under fire

Chapter 1328 How to Destroy

Chapter 1327 How to Destroy

heavily clouded.

Thunder and lightning.

Around four o'clock, the sky seemed to be getting dark.

It hasn't rained for a year, just a little bit of hope, God directly hits the hailstone.

Fortunately, the hailstorm didn't last long.

The boundless green gauze tent is swaying in the strong wind and rainstorm.

As the ground surface soil absorbs water, it swells and becomes loose.

With every step, the hail on the ground will be trampled into the ground, followed by mud.

A team was hit by hail, and it was still struggling to move forward in the storm.

Hu Yi's long-soaked military uniform clings to his body, shaking regularly with his strong spine muscles.

The criss-cross and raised water folds on the back are constantly changing shape.

The road was not easy to walk, and every time I landed, it creaked.

The leggings were covered with mud again, the cloth shoes were full of water, and the ground was full of hailstones, making it impossible to walk barefoot.

As a last resort, I had to pull out the military cap from the backpack and put it on my head, so as not to be dazzled by the rain falling from the top of my head.

The walking procession began to twist.

The mule and horse shook their heads from time to time to shake off the rainwater that slipped into their eyes.

The long line behind directly stepped on the footprints of the front.

"Three miles ahead is Xiaoguo Village, and you can find a dry place to warm up in the village." The militia captain explained to Hu Yi.

"Everyone, work harder, there are still three miles to go." Luo Fugui muttered, "It seems that his grandma's torrential rain has no signs of stopping."


A team of more than [-] people who completed the task of luring the enemy, pushed bicycles, carried rifles and carried machine guns, marched hard in the storm.

Not far from the scheduled assembly point.

It was obviously a hot day, but it was so cold that I shivered all over.

Gong Shaofeng's arm was injured, the bandage was soaked by the rain, and there were bursts of tingling pain from the wound.

Looking at the sorghum fields blown down by the strong wind, Gong Shaofeng was so heartbroken that he went mad.

He was even more anxious and asked Li Xiang next to him: "Company Commander Li, how far is it?"

Li Xiang led the team, followed behind and left the team to stand on the side of the road: "It's raining too much, I can't see the mark left by the battalion commander on the ground, but he should be near the assembly point."

Gong Shaofeng supported his arm and sighed: "This heavy rain really didn't come at the right time."

Suddenly, there was a faint exclamation of surprise in front of him.

Li Xiang raised his hand and asked loudly: "What's the matter?"

A figure ran over from the front stepping on the hail with one foot high and one foot low: "Report to the company commander, the battalion commander and the others are resting in Xiaoguo Village."

Xiaoguo Village.

The militiamen who had just entered the village huddled in a few improvised thatched huts to dry wet clothes.

Worrying about the impact of this heavy rain on the summer harvest.

It was steaming inside the house, for there was a fire.

On a hot day in July, warm up around the fire.

No one expected to encounter such extreme weather.

Some militiamen kept stuffing wet firewood into the fire, and the house was filled with thick smoke.

If it weren't for the few villagers in the village who donated their family's firewood, it would be impossible to light a fire.

There were so many wounded that they filled the village houses.

Most of them were shirtless, coughing constantly, and finally couldn't help shouting: "Auntie, can you put less wet firewood? I didn't die on the battlefield, I will be smoked to death by you"

Finally, a slightly wounded man couldn't bear it, and got out of the house to breathe
Stand against the base of the wall to try to keep the wound from the rain.

I didn't stay for 2 minutes and hurried back to the house. In this terrible weather, I was shivering from the cold in the summer, and no one would believe me when I said it.

The treatment of the puppet soldiers was ridiculously poor. They were directly locked in a room without a roof, took off their clothes and jumped on the ground.

Because it's cold.

If there is another hailstorm at this time, it is estimated that all of them will be killed here
The puppet soldiers did not complain, because the Eight Route Army who captured them next to them was also exposed to rain and cold.
This time the seizure was not satisfactory. There were nearly a hundred mules and horses and carts, more than [-] rounds of ammunition, and more than [-] boxes of grenade boxes, which were almost the ammunition supplies of two puppet regiments.

No explosives at all, not even a spare barrel for a light machine gun.
The rest is still food, body bags, stretchers and the only more than [-] marching tents that have been used to great effect
It was already full of people.

In one of the tents, Hu Yi's face was dark, and he had just received a column order from the correspondent not long ago.

The team is required to move west immediately, waiting for an opportunity to launch a sabotage campaign against the railway line.

The heavy rain is pouring, and the march is difficult. This order is really good enough
Hu Yi is different from many commanders. He is not the kind of consciousness that he must obey unconditionally when his superiors give orders.

Besides, there is no explosives, should we use grenades to blow them up?

The order was given when it was raining, but the superiors certainly did not expect such heavy rain.

Not long.

Gong Shaofeng arrived with Li Xiang and company commander Wang of the assault regiment.

There is not even a place to stay in the village
Seven or eight people crowded into Hu Yi's small tent.

All of them had tents on their backs, and it was freezing cold.

Gong Shaofeng didn't say much: "The order from the superior must be carried out."

Luo Fugui occupied at least three seats by himself, and immediately rolled his eyes: "After the hail melts, the roads and paths are all muddy, can we still walk?"

"Hey, Company Commander Luo, according to what you said, we'll beat devils when it snows?" Gong Shaofeng didn't give Luo Fugui any face.

Hu Yi ignored the bickering between the two, and looked up at Gong Shaofeng: "Can you get some explosives?"

"It can't be done." Gong Shaofeng shook his head: "It's not difficult to destroy the railway, just knock off the connecting screws on the rails, mobilize the masses, and carry away his rails and sleepers!"

"Can you still do this?" Hu Yi was stunned for a moment. In his impression, the railway bridge should be blown up with explosives to destroy the railway.

"Of course, I did it once last year. Let's talk about our past. Maybe the friendly army has explosives?"

"Friendly army?" Hu Yi suddenly remembered something: "You mean the traffic sabotage team?"

"That's right, they can't do great things with a small number of people, but they have a lot of good things in their hands. I have cooperated with them a few times."

Hu Yi thought for a while, obviously, the superior did not tell Captain Gong that many people in the friendly sabotage team were actually his own: "You are injured, you should stay."

"What kind of injury is this? I am very familiar with this area. Later, some armed militiamen will be taken, and the puppet army will bring food and escort the prisoners to a sub-district of Longwangmiao Town. This time you are still in command, and we will go into battle lightly." In the army, strength is the most important thing. Needless to say, the combat effectiveness of the guard battalion, Gong Shaofeng expressed respect for Hu Yi.

"That's fine, I think it's been raining for so long, and I'm worried that the soldiers won't be able to bear it."

"Hey, our lives are not so precious! It's just a rain"

The torrential rain was still falling, with no sign of stopping.

The militiamen disappeared at the end of the green gauze tent with their husbands and all the prisoners of the puppet army with their hands tied behind their backs.

A team of more than [-] people started from the village.

This time the innocence is really dark,

It's finally light.

In the village more than ten miles east of the railway.

The rain still didn't stop, but it was much smaller.

I walked most of the night last night and arrived near the railway line a little late.

Hu Yi didn't intend to destroy the railway from An County to HD County, but set his sights on the Minghe Railway Bridge north of HD.

Hu Yi was naked, with a marching blanket over his body.

Sitting in the corner of the main room of the fortress household, half-closed his eyes, thinking about how to cause the greatest damage to the Devil Railway at the least cost.

The soldiers who slept all over the room.

A stove burns in the middle.

On the sticks around the stove, there are steaming military uniforms, pants, bandages...
Gong Shaofeng was originally somewhat dissatisfied with Hu Yi for not ordering a quick march to the assembly point.

Until the underground comrades sent the head of the column to issue an order to change the plan.

Due to the sudden heavy rain yesterday, the railway raid was postponed until the rain stopped.
In everyone's experience, summer rainstorms are simply not likely to last long.
Two soldiers were lying not far from the railway line, one was wearing Hu Yi's raincoat, the other was wearing Li Xiang's raincoat.

Watching a long military column passing by on the Ming River.
(End of this chapter)

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