under fire

Chapter 1325

Chapter 1324
Devils are generally stationed in county towns.

There are many garrisons in important counties that can reach a brigade.

In order to ensure the smooth flow of railway transportation.

A squadron of guard troops is usually stationed at the large railway stations of counties along the Ping-Han Railway, and a company of puppet troops is also stationed.

Small railway stations are generally located near towns, and a small team must be dispatched to station them.

Regardless of whether the station is large or small, some people must be assigned to sit in the gun towers along the line as instructors.

Everyone has to sleep, and after being divided into two shifts, the manpower is even less.

In order to beat Xu Tieying, the devils stationed at the train station naturally cannot move.

They could only mobilize troops overnight from nearby counties, and the puppet army and devils left.

The intelligence agents arranged by the Eighth Route Army in the county immediately realized that the devil's county was empty.

Opportunity is at hand.

The mission to rescue Patriarch Li failed, combined with the mobilization of troops by the HD city devils, a new battle plan was formed overnight.

Assault on the Devil's Railroad Line!
A problem lay before us. The Eighth Route Army sneaked into the enemy's rear to fight guerrillas, and the scattered troops would not be able to be disturbed for a while.

Fighting guerrillas naturally has no fixed place to live, and today it may be in a certain village.

After one night, he might be in another village fifty miles away.

In addition, the devils also realized that the Eighth Route Army had entered the occupied area on a large scale and strengthened the blockade.

Even the messenger who sent the order couldn't find where the troops were.
It is ridiculously difficult to collect and gather together.

Wang Pengying, who had just evacuated from the east of HD City, received an order that the heads of the three columns who had completed luring the enemy would return to northern Shaanxi for a meeting to study.

Minister Zhou temporarily took over the important task: "Order, the Autonomous Army Assault Regiment and the First Battalion Guard Battalion will move west immediately, waiting for an opportunity to destroy the Devil's Railway."

The Independence Regiment is stationed near An County, and also received an order to cooperate with a division to destroy the railway line north of An County on the Ping-Han Line
The national army who was driven to the south of the Yellow River by the devils also smelled the news, but it was a pity that they had no soldiers.

The railway sabotage team of the Jiangbei Traffic Corps, which had been lurking along the railway line, was ordered in a crisis.

Absolute secrecy cannot be achieved with such a large-scale troop mobilization.

The devil's intelligence system is not a vegetarian, and quickly figured out the movements of the Eighth Route Army. Unfortunately, the Shanxi troops and the main force of the First Army were transferred to Northern Mongolia some time ago.

For a while, he fell into a situation where he had no soldiers to adjust.

The commander of North China was so angry that his nose was crooked. He had just cleaned up the national army in the Central Plains.

Unexpectedly, Balu jumped out again, not even like being a mouse in the mountains before, and started to openly give way to the street.

The devil's staff had no choice but to mobilize now only the puppet New Fifth Army and the 24th, 5th, and 6th armies of the Pangbu 7th Army that were heading north.

Then, the various ministries that received the order gathered near the railway line south of An County.

For the rest of the task of guarding the Anxian to HD railway line, the devils immediately ordered the puppet troops stationed in nearby counties to directly deploy two-thirds of the troops to strengthen the defense along the Anxian to HD railway line.

At the same time, armored trains will be deployed from the north to conduct mobile patrols along the way.


The sky has been clear for more than a year, and many places have begun to be covered with dark clouds.

Column orders are still on the way.

The puppet army set up an ambush in the green gauze tent.

Hu Yi is reading.

That's right, this man is holding a densely annotated book in his hand and occasionally turning a page.

I really want to write two words in the book, but unfortunately the words are too crowded and I can't find the space.

The correspondent kept sending news of the detection, and Crazy Yang was fiddling on the small sand table next to him.


"Mr. Hu"

"Can you?" Crazy Yang pushed Hu Yi with a black face: "Don't look at it"

"What's the situation?" Hu Yi wrapped the school in a cloth and put it in his pocket: "Tell me."

Luo Fugui next to him was shocked, no good, Boss Hu was led astray by Crazy Yang, and started to read the Three Character Classic
I recited the formula silently in my heart: Taishang Laojun hurriedly ordered all demons and ghosts to get out.
it works!

"The devil's supply team really ran away, and the beaten puppet army was cleaning the battlefield two miles to the north. We only need to block these small roads, and the puppet army in the north can only stare blankly when they hear the gunshots." Crazy Yang was motivated, and found that these puppet troops hadn't been beaten at all, and they didn't have much energy at all. He pointed to the simple sand table and began to explain: "Heavy machine guns in the front are fired with two bullet belts to suppress them. Two rows of troops are divided into two routes, and they go around to the puppet troops. Stab him in the back."


"Almost!" Crazy Yang nodded: "The puppet army is nothing to worry about."

Hu Yi looked at the sand table.

His eyes turned to the green gauze tent where the puppet army was about to ambush the Ninth Battalion not far away.

Crazy Yang's plan is not a plan at all
There is only a simulation of terrain forces, troop configuration, who is the main attacker, who is feinting, the reserve team, the deployment of firepower, and how to capture the prisoners when the various ministries are launched.

However, it is really unnecessary to deal with these puppet troops.
The so-called painting a tiger is not an anti-dog.

The puppet army seems to be right. They chose the green gauze tent in advance to fight an ambush, which is considered an advantage.

But the ambush at noon, the dense footprints on the ground, can this be done by surprise?
Let’s not talk about the weather, let’s talk about the harmony of people. The puppet army with less than a hundred people ambushed and the eight-way brains of more than [-] militiamen were trapped by the door?

Guerrilla warfare is bound to be accompanied by mobile warfare. Can an ambush be possible by lying in the sorghum thicket?

And you don't even put a battlefield guard post on the periphery of the battlefield.

Is it true that the ancestral Eighth Route Army who fought guerrillas every day is a fool?

A very absurd feeling came to his heart, making him a little dumbfounded.

It suddenly occurred to me that I used to be a beard robber. It seems that this is really how I played
Find a place to insert the label: I opened this road, and I planted this tree
These puppet soldiers are definitely pretending to be muddy in their minds
Hu Yi suddenly felt that killing these people seemed meaningless, because there was a shortage of people under his command
This time, the loss was not a lot, more than [-] people were killed and injured in nearly two platoons!

The head of the column pretended to be dead and kept silent, and did not replenish himself with soldiers at all.
If you don't give it, then grab it yourself!

Capture these puppet troops first, and then replace them with the column!
It's a pity that the girl is not here, she is an expert in doing this.
Come out this time.

After several in-depth conversations with Director Lin, I didn't expect that this person came back from studying abroad in **.

Also gave him a book.


Mechanized Armor Cluster.

Thousands of tanks battle.

Tens of thousands of cannons were fired.

Thousands of planes bombed
The warships moved mountains and seas, and thinking about that scene made me tremble with excitement.

It was an eye-opener, the first time I came into contact with the concept of large corps combat
"Hey, Battalion Commander."

"Boss Hu?"

"Mr. Hu?"

Hu Yi came back to his senses.

After touching the book in Huli, he stood up and looked around majestically.

The commanders were full of anticipation, it had been a long time since the battalion commander was so arrogant.

Hu Yi said: "Order, Luo Fugui's company fires from the front with a platoon of heavy machine guns, and after the battle starts in the rear, lowers the muzzle and shoots. Yang Chengzhi leads a platoon, outflanks and assaults on the left, and I lead an assault on the right. The militia is the reserve team."


With eyes full of anticipation, more than ten long rows of deputy officers surrounded by them immediately had black lines on their faces.

There was a murmur of boos.
Finally someone couldn't help but dared to ask: "Battalion Commander, after reading the book for so long, I thought I was going to make a big move, but I didn't expect it to be a frontal assault with two wings outflanking."

The warehouse is full of people, and they don't care about anything else. They lead ten soldiers without saying a word or a smile.

Immediately set up machine gun positions in the ditch between the sorghum fields ahead.

The sacks already filled with soil were thrown to the ground.

There is no need to pile up at all. In just 1 minute, eight sandbags and machine gun positions were formed on the ground.

This hand is also a big skill, but you have to prepare sandbags in advance.
In the green gauze tent.

The observer of the puppet army yelled: "Company commander, it's not good, the eighth road is setting up a heavy machine gun."

The false company commander curled his lips: "What are you afraid of? We have dug trenches, and there are individual pits. He knows how to lay an ambush, so don't we?"

Participated in many mopping ups, and the instructor of the Imperial Army explained the tactics of the eight-way attack and ambush on the spot.

Later, he also participated in the mopping up and independent operations. Once this ambush tactic came out, the eighth-way guerrillas who were driven away by the emperor to flee in all directions were wiped out.

The pseudo-company commander is full of confidence, even if I can't beat him, don't I have legs and can't run?
There are green gauze curtains everywhere, just find a place to drill, I don't believe you dare to chase after it.

The ancients were sincere and never deceived: don't enter the forest!

Tom tom tom.
While thinking, the heavy machine guns in the north began to fire.

"Keep your heads down, wait for them to come over before you fire, bring them closer before you hit" This trick is the content of the eight-way coward's confession
(End of this chapter)

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