under fire

Chapter 140

Chapter 140
"Company Commander Li? Welcome! You didn't arrange security work, so you came here!" Ding Deyi forced a smile, and stretched out his hand from a long distance away. Company Commander Li of the special agent company hurriedly squeezed through the gaps where the soldiers voluntarily stepped aside. He came in, saluted Ding De, and then they held hands together, shaking up and down.

He said he was welcome, but the silent audience around him didn't even give a single applause.

"Haha, Commissar Ding, I came here specially to thank you!" The two parted, and Company Commander Li's hearty laughter spread.

I just observed it outside. This unit of the Independent Regiment is not simple. It really has two machine guns. In other words, the firepower of this company's machine guns reaches the platoon!It turned out that Li Xiang from the division's arsenal was also there, and the iron guy on his back must be a grenadier, five pieces, such equipment, almost surpassed the spy company.

"I was introducing your glorious tradition to the soldiers just now, Company Commander Li, you came just in time, let me tell you about it!" Ding Deyi was in a bad mood, but he didn't want to lose face, so he had to find an excuse.

"Hey, you just exposed our old background. What else do I have to say, Commissar Ding, your independent group has made great contributions. I heard that you have stopped those devils all the way. You have fought non-stop for three days. We housekeepers dare not compare with you!"

"Most of our soldiers in a company were killed or injured, and they only delayed the devils for less than a day. What kind of merits have they made?"

"Don't say that, just now the correspondents in the division have said that if you hadn't stopped the devils, maybe the division headquarters might be taken over by the devils this time. By the way, the comrades who stayed in the division headquarters before we set off, There was also news that after nine o'clock last night, the devil's advance team had just raided the division headquarters, and their actions were only three hours away from our transfer, and it's hard for you not to make contributions!"

"It's all thanks to Company Commander Hu. He first judged that a group of people should be marching into the team, and then called the division communication to report back to the division when he encountered an order. As a result, I heard what the division commander said just now, and did not pay attention. It took some time, but unfortunately the news was not conveyed to the headquarters."

"Political commissar, I think even if it is reported to the headquarters, the matter is one or two hundred miles away from them. How did you deal with it?"

"Fuck you, when Company Commander Hu and I met, the devils didn't know the reason, but instead retreated outside the division headquarters. We guessed that the devils probably wanted to gather other teams of the advance team, so they ran west instead."

"What do you mean, the devils have already discovered the division headquarters?"

"It's very likely. According to the villagers along the way, many people have encountered a group of Eighth Route Army troops who claim to be the Sixth Brigade. After asking them carefully, it is said that everyone in that group has guns in their hands. Therefore, We have already analyzed it in the division. Our Eighth Route Army didn’t go very often. All the teams have guns, which are still the standard three machine guns. We think that, except for your special agent company, none of the troops in the mountains can be manned. There are guns."

"Later, how did you become entangled with the army of devils again?"

"The three of us followed the devils. Fortunately, judging from the current situation, the devils' advance team should cooperate with the large army in the north to attack, and we don't want to expose the target. Otherwise, the few of us would have gone to see Marx earlier!"

"Three people? I'm a bit out of my mind, uh, what's going on, but aren't you in the same company?"

"The large army of devils entered the mountain. It was originally blocked by the model regiment. When we were at the mountain pass, we joined up with soldiers from one of their companies and only one squad remained. Later, we met our troops."

Ding Deyi slowly told the process to Company Commander Li on the opposite side again.

"Company Commander Hu, why don't you just wait to see him?" Knowing the process, Company Commander Li immediately looked at Hu Yi who was still lying down with admiration, Jier turned his head and smiled at Hu Yi who was still lying down.

"Boss Hu is injured!" Hu Yi didn't speak, and Luo Fugui next to him didn't feel anything. He listened to the political commissar for a long time, and finally realized that this battle was not in vain. It should have saved the division. Seeing that Hu Yi didn't speak, Quickly help to explain.

"Excuse me, what should I call it?" Li Lianchang secretly praised, the figure of the big man in front of him is rare in the Eighth Route Army.

"This is our platoon leader Luo." It was Xu Xiao who answered.

Jiulian is also strange, the people being asked can't answer by themselves, they need someone to help, this, Jiulian's habit is not very good.

Hu Yi, who had been lying down, sat up slowly, straightened his military cap, patted his military uniform a few times, and looked directly at the standing commander of the spy company, without emotion: "Commander Li, needless to say thank you, you guys want to beat the devils , I just heard that you don’t have many bullets, so I supported you a little.”

Seeing Hu Yi get up, Company Commander Li said in a hearty voice: "You guys, Jiu Company, are doing well!"

"Thank you." Hu Yi was still calm.

With a smile on his face, Li Lianchang came to Hu Yi and bowed his head and stretched out his hand: "Hello, I haven't officially introduced it yet. My surname is Li. This time the matter of the division is thanks to you. There is still a long way to go. Let's do it when we have time." Drink two cups."

Hu Yi shook hands with the other party politely. Hearing Li Lianchang's words, he should be ready to leave.

The two times they met, neither of them said a few words, one was cold, and the other couldn't stand the coldness.

When Company Commander Li left with the two soldiers standing outside, Hu Yi looked at Ding Deyi firmly.

"What are you looking at me for? There are flowers on my face?"

Hu Yi smiled wryly: "When I came out this time, I almost emptied my family. How is the situation in the mountains now...uh?"

"The headquarters is besieged. At present, only a small number of people have escaped from the siege, and most of them are surrounded by devils. Most importantly, the Northern Bureau and many civilian staff of Xinhua News Agency are all surrounded by devils. It is estimated that the loss will be great." Political Commissar Ding With a sigh, he said helplessly.

"Is it so serious?" Hu Yi was surprised.

"The most important thing is our troops. Most of the strong ones left the mountain and entered the plain area. This time the ghosts swept up and blocked all the roads into the mountain. Our troops outside had no way to return to help, so they were arrested by the devils. Take advantage of the situation and let it go, otherwise, with the strength of tens of thousands of devils, in this thousand-mile Taihang Mountains, it will be impossible to please."

While the two were talking, Xiao Hongying kept pulling the dog's tail grass on the side of the road, listening to the political commissar, there were many people in the headquarters that she remembered, and there were many civil servants, with worried faces, staring at the north.

With a disheveled face and braided hair, he stood up and interjected while Hu Yi was talking to the political commissar: "Uncle Ding, the situation is really serious. Is there any news about the uncle?"

"No for the time being. According to news from the outside, the devils have almost divided into more than ten routes to attack, focusing on the headquarters. Our division headquarters should also be an important target. It is only our blocking that bought time for the division headquarters to transfer, so we survived!" Ding Deyi's face was gloomy.

"The devils have entered the mountain, there are too many devils, by the way, how will the teacher arrange it now?"

"The division has asked the Beishan regiment to reinforce the headquarters. The situation is not optimistic. We have to jump out of the devil's encirclement first. Once the devil finds that the division is empty, they will definitely search around. The key is that more than a hundred of us came out, and we originally stayed there on purpose. Some clues!"

Two seconds later, a pair of wimpy braids suddenly turned up: "Uncle Ding, can we go to support the headquarters now?"

"It's easy to say. There are devils everywhere. Where can we get reinforcements? Our place is about a hundred miles away from the division headquarters. It will take at least two days to march at full strength. With our little people, it won't work at all in the past. Knowing that the devils in the north have How many troops? Nearly 3 devils were drawn from the three divisions."

All the listeners gasped, thirty thousand devils?My darling, how much does that have?The independent group has never been more than a thousand.

Although the girl is small, she has been in the army since she was a child. For so many years, when she heard that there were [-] devils, she immediately realized how serious the situation was. She originally wanted to be a stunned young man to support the headquarters.

The thought ended before it even started, and the braid on his head hung down again, tearing off all the grass under his hands: "This is all caused by the devil's advance team. When Li Youcai asked us about the situation of the devil in the mountains, something is wrong!"

Thoughts beating violently, a group of people all looked up at the sunny, blue sky.

(End of this chapter)

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