stretched out his big hand to touch the back of Xu Xiao's neck beside him, and sighed: "Grandma's, it's finally clean, little one, hurry up, don't you see Boss Hu and the others are already walking forward?" !"

Xu Xiao turned back to the snot-nosed face, and asked Xiong, "Squad leader, why is that thing making such a loud noise?"

The bear paw on the back of Xu Xiao's neck immediately slipped away: "Hurry up, you ask me, who should I ask?"

Figures climbed up one by one, reluctantly looking at the ghost plane that had disappeared. Many soldiers of the Ninth Company, although they knew nothing about the situation outside the mountain, marched for several days, and there was a legendary division commander in front of them. , beat his eyes with his hands, knocked his head, patted the soil, and hurriedly followed the team that had gone away without saying hello.

"Squad leader, where are we... going?" A tall and three-faced man who finally admitted that Tang Dagou was the squad leader asked cautiously.

Sounds like an idiot question.

"You don't know, I know? Where there are no devils, we will go wherever. This is guerrilla warfare, understand?"

When the mountain ridge narrowed, a group of people carefully climbed up and down from the cracks in the rocks, and looked out with their heads. After just one glance, their feet trembled immediately, and the bottom was bottomless.

Quickly grab the soldiers next to you.

"Your grandma, are you grabbing me for a fart? Let go, you boy, be careful, I'm still carrying a stretcher, if my hand softens, the brother on the stretcher will fall." The captured soldier was still carrying the wounded, Immediately yelled.

The wounded lying on the stretcher couldn't see the dangers of the high mountains. Enduring intense pain, he looked at the sky and exhaled a foul breath, half-closed his eyes, looked at the clouds in the sky, and followed him forward.

The footsteps moved step by step, and no one looked out of the cliff anymore.

"Here we come! Company commander... the people from the secret service company are here!"

Chen Chong took a soldier and pulled him behind. He walked all the way and looked around with binoculars. When he looked back, he finally found something. A group of troops came up behind him. They must be members of the secret service company.

Hu Yi stopped at a slightly wider place, let the mule Xu Xiao who was following closely behind go forward, and stretched his shoulders.

Staring at Chen Chong who stopped behind him: "Do you know where this road leads to?"

"I haven't been here, and I don't know, but the general direction should be towards!"

The Ninth Company has seriously reduced its personnel. Although Hu Yi is very distressed, since he has become a soldier, life and death are not in his hands. He was transferred in advance by the division headquarters. , and really did.

Devils are also human beings, and these deadly devils are still carrying out their iron wall encirclement tactics.

Although facing an unknown number of devil teams, Hu Yi still breathed a sigh of relief. At any rate, the nine company system is still there.

Silently in a daze, the soldiers of the Ninth Company all passed Hu Yi, and Hu Yi kept nodding.

Finally, the little girl and Chen Chong were left standing beside Hu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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