under fire

Chapter 1331 Don’t let devils cross the river

Chapter 1331 Don’t let devils cross the river
God seems to have been poked a hole.

The storm seems to have no intention of stopping from the beginning, it seems

Just a little bit smaller.

Minghe Railway Bridge.

The river has flooded the bridge, leveling with the bottom of the bridge deck rubble... and the water level continues to rise.

It has never been heard that the river has soared to such an extent in just one day!
It's so abnormal!

The railway engineer who had been observing on the bridge was calling from the barracks on the north side of the bridge to report to his superiors, requesting to transfer a fully loaded coal train to press the bridge to increase the weight of the bridge so as not to be washed away by the river...

The two devils cursed at the traitor translator, and they were extremely reluctant to walk slowly south along the railway bridge: because the phone in the barracks on the south of the bridge suddenly couldn't get through.

The wind and rain were too strong, and I was worried about being blown into the river when walking on the railway bridge.
Although the water in the river is not very strong, the sky is covered with a vast expanse of whiteness, if it falls, if the water quality is slightly weaker, you will definitely be drowned.

Braving the wind and rain, the bridge creaked, and the three of them headed south in fear. They didn't even notice that the devils and puppet soldiers on the south side of the iron bridge had completely changed their positions.

The two devils looked at the two puppet soldiers, who were still loyal to their duties in the storm, and slowly lowered their raised rifles.

No one knows how many devil shells the iron bridge can withstand.

So Hu Yi no longer hesitated, and directly ordered the soldiers to prepare to go to the bridge, and first dig out part of the gravel under the railway sleepers.

Hu Yi didn't care about dripping water all over his body.

The Ninth Battalion can go away empty-handed at any time, similar to dialing a cannon tower in a guerrilla war.

The puppet army with a hammer quickly replied: "Report to the majesty, our telegraph pole was broken by lightning, and we are preparing to repair it..."

Time, the important thing is time, if the iron bridge can be blown up, the Ninth Battalion can withdraw immediately.

Sooner or later, the devils will discover the situation in the south, and there must be a time process in the process.

In this way, it is basically impossible for the Ninth Battalion to hold the bridge south position.

Climbing up to the observation deck on the second floor of the south bridge, looking around, the scenery far and near is unobstructed, as if you are in the sea, but there are no rough waves.

At least the devil's armored train can't get through.

"How hard it is to guard a railway bridge."

But this time, it was definitely not as simple as asking about the situation.

The upstream direction of the rippling river is already level with the bottom of the gravel embankment on the iron bridge, and the upstream river water begins to flow backward from the position of the railway that broke the embankment, and it is about to be flush with the vast ocean outside the embankment.

The rain line and the water mist covered everything, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness three to forty meters away, and the telescope was also useless.

"Idiots bet with you, I will send them to the river to feed the bastards in a while..."

A voice murmured: "See those two little devils? They are shorter than us and still have bow legs. I bet this is the last time they get caught in the rain."

Things are more troublesome now.

How could the two fighters understand this? The fighter who was robbing warned in a low voice: "If you don't want to die, speak well..."


Hu Yi was a little anxious.

The translator asked: "What's the matter with your phone? Why can't the phone shake?"

Otherwise, the little devil's armored train is likely to forcibly come over from the iron bridge that has already overflowed the river, and directly attack the position south of the bridge.

The explosive package must be set up before the devils find out that the bridge guard camp in the south has been taken over by the Eighth Route Army.

The more complicated the weather conditions, the more beneficial it is for the attack on the Ninth Battalion.

"You're really good at talking, I think your electric poles are all good?"

The correspondent came along the railway in the storm, dripping water all over his body, and said excitedly: "Report to the battalion commander. The traffic destruction team is really big this time!
They got an armored car and came from the south... Luo Fugui led the guerrillas to dismantle the railway, and the explosives would arrive almost half an hour later! "

Will probably send someone over again to confirm!

Undressed, wringing the water vigorously, the splashing water trickled out along the door.

The man with the hammer was smiling, looking at the three figures gradually becoming clear on the iron bridge, he squeezed out a strange smile on his face: "Hello, Taijun."

Pfft... The soldier next to him rushed forward, swung the hammer in a semicircle and hit the thigh of another devil who was dodging subconsciously.

Dead branches and fallen leaves of big trees accumulate on the west side of the railway...

With such a long railway line, the devils have no idea where the road leads.

On the embankment next to the railway at the southern end of the iron bridge, two figures of puppet soldiers ran out of a small security guard box.

Fighting in this situation, the Ninth Battalion could not take advantage of the armored trains on the devil's side.

The only heavy weapon of the Ninth Battalion was the heavy machine gun.For devils with armored trains.

In addition to the barracks, there is only an iron bridge with four piers and three girders on the river, and the railway to the south seems to be the end 40 meters away...

The first thing is to destroy the devil's phone line.Maybe the devils found out that the south side could not be contacted, so they sent the devils to check the situation.

Must prepare for battle!

After speaking, raise the gun and let go...

One puppet soldier was carrying a rifle, the other was carrying a hammer, and they didn't know what these two were going to do.

The two devils interpreted the three figures, and gradually approached the security post at the south of the bridge.

"Hey, we don't know how to fix it, I think it should be easy to destroy..."

The troops mobilized by the devils to guard the iron bridge are a bit like fighting with crock pots in their arms.

It took almost 10 minutes to kill two devils and grab a traitor's tongue, and they didn't go back: sooner or later, the devils in the north will find out that something happened in the south.

The traitor translator was a little strange: "You can repair the telephone line with a big hammer, this is the first time I've heard of it..."

If an ambush is carried out on the railway bridge on a rainy day, the gain outweighs the loss, and the Ninth Battalion does not have the ability to stop it at all.

Battle on the plains.

Unable to see the situation of the devil barracks on the opposite side, Hu Yi returned to the barracks.

"The telegraph pole is broken..."

The superior also saw this, and directly ordered the various departments to act separately, destroying a section of the railway line, causing the entire transportation line to collapse.

Just arrived at the bridge...

The shirtless fighters seemed in disbelief of what they saw.

It's like juggling a big knife in front of adults: completely vulnerable.

Then, another hammer hit the devil's helmet under his raincoat...

The devil's armored train can razed the original bridge guard camp to the ground with just a few shots. The only advantage is that the devil dare not shell the railway bridge.

So, how to arrange it is a difficult problem!

The railway bridge has four piers and three bow-shaped steel girders. Without explosives, there is no way to take him...

A light appears on the north side of the bridge...

A Devil Railway armored patrol car suddenly appeared in the wind and rain...

"Prepare the heavy machine gun, wait for the devil's armored patrol car to come and hit the side." Crazy Yang yelled at Mancang who was standing in the guard box at the bridgehead.

Then, Hengduan Sanba Dagai stood in the middle of the railway, and Li Laosi next to him tremblingly turned around with a lantern in his hand: "Your surname is Yang, if you dare to trick me...I will beat you three souls and seven souls..."

(End of this chapter)

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