under fire

Chapter 143: Reported Again

Chapter 143: Reported Again
The sky gradually darkened, and a group of people were submerged in the shadow of the cliff.

Company Commander Li thought quickly, but Political Commissar Ding was calm but a little puzzled. After thinking for a while, he finally understood, and said to the soldiers next to him, "Take off the belt!"

"Political commissar, this..." The soldier's resolute face was full of displeasure.

For Li Lianchang's thoughts, among the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment, only two people could guess, one was political commissar Ding Deyi, and the other, of course, was Xiao Hongying.

Not only were the independent regiments poor, but most regiments of the Eighth Route Army were on par. Soldiers often had three to five bullets in their ammunition bags, and the secret service company was not much better.

There are five people in the secret service group, one company commander and two soldiers, and the other two are dressed in strange clothes. They are wearing the military uniform of the Northeast Army, with patches of different sizes, new and old interlaced patches, and the stitching of the patches is neat, but it is the green and yellow color of the Northeast Army before the flag change. The military uniform was very similar to the military uniform of the Second Devil's Security Army, and the rifle on his back was similar to that of ordinary soldiers, but it caught Hu Yi's attention.

Ordinary people can't tell the difference, they will just think it's a captured devil's uniform. In the Eighth Route Army, such a uniform is not strange, but you can't act alone, otherwise you will be mistaken for a devil. There are still people from the Northeast Army in the Eighth Route Army?
Hu Yi remained calm, resisting the urge to step forward and ask.

The soldier hesitated in frustration, but slowly took off the belt, clenched it tightly with one hand, and handed it to Company Commander Li reluctantly, keeping his eyes on the bullet belt.

"Why are you so nervous, kid? I don't want you." Li Lianchang looked at the soldier in front of him with black lines all over his head and anxiously, seeing that the end of the belt was not willing to let go.

Open the strip-shaped bullet box at the back, it is full of fifty or sixty, and each bullet head is yellow and shiny.

Ding Deyi's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and he looked at Company Commander Li thoughtfully: "Do you think it's suspicious why our independent regiment has so many devil bullets?"

"The devil has been chasing you into the mountain. If you were the teacher, do you think it's that simple?" Company Commander Li confronted aggressively.

"You mean we brought devils into the mountains?" Ding Deyi has been engaged in ideological work for a long time, so he doesn't know what the other party is thinking, and he is very anxious.

"I didn't say that, do it!" The voice was impassioned.

As soon as he finished speaking, in the surrounding bushes, amidst the sound of rattling, black holes appeared. Eighth Route Army soldiers wearing patched clothes came out from various hidden places. Maybe they had been squatting for a long time, and some were standing unstable.

"Don't move"

"Don't move"

"Don't move
You are not my superior. If you say you will not move, you will not move? Since there are gunpoints all around, you are a fool if you don’t hide. It is Wu Shitou.

Even if the soldiers of the Ninth Company are resting, they are actually very organized. Of course, it is impossible to surround such a long team.

However, the new security forces instinctively raised their guns to their heads!There was a crackling sound of pulling the bolt of the gun all around.

The remaining ones all lay down on the spot, hid behind the rocks, and burrowed into the ditch beside the road, and their movements were swift!
Hu Yi, who was the first to react, was about to make a move, but was held down by the girl next to him: "Don't move, we have a large number of devils behind us, it should be suspected now, it's normal, and we should be able to investigate clearly."

Hu Yi stopped his movements, his hair was black and his face was gloomy. He knew in his heart that the Ninth Company had no other choice now and was surrounded by his own people. There are only three or two bullets, protruding, no problem, the problem is that there is still half a company of special agents behind.

In the Ninth Company's team, nearly half of the people are the newly recruited security forces. In any case, there should be some reasons at the moment, and they have become the object of suspicion. If there is no injustice, then they cannot resist!

Xiao Hongying was furious, and stood up beside Hu Yi: "Li, what are you doing?"

"This is the decision of the political department of the division. You little girl, don't mix it up." Company Commander Li also had a gloomy face. The order from the division was to disarm the entire independent regiment.

When Political Commissar Ding was squatting in the division for a meeting, there was no warning at all. Judging by the situation, he was suddenly regarded as a spy, dumbfounded, but calm.

I feel very uncomfortable. In the current situation, if you don't obey the order, your own people will definitely fight. This situation is unacceptable and you have to cooperate.

Of course, the investigation work in the division will definitely not be less. Political Commissar Ding firmly believes that the investigation will be clear, filled with grief and indignation: "Independent regiment, everyone, put down your weapons!"

Li Lianchang looked at the soldiers who reluctantly withdrew their hands, and felt uncomfortable. Right now, even though Lao Ding and himself both came from Jiangxi together, there is no one who remains unchanged.

In any case, the Independence Regiment was so poor that it was suspicious that so many Japanese-style guns and ammunition suddenly appeared. No one would believe it just based on the Independence Regiment's own claim that it had been seized.

The soldiers of the secret service company quickly rushed up from behind, gathered the guns and ammunition that the soldiers of the Ninth Company put under their feet, and took them away.

After a flurry of movements, there was a group of Jiu Lian standing dumbfounded in the middle.

Seeing that the sun was already in the west, a middle-aged man came out from the front, and brought two gentle young men with pistols, the muzzles of which were trembling.

"Soldiers of the Independence Regiment, it's not that we don't believe you, because we received a report letter saying that you wear the same pants as the devils. Although we don't want to believe it, you can't explain where so many Japanese ammunition comes from. Come."

"Director Li, do you think our independent group will be the devil's eyeliner?" Ding Deyi's gloomy face made people shudder.

"Political Commissar Ding, I don't want to believe it. The report letter clearly stated that the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment, right now, colluded with Li Youde of the Meixian Security Army. The situation was clearly and detailedly stated. Sophistry?"

Hu Yi was dumbfounded, Su Qing, a political worker, knew the matter with Li Youde best.

Ding Deyi was furious: "You still wear a pair of trousers with the Kuomintang, so you are a counter-revolutionary! You are so stupid, I want to see the teacher!"

"Okay, you're a little one, do you want to see me?" Seeing a burly middle-aged man covered in dust and wearing glasses, striding to the middle of the line, the middle-aged man who came earlier tried to persuade him not to go, the middle-aged man should It was the teacher, raised his hand and pushed away: "Why are you stopping me? His surname is Ding is a traitor? I don't believe it, do you believe it?"

"But, someone, report them to the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment!" The middle-aged man replied hesitantly.

"Report? You also saw it just now. With the firepower of the Ninth Company, the Independent Regiment, the soldiers you brought to surround them, in my opinion, are not the opponents of the Ninth Company at all. Look, they The several machine guns were never brought together. Even when they were resting, they were very layered. They were deployed for battle. When you stood up, all the guns were loaded. Hey, I still have to wait for you to pull the bolt! From my point of view, they all had to be wiped out by those machine guns."

"Yes, sweep a large area." Even in such a tense moment, Jiulian has no shortage of idiots, and the biggest ones in the whole division start to pooh.

Mule was glared at by the girl.

The division commander walked up to Ding Deyi and ordered loudly: "I order, everyone, put down your guns immediately!"

"Teacher, this, isn't it good?" The middle-aged man hurriedly stopped.

"Their independent regiment doesn't even have a gun now. If our soldiers go off, are you responsible?"

"However, we must pay attention to the news from the intelligence department, right?"

"Land playing the piano, then tell me, how did the report letter come from, have you checked with us?"

"Uh, but, this was reported by the evacuees of the second echelon through the radio!"

"Oh, then go and find out, who is so well-informed that even the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment has joined our division headquarters, and he can know the news? This person should have a high status!"

"Uh, that's against the rules."

"The headquarters is gone, and the chief of staff has died! You still tell me the rules?"


(End of this chapter)

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