under fire

Chapter 138 Special Agent Company

Chapter 138 Special Agent Company

A team at the back followed up from a distance in high spirits.

A capable man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a full beard, without anger and prestige, with a tree hat wrapped around his head, not panting, took the lead in climbing up cleanly from the small ridge as high as one person.

Clapping the soil on his palms, he raised his head and looked at Jiulian's three pairs of colors. He sized up Hu Yi and Chen Chong. He probably had never seen them before, and he didn't know them: "Independent regiment?"

Hu Yi secretly praised, looking at that skill, it's not ordinary: "Yeah."

The visitor glanced behind Hu Yi again, was overjoyed, laughed and walked over a few steps.

"Chang girl, is it really you, hahaha are you so tall? Hey, I heard from the soldiers that your independent regiment stopped the devil's army with a single company? Is it true or not? You can really brag." Rough and hearty laughter In the middle, a big hand patted the little girl who had nowhere to hide, obviously in disbelief.

Xiao Hongying slapped that hand away and was furious: "Hey, bragging? Auntie has more powerful ones. If you don't believe me, you'll be defeated. You have to fuck up. I heard from Liu Jin that when did you become a company commander?"

After receiving such a reply, the spy company commander was speechless. Seeing a stranger beside him, he gave the impolite girl a hard look, and immediately turned his head to face Hu Yi in embarrassment, and stretched out his hand: "Hello, who are you?"

"Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment, Hu Yi." Hu Yi didn't introduce himself when he saw the person coming, and he didn't care when he heard from the girl that it was the spy company commander.

Without waiting for the visitor to reply again, he turned around and said calmly to the two people next to him: "Let's go, stay here, you're blocking people's way!"

The little girl bared her teeth at the spy company commander, stared fiercely, turned around, and followed Hu Yi and Chen Chong who had already set off, stepping back and forth, ignoring the spy company who was still waiting to speak.

Three figures, bleakly pulled at the end of the Ninth Company, dangled in front of the Secret Service Company.

"Hu Yi? I seem to have heard of this name?" For a moment, the company commander who didn't think of Hu Yi's background, based on his feeling, this Hu Yi was not simple. He turned his head and asked the people who followed him: "Who is Hu Yi? Okay Elephant, haven't we seen it?"

"Uh, he's the company commander of the Ninth Company. You were busy arranging the evacuation of the fellow villagers, but you weren't there when they came!" Squad leader Liu Jin had already made inquiries.

"Uh, he is the company commander of the independent regiment? Hehe, it's interesting, and he gave us two machine guns and two thousand rounds of ammunition? No, where did their broken independent regiment get so many things?" The company commander frowned.

"A company of them suffered more than half of the casualties, maybe it was saved for this reason?"

"Saving? You know what, bullets can be saved, and machine guns are in short supply. Over the years, the division has only added two machine guns to them, and they give them away after changing hands? Is it possible, prodigal?" The company commander had a look of disbelief.

"Company commander, this is not a matter of fooling people. If you fool me like this, I wish someone fooled me every day. Two machine guns! It's exciting to hear." The squad leader Liujin also got excited, and one of the machine guns remained in his squad. .

Because he was the first to meet the prodigal sons of the independent regiment!

"Well, you know them. Chang girl hangs out with them. I don't think she has anything on her body. The independent group is hitting the fat man with a swollen face, right? Maybe they don't know how to use machine guns, so we can do it in our hands." Play a bigger role, and after a while, since he gave this big gift, let's not be stingy, and give him my pistol."

"Hey, company commander, you missed your mark this time. They still have three machine guns. I saw that there are also grenade launchers. There is also a special soldier called Lucky, who is dedicated to carrying guns for girls!"

"What? Throwing grenade, you can blow it vigorously, even if they have it, can they do it." The company commander looked contemptuous.

"Let me tell you, ah, not only do they have it, but there are five more. It seems that they said that there are no grenades, and there are only two chemical bombs left. By the way, company commander, what are chemical bombs?"

"Five? Chemical bombs?" The company commander was startled and then asked: "Uh, chemical bombs? How do I know, hehe, these guys are interesting, let's meet those monsters from the independent regiment later!"

"Company commander, there are only about forty of them now, so it's impossible to give us all the bullets, right? So, I think they should still have bullets." Liu Jin smartly stopped discussing chemical bombs.

"It's a favor for us, don't use other people's grenades, but this is even more wrong, it's unscientific!" The company commander shook his head: "However, we only have two grenades, and we are not proficient in using grenades!"

Hu Yi, who was walking in front, had his mind racing. He originally wanted to ask about the current situation of the spy company so that he could arrange his next move, but he didn't expect to be missed by others.

Being sandwiched with the division headquarters, everything is under the command, I don't know anything, I can't explain this feeling, and I can't predict everything in the future. This feeling makes Hu Yi very uncomfortable. Even though soldiers are born to obey orders, but , There is no order until now, the only thing I got is the withdrawal notice from the special agent company, which is not an order.

The pain in the shoulder came again, and he frowned, and let the shoulder move again, feeling more painful, but he didn't stop thinking.

The devils entered the mountain on a large scale. Once they find that the division headquarters is empty, it is impossible to withdraw in such a desperate way. There are planes in the sky and so many people on the ground. They will definitely continue to sweep around the division headquarters, and it is more likely to go north. Encircled the Eighth Route Army headquarters.

After Jiulian reunited with the division headquarters, there were actually not that many people, and the mountain was vast. Just this little devil wanted to surround the division headquarters. If there was no definite information in the vast mountain, it would be useless!impossible.

The most important thing is that the devils must have mules and horses after entering the mountain. Otherwise, with so many people, supplies would be a big problem. If they were fighting guerrillas in the mountains all day long, those scattered devils would definitely not be their opponents.

Then, if possible, hit the transport team behind the devils!Hu Yi's mind came alive.

I can't beat you, and I will starve to death if you are hungry. If there are nearly ten thousand devils, if there is no food, he will not be able to retreat if he wants to!
The people who had known about the evacuation of the division headquarters were divided into two echelons. Now the one with Jiulian is the first echelon, which is only a team of more than a hundred people. If you want to avoid the devils, you can find a place in the mountains Drilling, you can disappear without a trace, as long as you don't get bitten by devils, you don't have to worry about your safety.

The devils are mopping up. Facing such a large mountainous area, the troops must be divided. The current task is simple, and the whereabouts should be concealed as much as possible. When encountering a small group of devils, they will fight if they are sure. No matter what position, even if it is successful, the key is to ambush the devils.

Huili Village, where the division headquarters was originally located, has roads in all directions. Even if half of the devil's division is dispersed, each unit will not have too many troops.

The division did not assign specific tasks to Jiulian, and did not even ask Hu Yi to report the situation.

Because, according to the information from the radio station, the headquarters has been surrounded by devils, and at the critical point of life and death, the only thing the division can do is to do everything possible to reinforce the headquarters by giving orders to the Beishan regiment with radio stations, and save one counts as one.

Right now, there aren't many soldiers in the Eighth Route Army, and half of the spy company takes out the disabled Ninth Company, who can't compete with the devils.

Under the leadership of the division headquarters, the team couldn't go south, so they diverted to the northeast. It looked like a large group of people.

But the soldiers led by the division commander are at best less than a company, and no matter how powerful the division commander is, he will be blinded.

The news kept coming from the radio station, and it had been confirmed that it was a foregone conclusion that the troops outside the mountain would not be able to return to the rescue. Everything could only be done by themselves, so the division had to make a plan to deal with it.

The sun in the sky is getting more and more poisonous, a group of listless teams, wearing hats that have faded, are slowly advancing in the mountains with difficulty.

At noon, there was no road on the mountain ridge ahead, and there was no sign on the map at all. Fortunately, when the troops evacuated Guxin Township, they took two ordinary people with them. They were relatively familiar with these mountain roads. Under the leadership, the troops are slowly descending along the steep mountain wall. There is a deep cliff on one side and a cliff on the other. A group of people are carefully supporting each other, pulling a long rope, and the stretcher is carried one step at a time. step by step.

It took almost an hour to go down the mountain.

The troops gave the order to rest and recuperate, and the team stretched a long way and stopped in a ravine where the ground was not three feet flat, and each of them looked for a shady place to rest.

The spy company parked behind sent someone to bring some dry food, and the person who came was the squad leader Liu Jin of the spy company.

The reception was the company commander of Jiulianhong. Two old acquaintances, one big and one small, met again. Liu Jin greeted warmly: "Hey, girl, our company commander invites the company commander of the Ninth Company of your independent regiment to come and talk?"

"Hey, I'm the commander of the Ninth Company. If you want to talk, it's kind of you to let the surname Li come over!"

(End of this chapter)

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