under fire

Chapter 141 The Headquarters Almost Destroyed

Chapter 141 The Headquarters Almost Annihilated by the Army
Everyone looked at the sky because there was another roar in the sky: the devil plane was still flying around in the mountains.

"Everyone hide!" Before Political Commissar Ding and Hu Yi could give the order, Xiao Zhui'er gave the order first without any hesitation.

A large group of people stayed in the valley, and it was not easy to be spotted by the devil's plane. Based on the sound of the plane alone, the distance of the devil's plane was not too far.

After basking in the sun for a long time, the branches above the head were all wilted and listless. The soldiers hurriedly felled the trees and picked up the branches again.

Fortunately, the mountainous area is big enough. Although the distance is not too far in one morning, it is still twenty or thirty miles away from the devils. Just two devils' reconnaissance planes want to find camouflaged, prepared, stupid people in the vast mountains. The one or two hundred people in the ravine are basically dreaming.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and the time was running short. The soldiers, who were disguised, panicked. They pulled out their bayonets and chopped the lower part of the bush. Stay, in the bushes, surrounded by broken thorns, if you don't pay attention, you will be stabbed.

When someone discovered that there were poisonous twigs in the bushes, the soldiers' expressions changed even more, and they dared not move, sweat dripping down from their heads.

A gust of wind blew up, and seeing the valley become desolate again, the girl followed Hu Yihe and the political commissar, the petite figure fluttering, frowning and staring blankly at the sky, silent for a long time, completely lifeless for a while.

"I have to find a way to know how the independent group is doing now, and I have to arrange for people to take the path back, and I have to figure it out!" Ding De was worried about the independent group.

"I don't know what's going on with the liquor store now! I don't know what's going on with the militiamen back home?" The little girl was also worried.

"I told you about the independent regiment, what are you doing with the wine station? Almost all the regiment headquarters moved to the wine station, what's wrong with you?" Ding Deyi frowned.

"Then send two people back to the regiment headquarters, but you have to be familiar with the mountain. It seems that no one in our team is familiar with it?" Although Hu Yi has passed by a few times, the road is full of devils now, and he is no different.

"Or go to the secret service company, they are familiar with this area, plus Wang Daniu, he is familiar with the area in the south of Shannan, as long as you pass there, there should not be so many devils, and then go to Chen Chongban in the south to find one, three people are familiar with each other It's a short distance, isn't it all right?" The little braid curled up, retracted his gaze, and excitedly came up with an idea.

"It's a good idea, thanks to the experienced Comrade Hongying. After you go back, you must contact the underground organization in Mei County to confirm the situation of the devils who entered the mountain from the south, find out the origin of the devils, and wait for the devils to fly past. Let's go together!"

"Let me go? Is it possible for me to walk such a long distance?" The little braid almost exploded. Isn't this just a trick to make himself a deserter? Of course, the excuse for refusing is also high-sounding.

"Why can't I go, let Luo Fugui carry you away!" The words of the political commissar could not be questioned, and his voice was decisive.

"But, come back to report, where can I find you, you can't just stay in this broken valley and wait?" The big eyes turned away and stopped making comments, and started to find difficulties.

When there is no dispute.

Unexpectedly, another soldier came from the front, but he was the division correspondent.

With branches all over his body, after entering the bushes, he went directly to Political Commissar Ding, who was arranging tasks.

"Order from the division: Immediately arrange people to go back to the independent regiment with the spies, find a way to cross the devil's blockade, and find out the origin and movement of the devils who came into the mountain from the southeast!"

"We are also preparing to send someone back, just how to contact when we come back"

"This is not a problem. The teacher named the independent regiment and the supplementary regiment. You two regiments don't have a radio station, so you can only rely on human legs to send messages. Within three days, you must rush back to the south pass of Guxin Township. Someone will respond by then! "The correspondent replied quickly.

Hu Yi stood up weakly without saying a word.

This order is very unreasonable. It takes three days to go back and forth, the whole mountain road, to cross the devil's blockade, and to detour when encountering devils. This is an impossible task.

The headquarters was under siege, and others couldn't figure it out, but Hu Yi and Ding Deyi didn't think much about it, and didn't hesitate at all. What else could they do? Arrange and implement it immediately.

After delivering the order, the correspondent went out of the bushes and continued westward. He was going to find Captain Li of the Secret Service Company to arrange staff.

"What's the situation?" The girl happily took off her hat and fanned the wind, and sighed hypocritically: "I originally wanted to complete the task of inquiring about news, hehe, now, I go back and forth every three days, is there nothing wrong with me?"

"Company Commander Hu, go and prepare. Just use the personnel you arranged just now, select brothers in good health, and set off immediately." The political commissar issued an order. According to the military order, the highest command in wartime is the military chief at all levels. Now it should not be counted as wartime. , not to mention the fact that the political commissar is higher than Hu Yi.

Hu Yi knew that the political commissar wanted the girl to go first. In the current situation, although the mountainous area is very large, there are many people on the road in the mountain. Devils catch up or run into each other on their backs.

"No one knows the specific situation in the south right now, so it's just strange, we are so poor that we even have a radio station!" The political commissar was also worried.

"I said, let's send a few people to guard the nearby intersection. For such a big matter, wouldn't the independent regiment and Chen Chong's natal supplementary regiment send people to report to the division headquarters?" Yun absent-mindedly made a suggestion.

From his point of view, as soon as the supplementary regiment jingled and settled down, even though he lamented his bad luck, the troops were getting smaller and poorer, and his good luck was in vain.

"Your suggestion is good. I will talk to the secret service company later and let them arrange it. We are not familiar with the situation, so let's just follow the arrangement." The political commissar had a good impression of the recruits of the Nine Company Recruitment, and he dared to speak up.

"Also tell you about the serious situation now:
I had an impromptu meeting with the teacher and the others, and within a few minutes of the meeting the teacher almost jumped up and even dropped his hat.

Because the latest news came from the radio station. I didn't expect the situation in the headquarters to be so serious. More than 1 people were surrounded by devils, and only a few hundred people broke out. Last night, the chief of staff also died. "

More than 1 people, only a few hundred people broke out!
The amount of information is a bit large, and all the people listening nearby have no language.

what is this?Just a little bit, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was completely wiped out!
After staring straight at the political commissar for a few minutes, the girl suddenly said: "Political commissar, we can't just stay here and wait for nothing."

"What?" Ding Deyi was immersed in pain.

"Tell the teacher that our entire company is going back to the independent regiment. This enmity is irreconcilable. Let's go to the headquarters!"

"Ah?" The political commissar almost dropped his jaw: "You asked me to report false orders, and you want to go to the headquarters? No way!"

Including Hu Yi, the group of people next to him turned from pain to stupid.

Even Luo Fu on the side was dumbfounded, what she said was scary, her big clear eyes had never been so peaceful before, and there were traces of sweat on her face after drying out, she didn't kill her innocence, on the contrary, she was ruthless .

(End of this chapter)

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