under fire

Chapter 139 Glorious History

Chapter 139 Glorious History

"Ah? Are you the commander of the Ninth Company?" Liu Jin was dumbfounded.

"Do you have an opinion?" Under the soaring ponytail, a pair of clear eyes stared at Liu Jin with disdain.

"No, alas, I didn't expect that!" Liu Jin hurried forward and saluted without any doubts.

In his heart, soldiers of the Eighth Route Army would definitely not lie to their own people!Simple!
Eighteen or nineteen-year-old regimental commanders were everywhere during the Long March. Although the girl was young, she came out of the division. Although she was young, it seemed that it was not impossible to be a company commander.

Originally an old acquaintance, it was rare to see him twice over the years, and the squad leader Liu Jin who was two levels lower almost burst into tears.

The two were enthusiastic for a long time, and asked again: "You are really the company commander, didn't you say that Hu Yi is the company commander?"

"He? He often makes mistakes. He is injured now. I am the company commander." The answerer was proud.

The listener is satisfied: it turned out to be a vice.

Thinking of this, Liu Jin hurriedly stretched out his hand to make an inviting gesture: "Look... our company commander invites you to come over"

"Aren't you bothering me? Tell him to come by himself if he has something to do. Auntie is so tired after walking such a long distance. Tell him to come here!" Xiao Hongying stuffed a handful of fried noodles into her mouth and pulled the kettle to fill her with water.

"Okay, I'll go back to invite right away!" The squad leader acted as the correspondent himself, but he didn't even invite a deputy company commander of the independent regiment.

This Ninth Company is really good. If it weren't for the huge amount of bullets and scarce machine guns, the spy company wouldn't bother to take care of their disabled soldiers.

Liu Jin turned around and ran away.

"What is the origin of the secret service company?" Hu Yi, who was lying on several mule backpack pads, asked with his eyes closed.

"It's a long story!"

"how long."

"very long!"

"Well, to cut a long story short."

"If you want to talk about the Secret Service Company, you must first talk about the Special Service Group!"

"And the secret service team?" Hu Yi heard footsteps again, and opened his slender eyes.

"Of course there is!" Political Commissar Ding, who had just returned, took the call. He glanced around at the soldiers of the Ninth Company who had surrounded him, and began to tell: "The predecessor of the Headquarters Secret Service Regiment was the Central Military Commission Special Service Regiment of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. It was a branch from Jinggangshan. The old Red Army troops. In August 28, after Mao commanded the Red 8th Regiment to defeat the Liu Shiyi Department of the 28th Independent Division of the enemy army in southern Jiangxi, 7 members of the Yan Zhongru Department of the Hunan enemy stationed in eastern Guangxi revolted and surrendered. Based on this, the Fourth Red Army Special Service Battalion was established, with the battalion commander Bi Zhanyun.

In the spring of 29, because the battalion was full of defectors, in order to change the composition of the battalion, except for retaining some cadres and backbones of the battalion and company, all other personnel were transferred out, and a group of old Red Army soldiers were transferred from the Fourth Red Army to enrich the company. It is the guard battalion of the Central Military Commission.

In 33, the headquarters was streamlined, the guard battalion was abolished, and the original three companies were reduced to one company for the guard and one for air defense.

In August 34, in Ruijin, it was expanded into the "Guard Battalion of the Central Military Commission of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants", and the first company was mainly responsible for the security tasks of Mao, Zhou, Zhu and other leaders.

In June 35, after the Central Red Army and the Fourth Red Army joined forces, the Red Army divided into left and right armies and marched northward. The battalion headquarters and the second and third companies of the guard battalion were ordered to stay behind on the way to the north to ensure that the troops passed the plank road of Maba Snow Mountain safely. Later, it was incorporated into the Red Ninth Army Corps, and the first company and battalion engineer platoon continued to go north with the Military Commission and arrived in northern Shaanxi.

In November 35, based on the first company of the guard battalion, it was expanded into the "Workers and Peasants Red Army Central Military Commission Secret Service Regiment" with 11 companies under its jurisdiction. The Red First Company, the teaching company directly under the Military Commission, and the Red 4th Army Youth Company were successively changed to the first, second and third companies , The Artillery Battalion of the Red First and Third Army Regiments was downsized into the artillery company of the regiment, and the engineers of the former guard battalion were reorganized into the artillery company. Qiu Chuangcheng, the first regimental commander and political commissar,

In April 36, during the Eastern Expedition, on the way in Shanxi, the three companies of the Independent Regiment of the First Army were organized into the "Guard Regiment of the Front Enemy Headquarters of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army", which governed five infantry companies and two companies directly under it.Zeng Baotang, head of the regiment, and Qiu Chuangcheng, political commissar.

In February 37, in order to strengthen the defense of the Party Central Committee and the headquarters of the Military Commission, the guard regiment was expanded into a large regiment in Yunyang Town, Sanyuan County, Shaanxi Province, and three battalion headquarters were formed, with nine infantry companies under its jurisdiction and four directly subordinate companies .Zhu Shuiqiu, the head of the regiment, Qiu Chuangcheng, the political commissar, Liu Xinglong, the chief of staff, and Xiao Wenjiu, the director of the political department, are responsible for the internal security tasks of the headquarters.

In August 1937, the Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, and the guard regiment was renamed the "Special Regiment of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters of the National Revolutionary Army". Upon arrival, Xiao Wenjiu, Director of the Political Training Department.

On September 9, the Eighth Route Army dispatched to fight against Japan. In order to enrich the strength of the 15th Division, the 120st Battalion of the Special Task Force Headquarters was transferred to the 1th Division.The main force crossed the Yellow River and arrived at Wutai, Shanxi on the 120th.After the victory in the Pingxingguan battle, Commander-in-Chief Zhu decided to transfer the agencies of the Secret Service Regiment and the 20th, 4th, 5th, and 7th companies under Nie's command in accordance with Mao's instructions on establishing a base area based on Taihang Mountain, and cooperated with the 9th Division Cavalry Battalion and other departments. Northeast Shanxi carried out guerrilla warfare and established the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Anti-Japanese Base Area.Qiu Chuangcheng led the regiment's artillery company to Linfen to form an artillery regiment.

The 6th and 8th companies left by the special service regiment led by the headquarters were led by the 2nd Battalion Commander Ou Zhifu to go south to Jindongnan, and stationed in Mamu Town, Hongdong County on December 12th. The Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Force, the Jintai Railway Guerrilla from Xiaoyi, and the 30 people who returned from the West Route Army of the Fourth Front Army served as the basic backbone of the regiment.In addition to the local expansion of some recruits, it was expanded into a "three-three system" large regiment, with jurisdiction over 850 battalions, 3 infantry companies, 9 companies directly under it, and 3 battalions belonging to machine gun platoons, with a total of more than 3 people.Acting head Huang Huxian, political commissar Xie Zhenhua, chief of staff Yin Xianbing, and director of the political department Li Zhiming.Soon Yin Xianbing and Li Zhiming took over as regimental leaders and political commissars, and Ou Zhifu took over as chief of staff.


In May 39, Ou Zhifu, the deputy head of the regiment, led the 5rd Battalion to Taiyue District to carry out guerrilla warfare and reorganized the 3rd Battalion.

In September, it was transferred back to the original organizational system and changed to the 9th Battalion. Later, it was sent to defend the Lianggou Arsenal and was renamed the Lianggou Defense Brigade.During this period, Cao Guanglin served as the political commissar of the regiment, and Li Dongxiang acted as the head of the regiment.

In December, Ou Zhifu served as the head of the special task force of the headquarters.


One of them is the company that defends the division! "

Political Commissar Ding explained the glorious history of the secret service team in one breath, and regarded it as an ideological and political education work for Jiulian. He tore off the water bottle he carried with him and slowly poured it into his mouth.

"Aren't they very powerful?" Xu Xiao looked up at the political commissar and asked shyly while listening to the engrossed soldiers reminiscing.

"Is there any marksmanship among you that can compare to the girl?" Ding Deyi stretched out his hand to stroke Xu Xiao's head, and said with a smile.

"Are they all so powerful?" It was Chen Chong who asked the question.

"That's not all. However, the soldiers of the secret service company have their own strengths. They mainly do security work, so many of our comrades don't know how effective they are."

"I think that fighting depends on command, and personal ability is not the most important thing. No matter how good a sword is, can he beat the devil's cannon and the devil's plane?" ask.

The other one was even more curious: "It is said that the Eight Routes can go to the sky and enter the earth, is it true?"

"Of course it's true!" The voice of the answer came from the periphery of Nine Company, which was surrounded by a group listening fascinatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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