under fire

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335
Old bandit Qi stood at the entrance of the cave: "Hey, let me tell you, will you do it?"

Banxian was furious: "Why don't you come?"

"You thought I wouldn't?"

"Don't stand and talk without back pain."

"I said, can you two stop for a while?" Captain Qin put down his brush next to him.

Banxian held a chisel sharpened by a bayonet in his left hand, and a hammer in his right hand, beating non-stop.

Banxian is carving a tombstone!
Captain Qin, a member of the Anti-Japanese University, did not write very well, because there was a soldier who died named "Xu Chu".

Old bandit Qi and Banxian were arguing over whether to use three horizontal lines or one vertical line for the two straight characters below the character chu.

The old gangster Qi muttered: "It's not a good name for this guy. If he chooses such a name, if he is punished by the teacher in school, he will ask for trouble."

Banxian then murmured in a low voice: "There is an instructor Qin who is nagging at the wine station, and there is another instructor Qin who is gesticulating here, this day will not be able to pass."

"I didn't know there would be a mountain torrent, so can I blame me?" The correspondent shrank his neck.

"How to do it? Even if there is no mountain torrent now, it will take us more than a day to go out of the mountain. Who knows when the torrent will subside?"

"Think about it, they're working on the railway, can they finish the job in one day? Besides, when they go out tomorrow and they finish the work, don't we just take advantage of it?"

Captain Qin was worried: "However, there are still Zhang Weimin's puppet troops to the east."

I don't know where Jiuying got these weird things.

"You said."

"Five days..." Instructor Qin always felt that this guy was digging a hole, so he answered bravely.

"Well, I'm in charge of the military. You proposed it half a month ago. Don't carry it with me!" The old bandit Qi said solemnly: "The plan, we haven't come out of the mountain yet and haven't scouted the enemy's situation. Is it useful to make a plan on paper?"

Company Commander Qin, who originally went to the mountains to study at the Anti-Japanese University, became the instructor of the Lingqiu Squadron under the supervision of the Ninth Battalion, a non-staffed independent regiment, and felt really miserable.

Even if a person adds three or two rations of wild vegetables a day, it will be more than a thousand catties a day.

"Then do you think I came back to play with five thousand catties of grain after running back and forth in the mountains for hundreds of miles?"

This is a strange matter, and the old gangster Qi thought about it for a while when he went out to hit the railway: "Hey, this thing can still be done!"

"In this way, you take a hundred soldiers away, and the rest leave me for training"

The soldiers next to them were busy stirring with an engineering shovel, and at the same time chatting with those around the pot happily.

At the foot of the mountain below the cave, countless people were busy in the field shirtless, and the rain was much lighter.

"Do you want big smoke?"

Next to the pigsty, more than a hundred soldiers are learning and writing with the students of the Anti-Japanese University who have not yet graduated. A stone slab reads: Down with Japanese imperialism.

Peanuts are also planted in the ground, and it seems that everything that can be planted is stuffed into the soil.
Just bury the devil's bones gnawed by wild beasts in the ground to regenerate roots and sprouts
The corpses of the devils who were killed last began to rot, because the nearby wild beasts had already been caught by the mountain people who knew some hunting skills.

In the end, Banxian and Li Laoba each led people to perform rites and set up a dojo for the friendly troops who had already buried them.

One hundred thousand catties of grain
One month passed, and the food stored in the cave could last for more than two months at most.

"Hey, we have caves to live in. What do they have? They might have been swept away by mountain torrents at this time."

More than a dozen bags of potatoes bought from Li Haihai in the eighth district in the west with rifles were cut into pieces and buried in a nest with plant ash added.

"You and I heard, first, I plan to go to Tangyin City to get two generators back, I have stepped on this a long time ago, and second, hey, that Yu Jingsan didn't make a sea, and each of them was made by the common people. Have you made a fortune? Can this matter be settled without tying him up?"

"How long can I eat?"

On the other side of the cave entrance, five large iron pots were steaming hot and placed on a raging fire.

"However, it seems that the order was issued the day before yesterday, saying that it is to act today."

"Five thousand catties is no problem, right?" Instructor Qin thought about it, and the mountain road was not easy to walk.

It is the most cost-effective to grow sweet potatoes in the mountains. According to the plains, it is a bit late to plant sweet potatoes now, but the climate in the mountains itself is half a month later than that in the plains, and it is barely possible to plant them.

The old bandit Qi was stunned for a moment, then he was furious: "You bastard, what kind of bullshit order did you pass on?"

It is said that there is not even a poisonous snake nearby.
If you rely on the mountain, you can eat the mountain, and if there are too many people, you can't eat the mountain if you rely on the mountain!
The only meat available in the mountains is birds
Nearly a hundred children, big and small, hid in the grass with simple bows and arrows of different sizes, hoping to meet two birds that were not afraid of death.
Captain Qin just mentioned something to the mountain people. Followed by the newly organized militia with more than [-] people per battalion!
With the addition of the militia, the old bandit Qi now has a large number of men, close to a thousand
"Report to the squadron leader, the superior ordered us to go out of the mountain to destroy the railway." The clothes of the correspondent who ran over the mountains were hung torn, and there were small wounds all over his body.

The treatment of the friendly soldiers who died in battle was not low, and many Eighth Route Army soldiers who died did not even know where their bodies were buried.

In less than a month, more than 2000 villagers were gathered.

It just so happened that I was still dragged by them to write the tombstone, and it seemed impossible not to write it.

The old bandit Qi had a strange smile on his face: "I have a question for you."

When the ground bloomed, the seeds became a big problem again.

"Don't be fooled, we can't make it in time to go out now, wouldn't it be better to kill these villains who have made money for the country?"

"Hey, this stone mountain also has the benefits of a stone mountain. If it doesn't rain tonight, you should be able to go tomorrow morning."

"Hey, the order from the superior is to attack the railway."

Inside the cave, next to the first ritual group, they are beating gongs and drums, chanting scriptures and crying spirits, opening the way for the dead allies
Standing at the entrance of the cave with his hands on his hips, Captain Qin had a dark face, and wanted to throw the two of them into the ditch. We, the Eighth Route Army, don't believe in Buddhism or believe in it.

"Just save yourself, Battalion Commander Hu said when he left, we want to take root in this mountainous area. If there is no food, how can we take root?"

After writing, Banxian led more than a dozen people to start carving words on the stones found by the mountain people.

Block all the passages in and out of the mountain.

"Going out of the mountain? Is there such a good thing?" The old bandit Qi was overjoyed.

The mountain people began to scoop out the water from the low-lying areas of the city's crop fields
I don't know who spread the news. Countless mountain people came out of the corners to open up wasteland and build houses next to the villagers' huts under the cave.

[-] catties, the number seems quite large, but only fifty tons.

In the corner of the cave, four little wild boars surrounded by stones are jumping happily.

Therefore, even though it was raining, the land reclamation crowd did not stop their work.

The cauldron is close to the side of the cave, and Li Laoba is wearing a Tai Chi yellow gown and Taoist cap, muttering words in his mouth and setting the water and land dojo.

Zhang Weimin, who was shot, did not break his promise, and sent the [-] catties of grain promised by Commander Pang and Pang's staff to Huangqiu Cave as scheduled.

Instructor Qin has a black line: "Believe it or not, I will relieve you of your squadron leader right now?"

"If I only take 100 people away, even if I get food, how much do you think I can bring back?"

"You were afraid of wolves in the past and tigers in the future." The old bandit Qi looked at Captain Qin: "It's agreed that you are the instructor, and you take care of the affairs of life. Regarding the dispatch of troops, hehe, I have the final say!"

"If they are hiding in some mountain village, won't they fall behind us once we leave?"

"Isn't it that the poor don't have to smoke? Now I want to smoke again."

A sudden heavy rain soon formed a flash flood.

Instructor Qin was speechless: "You must have a plan, right?"

"When will you smoke?"

The friendly soldiers were killed in battle for about 49 days. Banxian and Li Laoba argued for a long time a few days ago about whether to perform rituals or set up a dojo for them.

"You're right! You, the squadron leader, have six or seven hundred people under your command. You are qualified to be a detachment leader. You can't even make a plan before you send troops. Talking about it will embarrass me as an instructor!"

"What do you want?"

"It seems to make sense, hey, get some more seeds, and get me some cigarettes."

If this matter is known by the superiors, it will not be finished without criticism.

"These militiamen have been training stupidly in the mountains for so long. This time I will lead a company of soldiers, and then bring [-] militiamen, [-] healthy mountain people, and this time I will fight a big one."

"I said, can you talk well, for example, to complete a big task?"

"It's all up to you, if you can't get [-] guns! When I come back, the captain will let you do it. I'll go to Battalion Commander Hu."

"You are dreaming!"

(End of this chapter)

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