under fire

Chapter 144 He Caught It

Chapter 144 He Caught It

The middle-aged man was speechless. Logically speaking, to deal with the loyalty issue of the next company, there was no need for the teacher to come forward in person.

And when disarming, the teacher raised his binoculars to watch from a distance.

"Believe it or not, I will shoot you now?" The teacher was very serious.

"I'm also doing this for work. I'm also sad that the chief of staff died!"

"Sad? Who is not sad? I understand your feelings. The devils entered the mountain and surrounded the headquarters. Comrades, don't be blinded by hatred. At the same time, you must understand that this incident illustrates a problem. Among us, Someone might have a problem."

"I don't believe Lao Ding and the others have a problem, but an order is an order."

"It stands to reason that this matter is really up to you, but when is it now? This matter is up to Lao Tzu, understand? Think about it, if the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment really wants to mess with us, they will send bullets For the Secret Service, they're out of their minds? Huh?"


"But shit, the independent regiment sent people to the division twice, and then the wounded came to the division again. When did your intelligence department pay attention to it? You still have the face to make trouble for others. Turn around, I will ask your director to deal with you."

Company Commander Li was also dumbfounded after listening to the words, he turned his neck mechanically to the side, his eyes were dazed, and the correspondent behind him felt uncomfortable: "Didn't you convey the order from the division?"

"No, it's an order from Zheng Zhi's subordinates!" The current situation was full of twists and turns, and the correspondent replied nervously with a mournful face.

"Your grandma is a bear! I will kick you to death!" Li Lianchang kicked her after finishing speaking.

"Oh, I passed the order, am I wrong?" The soldier covered his thigh in embarrassment and rubbed it vigorously.

"Give them back the weapons!" Company Commander Li ordered with a gloomy face.

"The teacher hasn't spoken yet, why are you in a hurry." The voice of the speech was crisp and crisp, and the little girl's face was full of poker.

"I said, you want me to apologize to you, don't you?" A black thread crawled between the two glasses, staring at the girl.

"Hehe, how can that be? However, we have to find out why people always have trouble with our independent group?" The little girl was stared at with a guilty conscience, but she was quite puzzled. There must not be many people who know about Li Youde. And to report at this juncture, this matter is definitely not easy.

"You little girl, do you have something to say?" The middle-aged man didn't know the girl, so he thought it was just someone who came out of nowhere.

"I don't have a place to speak? Hu Yi is not here, Auntie. I am the company commander. Do you have a place to speak?"

After a period of ups and downs, the audience who were grabbing things back from the spy company dropped their contempt: Didn’t you have been the leader of the red regiment, and you have the ability to shake another flower in front of the teacher!
"..." The middle-aged man was choked again.

If it weren't for seeing this young soldier in the Eighth Route Army uniform, he would definitely think that he was talking to some commander. With his big black head covered under his military cap, the middle-aged man was anxious but helpless. sweat!

I don't know how to step down with black lines all over my head.

"Ah? Oh! Report to the officer, not... that chief, she is just a lack of understanding, don't be as knowledgeable as her, she is just a girl!" The person who spoke was a soldier of the Ninth Company, and his military cap was tilted. A button is missing, leaving a dark button mark.

With the virtue of a local ruffian, he was snatching an eye-catching horse Sihuan from a soldier of a secret service company. For some reason, his eye circles turned black, and he helped the middle-aged man out of the siege!

In fact, Tang Dagou is really not the real Ninth Company!

Tang Dagou has been in the national army for a long time, and he knows that if someone thinks about it, life will be difficult, not to mention the person in front of him, who can mobilize the spy company at any time, is not easy, seeing the situation is not good, he is afraid that the girl will suffer in the future, so hurry up Relief for middle-aged people.

The bear who spoke earlier had just snatched back three large rucksacks, and was grabbing the neck of the soldier of the secret service company who had just confiscated his rucksack, and was randomly digging at the struggling soldier.

The newcomers who surrendered the fastest did not dare to make mistakes, and hurriedly snatched things from the soldiers of the special agent company, pulling back the jumble of water bottles, aluminum lunch boxes, and bayonets hanging on the soldiers of the special agent company.

The messy scene shocked the spy company, and also stunned the teacher and the middle-aged man.

The soldiers of the Ninth Company found that more than half of the bullets that had just been confiscated were missing. The two groups of soldiers in different colors of clothes did not agree with each other, and several pairs had already started fighting.

The teacher didn't care about watching the show, and he didn't care about teaching, so he quickly pointed at the middle-aged man, "Look at the good things you have done, why are you still here? Don't you think it's embarrassing? Hurry up and go with me."

After speaking, he pulled his legs and withdrew.

"Old Ding, I'm really sorry. It was a misunderstanding. I'll apologize to you another day." The middle-aged man couldn't help himself, so he walked away quickly with the commander who was leading the guards.

"What the hell? That... Lao Tzu's bullets plus the gun's total of sixty rounds... Your grandma's, there are only ten bullets now, return it quickly!"

"What a fart, I don't have it on me, if you search it, God knows where it is."

"Are you still stubborn? Why don't you, I beat you all over the place!"

"Hey, just hit it, whoever is looking for teeth all over the place may be fine."

"Uh, if you really want to beat your mother and don't even know you, why do you pay me back?"

"Fight, fight, who's afraid of who?"

"Okay then, let's go to the open space over there."

"Go and go, whoever is afraid of others, hehe, I am in the secret service team, there are no more than three people who can beat me."

"Uh, since you're a friendly army, I'll give you the bullets. What's your name?"

"Ma Dashan!"

"Another big mountain, how many big mountains does your spy company have?"

"Not many, there are only six in our company, hey, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang Ma Liu."

"Give me ten rounds, and we'll settle the matter."

"Deal, I'm done with you buddy!"

The teacher had just left on the front foot, and now when he heard the word "deal", Ding Deyi couldn't help flickering in his heart, and he was relieved.

"Li Company Commander, how can you do business if you continue like this?" There was a joke in the laughter.

"As for the business, it doesn't seem to be a business at the moment." Li Lianchang smiled dumbfounded.

The only thing that made the political commissar unhappy was that half of the soldiers of the Ninth Company surrendered at gunpoint, even if they were their own people, before they or Hu Yi gave the order, these soldiers had already raised their hands and surrendered. You can't pretend that you didn't hear it .

Ding Deyi finally breathed out a sigh of relief, his nervous heart fell to the ground with satisfaction, and he began to have the mood to turn his hands behind his back. Suddenly he felt that the two groups of people who were fighting for something were not so hard to accept, and he didn't intend to stop it.

Yang raised his head and walked into the crowd, watching Jiu Lianhuo who used eighteen martial arts, grabbed Tao, strangled his neck, pinched his ribs and bit his arms, but all of them were defeated in Maicheng, and he was speechless with black lines all over his head.

Of course, except for the five big and three thick bears.

Li Lianchang saw that the teacher had gone far away, and his face was as dark as a pot: "You have grown up, and the ability to steal your own people is not bad?"

The soldiers of the secret service company held their crotches and stopped: "They... they are too shameless!"

"Oh? Injured? Tell me, why did you get injured?"

A soldier stretched out a hand, pointing to Tian Sanqi, who was wearing a military cap crookedly beside him: "He caught the peach with a monkey."


Tian Sanqi with the hat tilted: "Impossible! Who told him to resist? I was hurt more than him!"

Hu Yi didn't even think about stopping this farce. It was simply to grab the ammunition and equipment. Jiulian finally had two people to watch, and they didn't use their weapons. Facing the spy company, apart from Tian Sanqi and Luo Fugui, Jiulian Losing streak!
(End of this chapter)

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