under fire

Chapter 142

Chapter 142
The roar of the plane in the sky gradually faded away, and for a long time in the white diamond bushes, there was no shadow of the plane.

A few uninjured soldiers from the Model Regiment found Political Commissar Ding and planned to leave the Ninth Company and join the combat unit of the Secret Service Company.

For the soldiers who are familiar with the mountains, they have contributed a lot to blocking the devils all the way, and several wounded left, and their whereabouts are temporarily unknown.

The team that continued to go east stopped under a forest in a ravine, and the Ninth Company walked in the middle of the team. They didn't need to be rear guards and had no chance to be pioneers.

Xiao Hongying grabbed a handful of wild flowers beside her, threw the petals around, and was reluctant to part with her.

Hu Yi was not far behind, holding a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, the furry part the size of a little finger fluctuated up and down, looking gloomy at the blue sky.

The troops stopped again in a valley.

Soon, a correspondent squeezed through the Ninth Company from the front and went to the back.

The soldiers who were already sitting on the ground had to twist their bodies to make way for the narrow path.

Going forward is going to climb the mountain ridge, and it is definitely not a good idea to go up the mountain ridge in broad daylight.

"Hey, how long are we going to hide?" Little Braid asked Hu Yi as he was undoing his leggings.

"I don't know." Hu Yi was sitting up and pulled the water bottle and poured it into his mouth, then stopped.

"I don't believe you don't know that the headquarters is surrounded!"

Hu Yi didn't answer, but continued pouring water and looking up at the sky in a daze.

"Hey, I want to ask you something!" A stone was thrown and hit the target.

As if bewitched, Hu Yi, who was still sitting in a daze, stood up suddenly, his face changed: "What do you know? There is no way to get involved in this matter! Tens of thousands of devils have entered the mountain, they have already prepared, it is not that simple at all, I know, you just want to join in the fun, and don't even think about it, what's the use of us? If it is useful, why is the division headquarters here idle?"

"A lot of people we know are at the headquarters, so we just ignore it?" Xiao Hongying felt unwilling.

"The headquarters is still more than 100 miles away from here. The rugged mountain road is not easy to walk. Even if we go there now, it is already too late."

With tears in her eyes, Xiao Hongying threw the unknown wild flowers in her hands, and watched those golden yellow flowers floating in the air with the wind, fluttering among the bushes, she clapped her hands and stood up: " Since this is the case, then we will find a way to beat the devils and advance to the team!"

"Could you stop being arrogant! Right now, defending the division headquarters is the real thing!"

"Anyway, the spy company doesn't like our Jiulian company, why don't we act on our own?" The girl wiped away her tears, her eyes filled with anticipation again.

"Our company is falling apart, what else can we do?"

"We haven't seen the advance team before, I don't believe they are superhuman."

"Most of the bullets and machine guns were given to the secret service company, and the ammunition is insufficient."

"Hey, my aunt has already prepared, we still have at least 2000 rounds of ammunition."

"How many bullets did you bring with you when you came out this time?"

"Yousaka carried thousands of bullets, but they didn't use much."

"The security forces in the team account for half of us. When the time comes, they won't obey orders, and you won't have a chance to cry!"

The little pigtail choked and stopped talking, and Yingfeng let out a depressed sigh. Now that Hao Yun and Banxian are able to move, most of the people brought by Hao Yun and Banxian are there, except for a few unlucky ones in the village!
While talking, a few people wandered over from behind again, wearing standard military uniforms, dusty and dusty.

Even though they knew there was a special agent company and their own people behind them, the Ninth Company still spontaneously set up a guard post, and the sentry instinctively raised his hand to stop him: "Who are you looking for?"

"Hey? Haven't you taken a thought class? I don't know that you have to salute when you see your superior?" Li Lianchang's sharp eyes looked over the two female soldiers who were trembling from head to toe, and finally glanced at the black and thin girl in front of them. On the back of the soldier was an uncommon Ying Qiqi, and a pistol was hung on the side of his waist, and the exposed handle of the gun was shiny.

For the team with more than half of the casualties, Company Commander Li thought that the female soldier might have a chance to carry two guns, so he didn't care.

It was found that Company Commander Li was followed by the correspondent who had just passed by, and the female soldier who had planned to get out of the way blocked the way again.

"How can you tell that you are a superior? The rules of our Ninth Company are like this. If you are not from our Ninth Company, you have to report first." Er Niu and a female soldier were on guard. She had never seen Company Commander Li, and this person It looks imposing, but there is no difference at all from the clothes.

"Oh, it's Company Commander Li, what's the matter? Er Niu, let them come here." Ding De, who was resting in the distance, raised his head and frowned when he heard the voice, the militia Er Niu was not polite at all.

"The division asked us to go to a meeting. Didn't you hear the news?" He said to Political Commissar Ding in the distance, then turned his head and said to Er Niu with a slight smile, "You don't even have a standard gun on your back, how dare you stand guard?"

Erniu stared wide-eyed, almost vomited blood from being blocked, her breathing was rapid, blood rushed to her head, her ears buzzed in a mess, she grunted several times, and swallowed the saliva stuck in her throat, the political commissar had already spoken, no Reluctant to salute and get out of the way.

It is true that there are female soldiers in the Eighth Route Army, but there are also female soldiers in the legendary broken independent regiment, which makes Company Commander Li feel incredible.

Li Lianchang largely ignored Erniu's substandard salute, and walked past Erniu in a dignified manner leading the people along.

The tired political commissar still got up and greeted these comrades warmly.

Asking about what kind of meeting is going to be held, of course I know what to ask and what not to say, and I swallow the words when I reach my mouth.

Company Commander Li shook hands with Political Commissar Ding, and squatted down opposite Ding De as if no one else was there, pulled a large amount of thatch from the side of the road, randomly placed it on the ground under his buttocks, and sat down carelessly.

So Commissar Ding handed over the water bottle, leaned forward and handed it to her, Company Commander Li was not polite, took it and poured it into his mouth.

There is a saying that people are poor and their aspirations are endless. There are three nails in a dilapidated house. Company Commander Li looked around. It is said that the soldiers who are poor with only one pair of trousers have a Japanese-style kettle and a Japanese-style belt bullet box. , Didn’t it mean that I gave myself [-] rounds of ammunition? Judging by the curved belt pattern, it doesn’t seem to be empty.

I couldn't help reaching out to touch the bullet box of the soldier next to me, planning to weigh the bullet box with the traditional eight road warriors filled with stones.

The quick-sighted soldier immediately covered his hands, looking warily at the legendary spy company commander who was full of elites.

Sansan withdrew her hand: "Why are you so stingy? Touch it and see if you have a stone in it."

The soldier looked at the political commissar with a mournful face, with an expression of displeasure.

Jiulian, from the day Hu Yi joined Class Nine, the impoverished independent regiment has changed. In fact, it is a wild child who cannot be disciplined.

He doesn't know the rules like Yilian, and he doesn't have the spirit of Erlian's hard training, let alone the high level of ideological consciousness like the third brother.

Political commissar Ding, head of regiment Lu, didn't really care about this wild child.

Liu Jianqiang, the veteran of the Jiulian, who was struggling to survive, also unfortunately died. Thanks to Hu Yi, the unreliable company commander, most of the soldiers of the Jiulian were injured and injured. It is not easy to survive today.

There are quite a few units like this in the Eighth Route Army, but they are definitely not many. Except for the special agent company, no one has such good weapons and equipment!
From another point of view, most of the Japanese-style equipment, the division absolutely cannot replenish ammunition for it, which shows that these equipment all come from seizures!
Looking at the situation learned earlier, the spy company did a good job in their homework. With such equipment, I heard the soldiers of the Ninth Company bragging about blocking half of the division, so I naturally didn't believe it.

No matter how powerful the Ninth Company is, which lacks the independent regiment of four, five, six, seven, eight, you must say that you have blocked the Devil Division, and if you take too big a step, you must be screwed.

(End of this chapter)

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