under fire

Chapter 145 grim

Chapter 145 grim
The sky gradually darkened, and darkness rose from the stream to the top of the mountain.

There are sentries on the high mountain beams on both sides.

The soldiers of the Secret Service Company were stationed not far behind the Ninth Company.

After rearranging the sentry and security work, Company Commander Li unknowingly strolled to the burning fire of the Ninth Company in the valley.

Several soldiers moved aside naturally, and Company Commander Li looked at the tent next to the fire, which was bigger than the one brought by the division headquarters!

Li Lianchang drank a pot of warm water in one breath, regained his energy, and sat upright in front of Political Commissar Ding who was still asleep: "Don't take things to heart about the afternoon, we have to obey the orders from above!"

"Blame you? You think too much. Our independent regiment originally had few people. This time, regiment leader Lu didn't know what kind of madness he had to send people all the way into the mountains to help advance the team. Otherwise, how could such things happen? !"

"Don't say that, if it weren't for your blocking, our division headquarters might have been taken away by devils."

"It's not as simple as you think. This matter will definitely never end. Our independent group's grandma doesn't love me, and my uncle doesn't love me. It's annoying to do something serious occasionally."

"You're showing off, but it's reasonable. You're too big to be bullshit. Our troops are scattered and have little contact with each other. Even the division commander may not know all the details of the generals under his command. No one can cover the sky with one hand. ZZ Department The considerations of the comrades also have their reasons, the situation in the headquarters is very bad now, and everyone is feeling depressed."

"I heard you went to the plains? Why did you come back to the division?"

"The troops staying in the division have never fought, so the division will let the expanded special agent company exchange personnel with the local area every year, so as not to avoid fighting all the time, and when the devils raid, the soldiers are inexperienced and their combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed."

"It's just right for you to go back to the division. You can take a rest and continue marching tonight, right?"

"The soldiers sent out to explore the road haven't come back yet. If we want to leave, we may have to wait for a while. In this way, I'll go back and take a nap for a while, and you can also take a rest."

End pointless conversations.

Two hours later, the soldiers of the special agent company who had simply had dinner gathered in a line in the ravine. Hu Yi stood in front of the soldiers of the Ninth Company with a dark face: "Check the water bottle, dry food, and remove all traces on the ground!"

The messy team began to check the things they carried with them in a mess. The heavy armed belts they were familiar with had become much lighter, and the soldiers were not used to it.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, and the secret service company was ready, waiting for the ninth company to set off ahead.All the soldiers turned their faces away, and found that the troops of the special agent company were already close to the back of the Ninth Company, and they all remained silent.

The voice of the orderly came from the front: "Let's go!"

I dare not walk on the mountain ridge during the day. Although the speed is slower at night, it should not be a major problem.

Even if it is discovered by devil scouts, there are no planes in the sky for reconnaissance. When the devil scouts go back to report or fire warning shots, even in the daytime, they will look at the mountains and run dead horses. If they don't want to be exposed at night, and they don't use flashlights or torches to chase after them, it's just a dream , In the dark mountain, the devils found nothing wrong.

The group of mules who were still packing their tents fell behind.

"You idiot, you still need to set up a tent in a short while, so it's okay to find fault!"

"There are no mosquitoes in the tent, hehe, you are not satisfied that my aunt didn't let you carry it?"

Xiao Zhui'er stood behind the queue, trotted quickly, and obediently kept up with the queue in front.

"Girl, what's going on this afternoon?" Squad leader Liu Jin, who was deliberately pulling behind, was waiting.

The one in front of him seemed to have something to say.

Under the torch, her big eyes rolled around, and the more she looked at this person, the more Xiao Hongying became angrier: "You mean to compete with me, right? Where did you go this afternoon? How much have you stolen from your aunt's property?"

"I'm wronged, I really don't know, the correspondent sent an order saying that this unit of the Independent Regiment is suspicious, and asked us to cooperate in disarming you. I don't know Company Commander Hu, and I'm not familiar with your Ninth Company, heh heh"

"Unfamiliar with me? Liujin, my aunt is talking too much today, don't even try to get a bullet from us in the future! You three or eight big caps have all the bullets, and wait to use the reloading bullets!"

"Uh, look, encircling you is not what we want to say, you have to go to the ZH department to reason."

"You are also accomplices!"

"I swear to God, I didn't participate in the operation! I went to change the guard!"

"You coward, forget it, get out!"

The jaws of all the men in the spy company dropped all over the place. When did you see the squad leader who was the champion of the three armies be so humble?

Could it be that girl is his sister?

"The devils have been falling behind us since Niujia Village, and set up checkpoints at various intersections. Our intelligence system is transmitted by manpower over mountains and small roads, and the speed is very slow."

In a dilapidated house in a small village, more than a dozen people crowded around two tables, full of people, those who were talking had cold faces, their beautiful faces were haggard and full of worries.

"Officer Su, what happened when you asked for an overnight meeting!"

"I haven't had time to verify the information from Mei County. The situation is very bad!"

"Don't be foolish, we are in the mountains, and it's not the first time the devils have raided, how bad can it be?" Sitting behind one of the people at the top, the tense atmosphere was relieved.

Su Qing's gloomy big eyes swept around, then stared at Captain Lu who was also sitting at the top and was waiting for an answer: "Information from Meixian's eyeliner said that the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was surrounded by devils!" .

The commanders of the supplementary regiment who were bragging about what they had gained in the past few days suddenly fell silent, and the meetings where the leader of the regular meeting slapped the table to calm down were frozen in an instant.

The sound suddenly disappeared, the dim light of the oil lamp no longer swayed, the crowd held their breath, and the silence was so clean!

After a long while, a voice pierced through the dim smoke, and his hands were burned by cigarette butts, and all eyes moved away.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Although the news is unconfirmed, the devils have invested a completely different force in mopping up the poor mountain valley than before. They have no interest in the village at all, and they don't want to delay the time to set fire to the village. They don't even pay attention to the small group of blocking troops. , This shows that the devil must have an important goal in entering the mountain!" Su Qing's clear voice continued to shake the tense hearts around the table.

Believe it or not, it doesn't matter, looking back at those battles, the attacking devils are not like the previous raids carrying large bags and hanging small parcels, they are indeed rushing forward into the mountains, which shows that the devils really have other goals.

Not only the leader Lu, who was one of the top leaders, but also the new director Zheng of the independent regiment who was sitting next to Su Qing and was the first to receive the news, his face was dark and full of helplessness.

"Old Lu, what do you think of the information coming from your side?" After the head of the supplementary group finished speaking, he quickly took a deep breath on the cigarette butt that was almost burning to his fingers, and then turned sideways to spit out the cigarette butt that was almost burning to his mouth. The hot cigarette Breathing out from his mouth and inhaling through his nasal cavity, he stared dumbfounded at his men who had never seen the world: "What is Lao Lu thinking about?"

Lu Tuan, who was wandering in the sky, returned to reality: "This news is probably true. We can't do anything except stop these devils behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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