under fire

Chapter 1326 Brand New Assault Tactics

Chapter 1325 Brand New Assault Tactics

The sound of tom tom is shocking!

The noise of machine guns is full of frenzy in the ears!

The bolt hits back and forth, the sound of the high-speed rotation of the bullet rubbing against the barrel, and the gunpowder gas pushing the bullet out of the muzzle with a roar.

The sound of shell casings falling continuously was crisp and striking without stopping.

It was a high-speed harvester with a heavy machine gun that was constantly restless under the pressure of the full bin and fired.

Watching the pieces of immature sorghum fall down, the militiamen hid beside the heavy guns with one hand holding the gun and the other around their heads, covering their ears with their arms and palms.

Yes, I will definitely get a complaint from the head of the column in the future, saying that Hu Battalion Commander connived at his subordinates to ruin the crops of the common people.
It is naturally impossible for a heavy machine gun to break all the sorghum poles in a field.

But the penetrating power of machine gun bullets is really too strong, and one bullet can almost break thirty or fifty sorghum poles
Mancang calculated silently in his heart, and with the gap between the sorghum poles, most of the bullets could not even fly 30 meters away!
That is, it is just around the limit range of ordinary people throwing grenades
The ballistic has no target at all, and it is very difficult to hit the puppet army lying on the ground, just to make the puppet army dare not shoot north, let alone run north.

The gunshots were mainly to give the puppet army the illusion that the Eight Route Army would attack from the front.

Luo Fugui was not worried at all.

The reconnaissance work was done well, but he couldn't figure out why the puppet army put up such a formation to kill them.

Since you can't figure it out, then think about it.

Watching the bullets continue to rush out of the muzzle of the gun: "Grandma's shot is faster than mine, this prodigal son"

Ban Errong was promoted to squad leader, holding a light machine gun and hiding beside the ditch where Dagou had previously ambush.

His task is to guard against the puppet army on the northern road, and they will come from this road.

on the road.

The false battalion commander is dead.

Listening to the heavy machine guns booming in the south.

The pseudo one company went to fight an eight-way ambush, and now it should have kicked the iron board.

The pseudo two and three company commanders began to make small calculations. According to the principle of succession, the first company commander should act as the commanding battalion commander.

The commander of the first company is absent, and according to the rules, the commander of the second company should take over the command.

The false second company commander was killed and unwilling to act as the battalion commander,
I thought to myself, if the agent is confirmed, the chief officer is dead, and all the supplies are robbed by the Eight Routes, it will definitely be difficult to go back.

What's more, in front of him, he started working with Eighth Route again, this time the Eighth Route is definitely the main force!

Being able to drive away the imperial army with armored vehicles, he didn't think he had the ability to command.

After pushing each other for a long time with the third company commander, I suddenly remembered Wang Xiaogui, the platoon leader who had an arm injury.
After muttering, the two company commanders looked at each other: He is the most suitable to carry this pot.
As for whether the head of the regiment will let him continue to act as the battalion commander after he goes back, he will be punished based on the crime of committing Lao Tzu's loss of supplies.
Wang Xiaogui killed the battalion commander, except for the one lying next to him, no one actually saw it.

With the bullets whistling above his head, who has time to care about others except his own life?
So the platoon leader Wang Xiaogui, godson of the battalion commander, was pushed out to act as the battalion commander!
He was stabbed in the arm by the battalion commander's henchman, but someone saw it.

As for why... this is the battalion commander's housework.

Some people secretly speculated that most of the confidantes of the Battalion Commander wanted to be the Battalion Commander
Now the battalion commander is dead, so I want to act first.
As a result, his body was raised a little and he was hit by eight stray bullets.

Wang Xiaogui thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect to be promoted to the position of battalion commander in a daze.

What the second company commander meant was that if the battalion commander didn't take office, he wouldn't be able to kneel down here.

The third company commander is even more ruthless, if you refuse, I will lead my brothers to kneel to the end of the world right now.

Anyway, I went to a military academy, and I still have the ability to adapt to changes and basic command.

Remember the names of the few people who squatted beside you when you fought back, no matter whether you saw yourself shooting or not, you must avoid future troubles.

Listening to the sound of the eight-way heavy machine gun in the south.

Then issued the first order: "The first company has already gone to pursue, the terrain in the Gaoliang field is complicated, first assemble the team and set up guards on the spot to prevent the Eighth Route from attacking again"

All the puppet soldiers nodded, well, this order did not mention revenge for the Battalion Commander.

Followed by the second order: "Save the injured brother first"

All the puppet soldiers nodded, well, this order is not bad. There is no mention of revenge for his godfather.

The third order: "When the first company commander returns, return the command to him"

All the puppet soldiers clapped their hands and applauded: The commander of the young battalion gave these three orders well!
Everyone sit here and see what else you can do to ambush
So, the puppet army began to pull out their portable tools to dig foxholes on the edge of the sorghum field, put sandbags and cloth machine gun positions, and crawled to both sides of the road to enter the guard.
Half of the ears heard the sound of digging on the road to the north: "Hey, big dog, what do you think the puppet army is doing?"

"Why are you digging your own grave?"

"Great flat land, no villages, no shops, no mountains, no water, and roads trampled by tens of thousands of people, this place's feng shui is so bad." Half an ear murmured.
The originally clear sky suddenly began to be covered with dark clouds.

As the sorghum poles continued to fall, the north side became brighter and brighter.

Finally, the puppet army in ambush began to feel that something was wrong: Is this man going to use a heavy machine gun to cut off all the sorghum land?

I really can't get used to the arrogant sound of heavy machine guns.

throw a grenade high north
He knew he couldn't throw it that far, but he had to give him some color to see if it was right.

Heavy machine gun shooting really stopped?
The one who threw the grenade couldn't help but boldly poked his head to look.

Tom tom tom.
As the wind guides the direction of the observer, the heavy machine gun adjusts the position of the muzzle and fires again in the direction where the grenade was thrown.
A bullet broke dozens of sorghum stalks, passed through the gaps between countless sorghum stalks, ran about [-] meters away, and entered the eye socket of this man.
Ah. This one covered his eyes and screamed, bleeding from his hands.

Where the bullet stopped, he probably only knew it himself.

Crazy Yang didn't know the exact location of the puppet army.

From the smoke from the explosion of the grenade thrown by the puppet army, the location of the puppet army's hiding place can be roughly judged.

It's not all that the puppet army didn't set up battlefield alerts, but the alert posts were afraid of death, so they didn't run very far.

The puppet army who had cut some sorghum stalks and hid on the edge saw a figure in a uniform similar to his own, and thought it was a messenger arranged by the battalion commander: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

The soldiers who acted as vanguards raised their guns and fought.

Then, a grenade from the soldier next to him was thrown over.

The fighters at the end of the three groups immediately stepped forward to fill their positions, raised their guns and fought again
Only one rifle fires, although the suppression ability is poor, but the persistence is good.

Crazy Yang taught the soldiers a brand-new assault tactic, which was quite different from the conventional three-three system.

Tactics are not rigid, and the number of enemies varies.

If there are only one or two enemies, cooperate with the grenade rifle to shoot and keep the firepower until the enemy is killed.

There are three to five enemies, and the vanguard will always stand or squat to attract enemy fire.

That is to sacrifice oneself to buy time for the comrades next to him to find cover, so as to gain the opportunity to destroy more enemies.

Crazy Yang also said that as long as you get shot in time, at least half of them will not die
Because only being hit by the enemy in the head and heart will kill him immediately. As for whether what he said is accurate, I don’t know for the time being
Anyway, I heard that many soldiers who were shot in the head did not die.
But if the blood vessels in the neck are interrupted, there is no doubt that he will die!

Therefore, shrinking the neck has become a common practice item for the pioneers
If the enemy exceeds this number.
Then each of you should run for your life and seek blessings.
Then wait for the fire team from behind to come up.

Give the enemy a fierce attack with grenades, grenades, and machine gun fire.
The behavior of the puppet army really cannot be judged by common sense.

Facing the Eighth Route Army that can drive away all the devils' armored vehicles.

They only put individual guards on the periphery of the battlefield
 Many Eighth Route Army ambushes, most of them were sent by ordinary people to set up guard posts through message trees on the periphery.
(End of this chapter)

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