under fire

Chapter 1327 The Sudden Storm

Chapter 1326 The Sudden Storm
The sorghum ambush itself is a joke.

The devil armored vehicles drove the way, a large number of vehicles followed, and the puppet army's supply team had too many mules and horses, and it was not easy to turn around on the narrow road.

The fighting strength of the Ninth Battalion is not weak, and they tried their best to end up not daring to attack the Devils convoy.

The daring false first company commander is now in the middle of the "ambush" position.

The subordinate team formed an inverted T-shaped ambush in the sorghum fields on both sides of the southward path.

The false company commander suddenly pricked up his ears, and there seemed to be sporadic gunshots on the flanks behind him?

After pricking up my ears and carefully discerning for a while, the rifle didn't seem to fire again.

It seems that he should have been shot by the Eighth Route Army's heavy machine gun under the illusion.

Hidden in the green gauze tent, and dug individual soldier pits on both sides of the path, there is no need to worry about the Eighth Route Army's heavy machine guns shooting.

At some point, the sky that was originally sunny and sunny began to be covered with dark clouds.

The plain land, which has been dry for more than a year, has a tendency to rain heavily, which should be considered a good thing!
Suddenly there was the sound of rifle fire from the left and right, followed by the roar of Czech machine guns.

The false company commander froze for a moment, this time he heard absolutely right!
No, Balu copied the two wings behind him.
The false company commander reacted very quickly, and immediately ordered: "Brothers on the left and right, stand up for me!"

The frontal eight-way heavy machine gun suddenly stopped firing.

Rifles and light machine guns rang out.

"You are surrounded."

"Don't kill with guns!"

"The Eighth Route Army means what it says!"

"Whoever moves kills whom"

The puppet soldiers, whose muzzles had been facing north, panicked and tried to turn their muzzles.

Bang. The hand holding the gun fell weakly, the body curled up in the soldier pit, and the muscles suddenly contracted and turned into convulsions.
The bayonet pierced directly into the thigh "ah!"

"Whoever moves will be killed!" "Hand in your gun and don't kill!"

"What are the dogs on the flanks doing?" "They all got into our team before they were discovered?"

"Shouldn't the eight roads come from the north and wait for us to lay an ambush?"

"It's unscientific!" The puppet soldiers squatting in the foxhole with their hands up still looked bewildered.

Surprise even trumped fear.
A human-shaped lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, reflecting the gloomy sky pale.

Then, an earth-shattering thunder rumbled in the sky.

The soldiers and militiamen who were cleaning the battlefield began to become a little confused: "Be honest, dare to drill into the sorghum field? Believe it or not, I don't recognize people with guns!"

Bang. Bang. Non-stop warning shots.

"Don't shoot, surrender" The puppet troops stuck in the dense sorghum poles had to squeeze out
"This damn sorghum." "Why did it grow so well this year?"

Looking at the puppet troops who were escorted eastward by the militia with their hands up, Crazy Yang frowned: "Did you play a fucking game?"

"Don't look at it." Maybe he has had a similar experience. Hu Yi, who is holding a machine gun, seems to understand Yang's thoughts at this time: "If there is even a trace of blood in their hearts, they will not surrender to the devil to be a tiger."

"If you say" Crazy Yang, who has never talked much, suddenly became interested: "I didn't expect the puppet army to be so virtuous, why don't we play a little bigger this time and clean up all the puppet troops on the road."

"Don't underestimate the puppet soldiers who have been trained by devils. It is their nature to adapt to the wind. If they encounter the county brigade or guerrillas, they will become demons!"

"I think" Crazy Yang is ready to move: "The combat effectiveness of these puppet troops is even inferior to those soldiers and bandits surnamed Qi."

"It's going to rain, let's meet with Minister Liu first." Hu Yi saw the raindrops the size of copper coins falling on the ground: "Hurry up, go south, get out!"

After the plain area entered summer, the heavy rain that had been waiting for a year finally arrived.

It's no ordinary light rain!The pouring rain swept across the entire plain.

Countless people came out of the house, cheers everywhere.

Men, women and children stood in the rain and stretched out their hands to look at the sky. Some people who survived the catastrophe kneeled on the ground and kowtowed to God: "My God, your eyes are finally opened."

The continuous lightning and thunder in the sky seemed to have no one afraid at all.

There is only joy in people's hearts at this time.
Dragon King Temple Town.

Twenty miles east of Huilong Town.

Su Qing is reporting to Commander Yun Pei of the Three Columns stationed in Zhangnan, Longwangmiao.

Commander Pei didn't even listen to Su Qing's work, and went directly to the yard to look at the sky.

Su Qing saw the rainwater dripping from the eaves outside the door, starting from drop by drop to form a line,

It's raining.

There were tears in her beautiful eyes, and she was in high spirits.

Ignoring any more reports, I dropped my pen and chair, and briskly walked to the door.

Watching Commander Pei dancing and cheering with the soldiers in the yard.

She ended up not having fun with the soldiers in the rain.

A beautiful figure in a gray military uniform with short ear-length hair leaned against the door, quietly raised her head, and looked at the sky.

A dazzling light suddenly flashed between the sky and the earth, subconsciously squinted, and quickly reached out to cover his ears.

After the lightning, the town looks dark against the background.

It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky seemed to be gradually entering the night.

Cracking, rumbling. The deafening sound of thunder finally reached every corner of the town.

The sky is full of lightning and thunder, and the sound is still lingering in the ears.

The splashing of raindrops on the ground grew louder.

Watching the soldiers in the yard turned into drowned chickens, they grinned and ran under the eaves.

The tall figure with the curly hat brim could not help appearing in his eyes.

The news has come back that the enemy has set up a trap using Brigadier Li as a bait.

The guard battalion completed the task of responding to the county brigade, but for some reason, the column detained the man and did not release him.
Suddenly, I found a crystal clear and shiny thing appeared on the ground
I was shocked: "Comrades, hurry back, it's hail. It's hail."

No one knew that the strong typhoon coming from the sea far to the east had landed in Bohai Bay one day earlier.

There is also only a slight weakening into the arid interior lands.
The strong convective weather did not continue to bring joy to the people, and some areas began to rage.

The air brings countless dust and flies to the clouds to form hailstones!

Pea-sized hailstones immediately fell on the ground in pieces.
The wind became stronger and stronger, and the hail became the size of a little finger in an instant.

It is still growing rapidly, and then becomes the size of a thumb.
Then it became the size of an egg and kept smashing on the ground and the roof.
The soldiers who went back to the house with strange screams hurriedly took measures to avoid the rain.

It has been dry for more than a year, and there is no preparation for rain at all.
The roof is leaking in many places.
If there is no roof, quickly move the living and belongings in the house to any place that can shelter from the rain.
Soon, the drenched soldiers were dumbfounded, because...
In the yard, the house without a roof was actually covered with a layer of large and small hailstones.

And there is still no sign of stopping in the sky.
The waves of the green gauze tent undulate.

It hasn't rained in over a year.

The sudden storm made the soldiers who had just won the battle even more excited.

Escorting the prisoners, the soldiers and militiamen were busy taking off their military uniforms to cover the wounded and the captured supplies.

Even the clothes of the puppet soldiers were ordered to take off.

How can I not enjoy the feeling of being naked in the rain?
Enjoy the comfort of being ravaged by heavy rain
The puppet soldiers who stayed in the city all day had a bitter face, and only fools like to get wet in the rain.

The puppet army with crops at home was full of panic, praying that the rainstorm would be gentler, and the sorghum that was about to be harvested could not withstand the toss
A hailstone the size of a finger fell from the sky.

A certain soldier got hit on the head and turned his head: "Who, who hit me?"

A gust of wind blew.

The hailstones in the sky fell like beans.

 From [-] to [-], more than [-] counties in the plain continued to experience severe drought, which lasted until the end of July in [-] with heavy rains.

  Note that in addition to the heavy rain, God actually sends hail during the summer harvest season!
  Seriously affect the summer harvest.

  And this time the raincoat lasted for a long time, and the county and city records lasted as long as two days and one night.

  With the eruption of mountain torrents, the rivers in the plains swelled too fast and overflowed the embankments
  In August, the goddamn devils started to use the rainstorm to spread cholera bacteria everywhere

(End of this chapter)

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