under fire

Chapter 1332 Who is so bold

Chapter 1332 Who is so bold
There are three main types of Devil Railway armored vehicles.

The worst is the Type [-] armored patrol vehicle, also known as the road patrol armored vehicle, equipped with a heavy machine gun and two rifles.

Instead of burning gasoline, armored vehicles burn charcoal to provide power!

It's such a crap, but the light weapons of the Eighth Route Army guerrillas can't handle it at all.

When the guerrillas attached to the railway took action, they first gave way to the patrol armored vehicles driving in front of the trains, and went to attack the ordinary trains behind.
And after forcing the stop of the ordinary train to get some supplies, they must step up the handling, and when the devil's armored vehicle finds that the train behind has not caught up, it will fall back, and the guerrillas must retreat immediately.

When escorting people across the railway, they should also avoid it.

The second type is the Type 1 tracked armored vehicle, which is more advanced. In addition to the tracks, it is also equipped with four steel wheels that can be raised and lowered. With one operation, the four steel wheels used for railway running can be retracted upwards, and then the railway can be driven off the railway within [-] minute, and can be quickly switched between the railway and the flat ground.

The third type is the armored train. This guy is so awesome. In fact, it is powered by a steam locomotive, with three to four armored carriages hanging behind it. The carriages are equipped with mountain cannons, heavy mortars, and heavy machine guns.

When the devils transported important military supplies, they would also mix up armored trains and hang them between the freight cars.

There is no doubt that the Devils armored train is a dangerous and terrifying existence for the Eighth Route Army.

The train commander couldn't help sighing, those imperial association troops were holding tools in their hands, so they were always ready to repair the iron, and they were quite dedicated.
Crazy Yang said that there were indeed two imperial soldiers and translators coming over, and they were helping to fix the phone.
This statement confused the devil's driver. His main purpose of coming here was to see if there was anything wrong with the South Bridge garrison. As for whether the two devils who came over would repair the phone, he really didn't know.
Just as he was about to go back in reverse gear, Crazy Yang suddenly said: "Isn't there a train parked to the north, isn't it just right to drive to the bridge and press the iron bridge?"

"Report, the people from the traffic sabotage team are here." A soldier hurried into the barracks.

The soldiers spared everything in the barracks of the enemy bridge guards.

There must be some arrangements.

After a while.

The railway is like a pontoon on the water.

"My surname is Zhu, and my name is Zhu Qihui. I heard Zhang Damin mentioned you." After introducing himself, Zhu Qihui immediately waved his hand and gave orders to the blasting technicians behind him: "The river has completely submerged the iron bridge. Now we can only blast the main girder of the bridge deck."

Luo Fugui reluctantly pried out another road nail: "His grandma's nail is really big, it can hit a small knife."

A team of more than [-] people came in a hurry carrying explosives wrapped in oilcloth and detonating wires.

Zhu Qihui sighed deeply with a bitter face, and sat down directly on the railroad track with a sad expression: "I once repaired this railway bridge myself, but I didn't expect that I would blow him up in the end..."

"Are you stupid? It's easier to just throw it into the river."

The devil driver shook his head: "The train coming over is a mixed military train, and it cannot be used to press the bridge. It retreated to the northern station 10 minutes ago to rest and guard."

"Hey, Mule, do you ever talk like that?" The old soldier next to him couldn't see it.

"Company commander, do you think this railway is like a long ladder?" The soldier who was digging ballast under the railway track wiped the rainwater from his forehead.

The kitchen was filled with smoke, and a shirtless soldier was cooking a large pot of porridge on a coal stove, while the other two soldiers did not forget to steam steamed buns.

Moreover, he doesn't think his lies can last long, the devils go back in armored vehicles, as long as they communicate with the devils stationed at the bridgehead, his lies will be exposed soon!

The machine gun fired vigilantly at the two of them and drove to about five meters in front of them before stopping.

soon disappeared in the rain.
Time passed by minute by minute.

The railroad tracks that had just been removed were not in the mood to carry them and throw them into the river.

The soldiers guarding north immediately changed their defenses and followed Luo Fugui to the south.

Not far from the railway, more than [-] puppet soldiers were standing in the wind and rain, carrying tools and preparing to go to the bridge to dismantle the railway tracks
Crazy Yang chattered and communicated with the devil commander who emerged from the top of the machine gun tower.

A group of people walked southward along the railway, and the river west of the iron bridge was almost flooded to the middle of the ballast.

The devil's bridge guarding force has a complete set of tools.

On the Minghe Railway Bridge.

The two puppet troops have never played such a high-level job of blasting.

Find out that there is only one armored patrol car on the opposite side, a squad of devils, and a platoon of puppet soldiers.

"You know what, if you only dig ballast and the devil comes over and finds something is wrong, doesn't he know how to let the devil's engineers fill it in?" The veteran has rich experience.

Seeing the people who bombed the bridge coming, Luo Fugui immediately left with the busy people.

This thing was actually captured by the Kwantung Army when they were fighting against the Japanese in the three northern provinces.

Luo Fugui deeply agreed: "Your grandma climbs up this ladder now, and I guarantee that you will be able to go to heaven if you follow."

Fortunately, the country is small, the land is small and the country is poor, and the limited resources are not enough for the front line, so it is impossible to promote this advanced patrol armored train in the occupied areas.

Hu Yi hurried out of the house.

"Grandma, let's dig the railway so that one side is high and the other is low. The little devil's train will overturn when it comes over. Why do you want to tear down the rails?"

Hu Yi, who had just come out of the barracks, stepped forward: "I am, hurry up and make arrangements, the devils may come over at any time."

Hu Yi looked calm: "The next thing is up to you."

Crazy Yang followed in a friendly manner and asked the captain of the devil if he wanted to continue patrolling south.
The devil's driver smirked: "If you are willing to follow the patrol, you can go and have a look."

Luo Fugui suddenly dropped the special prying tool for prying nails: "That's not right."

The full warehouse of heavy machine guns began to be moved to the railway. This time, two layers of sacks were placed directly in front of the heavy machine guns. The sacks were filled with roadbed ballast and gravel instead of sand, in preparation for direct contact with the armored armored vehicles that might come back again. Take it hard!

Crazy Yang really wanted to take people across the bridge and wipe out the devils and puppet troops north of the Ming River.

"What's wrong?" the observer asked.

Crazy Yang immediately refused. He must stick to his post now, protect the iron bridge, and ensure that the railway bridge will not be destroyed by the flood before the arrival of the freight train carrying coal on the bridge.
The charcoal-burning devil closed the roof of the armored car, followed by a puff of steam and creaked back and left.

The people who had just arrived began to place explosives at the junction of the main beam and column on the east side.

"That's right, hurry up and work harder." Luo Fugui picked up the crowbar again and went to work: "Remove one and carry it away first."

The observer wrote: "Do you have the guts to disobey the battalion commander's order?"

Perhaps the previous communication with Hu Yiluo Fugui was not in place.

Two of them went to the middle of the iron bridge at the first hole on the north side with explosives on their shoulders.
More than ten meters away from the bridge guard box at the north end of the bridge!

Those who dismantled the railroad tracks hurried to work on the bridge.

By the way, the clothes are baked...

The railway patrol car burning charcoal and emitting black smoke slowly headed south. The fearful captain looked out through the front observation hole. Through the rain and fog blown by the wind, he saw a vague figure of an Imperial Army warrior and an Imperial Association Army standing on the railway. In the middle, I didn't understand what was going on for a while.

Obviously, this man is very familiar with all the bridges on the Ping-Han Railway. After giving the order, he turned around and extended his hand to Hu Yi: "You guys have done a good job."

"It's just that you have a quick brain. Hurry up and work." Luo Fugui yelled at the observations from the north from time to time: "Keep an eye on it. If you see a devil's armored vehicle coming, report it as soon as possible."

The swell of the river on the west side has overflowed the deck of the iron bridge.

Unfortunately, that armored car is always a variable.

Almost working under the eyes of the puppet army in the sentry box.

"Excuse me, who is Battalion Commander Hu?" A burly man in a raincoat walked to the side of the machine gun position in the middle of the railway.

I didn't make a fuss for a while and understood what the two of them were doing squatting in the middle of the bridge with a burden in the wind and rain.
Watching with relish the two drenched two working in the wind and rain.

Although I have never seen it, but I have heard of it. A puppet army finally found that something was wrong, and hurriedly dispatched to the thin puppet army next to him: "Quickly go and ask, what are they doing there!"

The skinny puppet soldier immediately stared: "Such a strong wind and such a heavy rain, what if my small body is blown into the river by the strong wind. I want to ask you to ask."

"Hey, you three-inch nail dare to talk back to me? Believe it or not. No, that guy is arranging explosives."

(End of this chapter)

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