under fire

Chapter 1323 Wang Xiaogui's Story

Chapter 1323 Wang Xiaogui's Story
The sound of killing on the road was loud.

The sky is full of gunpowder smoke, covering the sky and the earth.

The two light machine guns on the eighth road fired alternately, but they howled twice at intervals.

Sporadic rifle shots.

Bullets whizzed.

In the midday sun, the sweet smell of sorghum stalks was blown out on the road
The pseudo-battalion commander who hid in the green gauze tent at the back found that the situation was not good, and the Eighth Route was equivalent to going to the head and tail to snatch the mule and horse team in the middle.

Suffering from lying in the green gauze tent now, it is impossible to walk around, and if you want to go to the front for reinforcements, you can only take the road.

It is said that the three-shot and eight-way marksmanship is good, and the possibility of going out to die is too great.

The method of using mule carts to pile sandbags to build soil and tanks to attack did not seem to work in the previous training.

The men who had just left were holding their broken calves and screaming.

The company commander under him suddenly suggested: "Battle commander, although the green gauze tent is connected into a piece, there are still ditches at a distance."

"If you fart, let it go."

"Balu seems to be carrying something and running to the south, do you think we should go around this green gauze tent and come to the south to counter-ambush?"

The pseudo-battalion commander's eyes lit up: "Your boy is a talent, this idea is really a good idea, yes, the battalion commander will personally cover you, and you will lead your company to go back immediately from behind."

"Uh Battalion Commander, the brothers are all scattered in the green gauze tent, and it will be difficult to gather in a short while, or, you let the third company commander behind take people there?" There are at least six machine guns, isn't he just looking for trouble?

The false battalion commander was anxious: "The commander of the third company is stupid, hey, why are you dawdling when your mother comes up with an idea? The military order is like a mountain, you hurry up, and you must stop the eight roads!"

"Okay then." It is said that the early citrons will rot first, and the early birds will die first. The front is definitely not Xu Tieying's bandits. Ninety-nine out of ten are eight ways.
The false first company commander had no choice but to yell: "Everyone in the company is there. When the battalion commander organizes a cover, everyone will retreat."

Followed by the false battalion commander, he shouted loudly: "Second company commander, immediately open fire and cover the first company." The false battalion commander has no choice but to lose these ammunition and supplies. Can he keep himself as the battalion commander? It's hard to say!

If Yilian can get back the materials, even if it is part of it, it will be a big deal to deduct half a year's salary when they go back, since they don't rely on salary for food anyway.

If you can't get it back, it means that the idea is hard, and the casualties in a row will at least not be too small.

At that time, even if you carry dozens of wounded or corpses back, you can still work together
What love soldiers like children?That's what one should usually do in order to be a smooth official.

Now Lao Tzu's officials may not be able to keep you as sons. Shouldn't I share my worries now?

The puppet city defense forces are usually under the eyes of the devils, and their drills are not bad, and their equipment is not bad. At least they are often inspected by instructors, and they dare not sell ammunition at all.

The second company commander carefully distinguished the pattern of machine gunfire not far away.

After hearing a certain two bullets stop, he immediately greeted loudly: "Brothers, fight."

It is true that the puppet army is afraid of death, but it can also be heard that the machine guns from the mules and horses in front are not intensive.

Seven No. 80 drilled out from the green gauze tents on both sides, raising their guns one after another.

The actions of the team were very characteristic of the puppet army. The puppet army walking at the forefront wanted to retreat, but seven NO.80s jumped out on both sides, one wanted to shoot for cover, and the other wanted to run back. The two sides immediately rolled into a ball on the road.

A dark puppet army suddenly appeared on the road not far away.

Luo Fugui, who was changing the magazine, was startled, thinking that the puppet army was about to attack, he yelled strangely: "My grandma!"

Pulled the machine gun and drilled directly into the green gauze tent.

Crazy Yang, who had just taken over from cross-shooting, had his eyes lit up, and he let out a beast-like cry: "It's developed!"

da da da da da
The machine gun still kept firing in three bursts, and the bullets went straight into the crowd.

The warhead drilled through one body and missed the bone. Continue to drill the second body
Three or four puppet soldiers hurriedly raised their guns.
The soldier who had been lying next to Crazy Yang and firing alternately, the rifle in his hand fired first.

Both sides fired shots almost at the same time, one side was always in the upper hand and calm, while the other side was always beaten and trembling.

A round of shooting came down, and the two puppet soldiers were knocked over and screamed strangely on the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two puppet troops next to them immediately turned over and got into the green gauze tent again.

The firepower of the puppet army is not weak, and two companies are equipped with four light machine guns!
And there are small cannons, er, not devil's grenade launchers.

It was the self-made [-] small cannon seized from the hands of the Eight Route Army in the mountains when the imperial army raided the Eight Route Headquarters last year.
Although the power is not very good, it is still no problem to scare to death.
But the tactics mentioned by the instructor of the imperial army seem not suitable for this kind of scene!
When attacking, the machine guns should be placed on both sides. The road is only about three meters wide.
Yes, it's safe in the green gauze tent
Two light machine guns finally started working.
Da da da. Da da da.
The well-trained puppet army, the three-point shooting is quite smooth.
It's a pity that the angle is wrong, hiding in the green gauze tent and shooting at the road, the ballistic trajectory goes directly into the green gauze tent diagonally opposite the road
Crowds were crowded on the highway, the puppet troops kept falling, and screams kept coming and going
The screams before death and the strange screams of injuries are too embarrassing.

The sound even suppressed the loud sound of the light machine gun firing in front.

Finally someone started to lose their bearings.

The chaotic scene, the chaotic counterattack, and the sound of bullets entering the flesh.

Wang Xiaogui calmly avoided the crowd and squatted on the side of the road.

Slowly raise the rifle.

The pseudo-battalion commander actually liked him very much, because he also paid for him to go to the North China Military Academy.

However, his grandfather taught him what righteousness and justice are since he was a child.

He performed outstandingly in the military academy and became the team leader.

One day, a classmate showed him a manifesto.

The poor people all over the world united, and then he secretly participated in the reading club with his classmates.

His superiors had great expectations of him, and within a few days after he came back, he became the acting platoon leader under the arrangement of the battalion commander.

The battalion commander also told about a marriage, saying that he would marry a wife for him so that he could have a queen in case something happened.

The battalion commander is closer than his own father.

His superiors have specially approved his marriage application.

Dry mouth and throat, but tears slowly blurred the eyes.

In the front sight, the battalion commander's face under his military cap was full of anxiety.

The battalion commander killed like hemp.

It is the incarnation of the devil and goodness.

No matter where I go, I will never forget that he cut off the head of a comrade with his own hands.

The blood spattered in the loess had already dried up, and he always remembered the eyes of comrades who were dying.

If Lian went around to the back to outflank, he didn't know what the consequences would be.

There is a large amount of ammunition in this batch of materials. This is the ammunition provided to the puppet army for three days, and it can arm at least one regiment of the puppet army!
Ghost ammunition and puppet ammunition will not be mixed together.

The battalion commander's face was full of anger and panic, and he suddenly turned his head to look over.

The two looked at each other amidst the clamor of bullets.

With years of experience in killing on the battlefield, the false battalion commander could tell at a glance that the black muzzle of the gun was pointing at his head.

He is his godson, and he is preparing to accept him as his godson when he gets married!

I even told him about my marriage, that beautiful woman couldn't bear to play with her.

When the time comes, there will be a double happiness, and it will become a good story.

What is he going to do now?
He has heard about his son's participation in the Eighth Route.

He felt that life should be like this, even if Balu can call back in the future, his son is Balu, and he can save his life.

The older generation has long said that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't give birth to a son, he wouldn't have done this at all.

It seems that he is really eight-way, and for a while, he only feels his scalp is a little numb, and all thoughts are flying
"You" only one word came out of the false battalion commander's mouth.

In his eyes, he saw a burst of fire flashing from the black muzzle of the gun.

The tragedy that my son killed my father actually happened to me, raising a tiger is a problem.
It is a pity that he will never see the bumper sorghum harvest this year.

Because the bullet that came out of the chamber would blow his head off.

Father and son cannibalism, life is tragic.

The bullet hit right between the eyebrows.

He was lying on his back, his eyeballs reflecting the gray-white sky through the sorghum field.

Slowly, the eyeballs lose their luster.

Wang Xiaogui raised his hand and wiped his eyes, the puppet soldier squatting beside him was stunned, and immediately knocked Wang Xiaogui over.

Then he drew out the bayonet and stabbed Wang Xiaogui in the chest.

Wang Xiaogui did not resist, quietly waiting for the bayonet to be stabbed into his chest.

 I just saw the memoirs of an old soldier who broke into the puppet army
(End of this chapter)

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