under fire

Chapter 1324 Infiltration

Chapter 1324 Infiltration

The puppet army who was about to stab Wang Xiaogui was unlucky, and a bullet went straight through the neck.

Wang Xiaogui was very lucky, the bayonet in the hand of the puppet soldier before he died changed direction and stuck on his arm.

He didn't know if anyone saw it from behind, the bullets from the head machine were roaring, and the puppet soldiers were stepping on the corpses.

Difficult to climb into the sorghum field.

Luo Fugui changed the magazine and watched the puppet soldiers near the road hide again in the Liangqing gauze tent.

Several puppet troops seemed to be heading south one after another in the trenches in the distance, and they immediately shouted strangely: "Correspondent. Grandma's puppet troops are outflanking south, and the militia is notified to prepare for battle."

The big dog was lying on the side of the road, emptying the last bullet in the rifle: "Mr. Hu, what the hell is this little devil?"

Hu Yi got out of the sorghum field beside the road and looked at the road to the east that was completely covered by sorghum leaves.

In such a short time, it is impossible for the Devil's car to run very far, but there is no sound of the engine.

It should be idling or turned off.

In other words, the devil's train team did not go far.

It's not in the character of devils to run away after suffering a loss, even if this group of devils is a supply team.

Hu Yi turned his head and looked at the chaotic scene on the road.

Under the scorching sun.

Some militiamen were happily fiddling with the rifles handed over to the puppet army, and some were tearing bullet bags on the puppet army.

There are also some militiamen who are shouting at their husbands and driving mules and carriages into the sorghum bushes.

Hu Yi thought of the Devil's car pulling the infantry gun.

Previously attacked the Devils infantry behind the Devils armored vehicle.

The ghost in the cargo compartment of the car has not left the car. Obviously, the artillery behind the car must be!

Artillery never leave the cannon!
Hu Yi's face changed suddenly: "Commissioner, send an order, give up everything except weapons and ammunition, everyone, all evacuate from the road within 1 minute!"

The correspondent immediately yelled on the road between the two green gauze tents: "Hurry up and evacuate to the south immediately!"

The militiamen had never seen such a scene before. It was impossible for the chaotic team to evacuate in a short time.

There was a muffled sound in the distance to the east.

There was a sudden burst of flames on the road.

As shrapnel and dust splashed everywhere, the mules, horses, peasants, and militiamen near the bombing point were directly overturned.

"Run!" At this moment, those who stayed on the road quickly withdrew south.

A platoon leader of the pseudo-second company hidden in the green veil became more energetic: "The eighth road is gone, let's hurry up and beat the dog in the water."

Phew. A piece of shrapnel didn't recognize this as a dog's leg, and flew past quickly.

Pull the corner of the mouth of the fake paizi directly to the root of the ear
"Fuck, what a big mouth," the puppet soldier next to him sighed.

"Hid them all for me, and wait until the imperial army's bombardment is over before going out."

After a while, the shelling ended.

Smoke filled the road.

After waiting for a while, the smoke gradually dissipated.

Most of the hundreds of mules and horses on the road have disappeared.

There were only empty carts left, the mules and horses that had been hit on the ground when they were hit back by the puppet army, and the civilian husband who was still screaming and shot more than ten times.

Except for the dead body, none of the battalion guards and puppet troops who were with the civilian husband were seen.

"Eight ways to grab things and carry them." A puppet soldier sighed.

"I think there is at least one battalion from the Eighth Route Army!" one muttered in hindsight.

The battalion commander died, and the black face of the pseudo-second company commander lit up: "Why the hell are you standing there in a daze, hurry up and save people!"

The first subordinate followed up with suggestions: "Should we notify the first company commander?"

The other platoon leader muttered: "Notice the fart, if he dies, our boss can become the battalion commander!"

The prisoners of the puppet army carried more than [-] stretchers through the green gauze tent with bitter faces.

The team walked intermittently, watching the eight roads in front and back busy pulling mules and horses.

A prisoner of the puppet army whispered to the people in front: "I said, shall we run?"

"Run? Run to where?"

"Go back?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain, and now you go back and say that the supplies were lost, and then you were shot by the devil?"

"However, it's not a problem to follow the Eighth Route."

"This year's harvest must be good, and Ganbalu will not go hungry."

"I heard that Balu eats two meals!"

"Didn't we just have two meals before?"

A voice suddenly came from the front: "Everyone, don't speak!"

Crazy Yang was looking at the footprints on the road, chanting the Three Character Classic: "It's the puppet army"

Hu Yi, who was following behind, frowned: "There is a problem with the puppet army appearing here."

"I seem to see that some of the puppet troops we fought in the west ran to the south!"

Hu Yi knelt down and looked at the fresh footprints: "Let the militia keep an eye on the captives and go east to avoid them"

"Hit them?" Crazy Yang looked at Hu Yi and his eyes lit up.

I thought to myself, when they attacked the puppet army just now, those guys dared to fight back.
You have to beat them until you see the eight roads and run away!

"The meat delivered to the door must be eaten." Hu Yi waved his hand to stop the soldier carrying the bullet box.

There is no time to count and seize now, there are more than a hundred bags, good things must be indispensable.

The Devils convoy was heavily defended and failed to get grenades.

Hu Yi always felt that this was a bad job.

These puppet soldiers dared to run into the green gauze tent and set up an ambush in front.

Go to the Eighth Route Army who fights guerrillas all day long!

Zhengchou got a lot of ammunition, but only got more than [-] rifles from the captured puppet army.

These puppet troops actually delivered the goods to their door, and they would be embarrassed if they didn't accept them: "Correspondent! Get in touch with the scattered scouts immediately to find out the movements of the devil's supply team and other puppet troops."


The sun is poisonous.

Commander Zhang of the assault regiment rushed to Chexiang Town for reinforcements, but Balu had disappeared without a trace.

After Mr. Zhang murmured with the captain for a while, the team pulled out again.

Arrive at Huilong Town at noon.

Huilong Town has changed.

The division construction industry lined up.

Lead the common people to welcome the arrival of the imperial army by beating gongs and drums with small flags.

The imperial army and the assault regiment marched into the Zhenbei barracks.

More than two hundred autonomous troops from the second battalion of the first regiment were all disarmed and squatted under the scorching sun with their hands tied behind their backs.

The captain has been in the Autonomous Army for nearly a year, and usually spends a lot of time dealing with the commander of the assault regiment.

They often go to the tavern opened by Xiaotian to drink and find geisha, and they often act as brothers-in-law, and they have a good relationship.

Once into the barracks.

With a dark face, the captain immediately ordered to shoot all the soldiers from the first regiment leading the way.

"Taijun, let them die like this, it's too cheap for them!" Commander Zhang of the assault group quickly persuaded.

"You want to intercede for them?" The captain looked away at Captain Zhang, who wanted to save someone because he had a good relationship with him, and was about to turn his face immediately.

Head Zhang remained calm and secretly handed a watch to the captain, followed by a suggestion: "The Manchuria Railway Company has set up several workshops in the concentration camp, and now there is a shortage of manpower. If they are sent to the concentration camp, maybe they can create some value." !"

The captain was stunned for a moment, he relied on his salary, although there was a lot of money a year, but of course the more money he had in his pocket, the better it would be.

After thinking for a while, "You seem to make sense, ten yuan each, and I will leave this matter to you!"

Head Zhang quickly put aside himself: "Taijun, I can't handle this well. You should take it there and say that I caught the anti-Japanese elements. How about you take [-]%?"

The captain thought about it, and the reward for a laborer seemed to be ten yuan, but there are two hundred here.

That is 2000 yuan, 800%. I picked up [-] yuan for nothing, and this person finally got the hang of it, and his eyes lit up: "This idea. Seems good."

Head Zhang smiled shyly: "Taijun, can you arrange for me to keep a battalion of brothers stationed in Huilong Town, and I guarantee that I can capture at least a thousand oceans in a month!"

The captain's eyes widened: "You mean this place that is so poor that you can get [-] oceans a month. It's not legal currency."

Head Zhang winked: "Otherwise, why do you all want to garrison this place?"

The captain smiled brightly: "Zhang Sang, I'm sure you are my friend!"

More than 200 subordinates died, and more than [-] laborers were arrested. If they go back, they will be punished one by one, and they will not be promoted in the future.

His monthly salary is only more than 100 yen, and he can earn ten times the money here, so he has to do it.

Captain Guizi followed Shi Jianye, who was busy in the barracks, and directly ordered: "Since the security situation in the defense area of ​​the [-]st Brigade and [-]nd Regiment is bad, causing heavy losses to the imperial army, I now order your department to return to the defense area immediately to rectify the law and order."

Hear the interpreter finish speaking.

Shi Jianye was immediately dumbfounded, didn't he want to be the brigade commander of his own brigade?

The imperial army did not dare to disobey the order, so they had to order to assemble.

Half an hour later, the team braved the scorching sun and didn't even finish their lunch.

He was sent away like a beggar.

Shi Jianye knew that it was Captain Zhang who did the trick, but he was familiar with the captain, so the concubine had no choice.

The so-called loss of wife and loss of soldiers is roughly what it means.

The old nest was terminated by eight roads.

Huilong Town didn't eat this big piece of fat.

It also earned a notoriety for attacking brother troops.

Desperately lead the team away.

My intestines are full of regrets, I would have searched the merchants in Huilong Town first if I knew it.
 Commander Zhang of the Assault Regiment of the Autonomous Army became famous later on. The first battalion was directly under the army Wang Tianxiang, and the strange thing was that the second battalion belonged to Cheng Ximeng.

(End of this chapter)

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