under fire

Chapter 146 Supplementary Group

Chapter 146 Supplementary Group

The meeting ended quickly, and we made up our minds to prevent ghosts from entering the mountain. There are cliffs and cliffs everywhere besides the road in the mountain, but there are many ways to bypass. The next four people.

The two heads of the regiment, the political commissar of the supplementary regiment, and Su Qing, the political officer of the independent regiment.

Su Qing was very calm, professionally calm, and was immersed in taking minutes of the meeting.

She didn't expect to get together with the Independent Regiment so soon, but she kept thinking about the situation of the Ninth Company in her heart. The militia correspondent sent back by the Ninth Company earlier reported clearly the whereabouts of the Ninth Company.

Team Leader Zheng, who had investigated himself before, turned out to be a political officer of the Independence Regiment. He was currently arranging to take care of the wounded in the Independence Regiment, including Gao Yidao, who had just been carried away.

Such an arrangement is not a good thing for the work. I am only familiar with the intelligence personnel in Mei County and the Independence Regiment. The main reason for organizing such an arrangement must be because of my relationship with Hu Yi.

The organizational arrangements must be obeyed unconditionally, so after arriving in the supplementary group, they quickly entered the role.

I got the news from Officer Zheng who was sitting opposite, that he had met Hu Yi on the road, but Hu Yi was running to the division headquarters alone, was he doing it for himself?
The final conclusion of the investigation team was not important to her, but she could not return to the independent group.

Because I said that Hu Yi is my lover.

The three people on the opposite side were talking, so they quickly put aside distracting thoughts in their minds and continued to record.

After the two regiments merged, the supplementary regiment also failed to gather the troops from all over the place in time, and the number of soldiers after the merger was less than [-]!
With the help of natural barriers, the devils were finally blocked at the cliff path. The devils attacked fiercely, but they were still unable to make any progress. Originally, they thought that the devils would be blocked here, and they could complete the task of blocking the devils from entering the mountain no matter what.

As a result, a group of devils came out from nowhere across the mountains. In order to prevent being pinched from front to back, the two regiments with insufficient firepower combined were less than half a regiment, so they had to leave the blocking position on the edge of the cliff in embarrassment. Retreat in the mountains.

The blocking battle was not over yet. The devils who wanted to advance quickly turned into a chase battle with the eight roads who retreated into the mountains.

I was blocked on the cliff for a day and a night. If I hadn't sent a small group of troops to detour to the back of the Eighth Route blocking troops, the Eighth Route would have to escape again. Captain Guizi almost cut himself open in anger.

Looking at the cliff that is close to the mountain wall on one side and nearly [-] meters high on the other, some devils dare not look down and walk forward slowly by leaning on the cliff.

The devils' legs were still shaking. Anyway, they finally passed the cliff. Can this road be called a road?

The Eighth Route Army blocking the front also paid a heavy price. The casualties mainly came from the sudden attack over the mountain. The Eighth Route Army was caught off guard and suffered more than [-] casualties.

End of the meeting.

It is unwise to fight head-on with a large number of devils. It is useless to harass the devils' vanguard troops along the mountain road and not entangle with the devils, even if the little devils climb the mountain!
The leading troops of the devils were able to pass, but the rear brigade was still blocked. Even if the devils made a detour, they could not get behind the supplementary regiment.

"Why hasn't the correspondent who arranged to go to the division returned?"

"It's not that fast. If you drive all night, it should be fast."

After the meeting, Su Qing was filling out the meeting minutes.

"Su Qing, I really didn't expect, uh, I'm still used to staying in the supplementary regiment, right?" Captain Lu probably knew the cause and effect.

"It's all for revolution work, I'm fine."

"But the Sheep's Head Project is useless. Why did you transfer to the supplementary regiment? What is the specific reason? You and Hu Yi"

"Didn't Officer Zheng take over the political work of your independent group?" The head of the supplementary group sitting next to him interrupted.

"We did it. Now we are driven into the mountains by the devils. It is difficult for the intelligence system to function again. It is also our fault that we are poor and don't even have a radio station."

Head Lu didn't ask any more questions, and Su Qing didn't reply.

"When did our regiment-level troops in the mountains have a radio station?"

"Don't you have a radio station in your brigade?"

"The radio stations in the brigade are used to communicate with the division headquarters. Our supplementary regiment is poorer than your independent regiment, and we have to run on two legs to communicate with the brigade. What's more, our troops in the mountains are so far away from each other. Radio is useless."

"That's right. There are not many people in the mountains, and our troops can't be concentrated. They have to be scattered everywhere. Otherwise, food logistics will be a problem."

"Don't tell me, when I went back to the division for a meeting, I heard that some of their troops developed too quickly after they let people out. These chiefs don't even know how many soldiers they have under their command."

"Only our independent group is poor, there is no one who wants people, no guns if you want."

"Don't say it, I have to thank you this time. I was able to transfer the capable officer of your independent regiment, Officer Su, to our regiment. The political work of our regiment has not improved. This time I can finally feel proud. Let me borrow the one from the Ninth Company of yours. You don’t have to pay it back.”

"Hey, then I have to thank you! I have an idea, do you think it will work? Our independent regiment has few people, but we have contacts with the guerrillas on the plain. Our two regiments will form a joint political and industrial department. You How do you look?"

"United, political and industrial department? Of course you can, you can set up a brigade, can't you just call the regiment with four companies, and you can even have a brigade. The political work officers of yours used to be from the investigation team in the division, hehe , I don’t want to have anything to do with him.”

"What are you doing so poor? I have dealt with Officer Zheng, and he is also an upright man! We can't relax our investigation work, and we have to fight against enemy agents. You also know how serious consequences a single agent can cause.

"Don't talk so petty, our army has a complex staff, and we must have talents with strong political work ability to support this day."

Head Lu began to ponder.

"Then you go to make a report and merge your independent group into our supplementary group, won't this solve the problem?"

"You have a good idea. Your supplementary regiment just happens to be a supplement to our independent regiment." Head Lu frowned and said.

"Yes, I have no objection. You can be the head of the regiment and I can be the deputy head of the regiment. I set up a base in this mountain every day, and I haven't even seen the ghost a few times. Hehe, do you think the teacher will agree?"

"A devil? There's such a big area in the back! You don't even look at how many catties you have, why don't you fight them? Have you even farted?" Captain Lu looked at the old friend in front of him and boasted, and couldn't help it banter.

"Hey, I like to fight guerrillas. In such a large mountainous area, even if my regiment actually only has one battalion of troops, no matter what, I must make it impossible for these devils to come and go."

"Blow, just blow hard. Your guns are about to run out of three or five bullets, right? You still beat devils, what do you use to fight?" Captain Lu had a black line.

"The other two battalions of my father sent an order earlier. They copied the devil's back route. The mountain devil had no supplies. We cut off all the food in front. Seeing him froze after entering the mountain, if I can't beat him, he will starve to death he."

"It takes three or four days to send an order back and forth, don't dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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