under fire

Chapter 1336 Who is Who's Enemy

Chapter 1336 Who is Who's Enemy
The storm began to dissipate after nightfall.

The endless torrents in the valley rang all night.

The five cauldrons in the cave also rang all night, frying noodles, steaming mixed noodles.

It was still dark in the east.

The soldiers who were packing up their equipment and preparing to set off were already buzzing and chattering.

The soldiers who had no chance to come out of the mountain cleaned up the messy cave with their heads down.

In the shack at the foot of the mountain, the woman tidied the clothes of her man who was about to go to war, and whispered instructions.

The children are still sleeping, not knowing that their father is going on a long journey, perhaps, this is the last side.

"Order, all militiamen with families stay here!" The voice of the correspondent yelled in the shack: "Go to one of the two brothers, go to the two if the three brothers dare to be disobedient, Captain Qi said, send out the militiamen team."

The mountain people have not been polluted by the bad atmosphere of Jiuying.

The militiamen were listening, ready to hear what the captain had to say.

The bridge built by the pioneers and engineers is very simple: the upper and lower rattans are respectively wrapped around two trees, one for foot and one for hand.

The dug pit was filled with the remains of the brothers.

Zhang Weimin was lost in his thoughts...

"Now." Then, the correspondent shouted: "Eat!"

I haven't experienced the ruthlessness of bullets at all.

Zhang Weimin had already withdrawn his entire army to the east.

Banxian, the new village head of Lingqiu Cave, began to count the manpower and re-established the squad leader.

Soon the rhythm becomes chaotic and the sound disappears.

After a while, the light from the east has illuminated the top of the mountain.

The mountain road after the rain is not easy to walk.

Zhang Wei's pale face was ugly: "Don't persuade me, if this continues, even if you and I die in the future, we will be stabbed in the back."

"Ahem." The old bandit Qi had a straight military uniform that had been starched with rice soup, and a clean military cap with the brim bent into an arc like Hu Yi.

The old bandit Qi who was walking in front of the team shouted a few words with the correspondent returning from the front from time to time.

Whispering his hands, he approached the engineer shovel of the staff officer next to him: "Brothers, you go first."

The storm just started.

Li Laoba didn't stop, and continued to head east. He didn't wave the hatchet in his hand, and chopped off the branches protruding from both sides of the road.

Then, a certain voice started again: "Forward, forward, forward. Get ready to sing."

A squad of soldiers at the back looked back from time to time until the cave could not be seen, only the cooking smoke remained.

A shovel of soil quickly filled the hole, followed by a layer of stones.



Three big buckets of porridge and three big boxes of mixed noodle buns were carried to the front of the line.

If you kill a brother like yourself, they must be enemies!

The militiamen who followed followed the tune, and the mountain people followed the tune again.

"Kill those devils in the team, and find out the identities of the newly recruited people. As long as they are not from the old Forty Army, all of them will be disarmed!"

The staff officer looked at the firmness in the weak Zhang Weimin's eyes, walked to the side, and pulled the rifle from the guard's hand.

The sound awakened the sleeping people, and the whole mountain began to come alive.

They fought against the devils in the smoke of gunpowder for so many years, but they did not die at the hands of the devils, but at the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

The pouches of the inexperienced militiamen behind were loaded with bullets for the first time.

Looked around: "Ah"

"The first discipline of the Lingqiu Guerrilla Squadron." Banxian stood in front of the militiamen, scanning left and right: "Obey orders."

This is killing him
Watching the surrounding men continue to fill the pit with soil.

The old bandit Qi who has been walking in the hail of bullets feels that he has returned to the old days.

The sky to the east was beginning to turn white.

Then came rifle-to-air fire.

Walking in front of the team, Banxian thought he was going to speak: "Everyone welcomes the captain to speak."

They are neither traitors nor traitors.

turn around.

The staff officer's face turned pale: "Regimental Commander."

Groups of dejected militiamen began to spread out in all directions with rifles on their backs and red-tasseled guns: it's time to change the whistle.

"Bypass Lingqiu Cave and return to Ling County!" Zhang Weimin waved his hands with difficulty.

Anyway, it's a mob, and it doesn't matter who is the platoon leader.

However, the lives of these brothers were all buried with their own hands!
Zhang Weimin firmly believed that besides the little devil as an enemy, the Eighth Route Army who robbed his territory in the mountains was also his enemy.

Instructor Qin once again told the old bandit Qi: "If there is something wrong on the road, it must be small, if it can't be done."

I have been fighting "guerrilla" for two years in this mountainous area, but I don't know that there will be mountain torrents after the heavy rain!
Let his subordinates carry it to a high slope.

The day finally dawned.

Finally walked in the first place, the next platoon leader quit: "Captain, you are the commander, you can't take the first place."

The staff officer's face was so ugly that it couldn't be more ugly in an instant: "It is very difficult to cross the Yellow River now."

In his eyes, these brothers died for those officials.

Li Laoba looked at the destroyed wooden bridge, turned his head and told the soldiers next to him: "Build the bridge!"

"Why do we only have ten bullets each?" He stayed up almost all night, and his tired faces were full of complaints.

Followed by a hanging firecrackers were lit.

What a good brother, there are brothers who are so skilled that they can break horns with cattle, there are brothers who can throw bombs 60 meters, and there are brothers who can shoot 300 meters.

Then build soil again.

Zhang Weimin tried his best to throw half a shovelful of soil into the pit.

It was only out of desperation that he became a puppet army.

The soldiers immediately threw the mountain vines on their shoulders to the ground.

The guard hesitated a bit, but the staff officer asked for his gun and dared not refuse.
The staff officer pulled the bolt and watched the bullets being loaded.

The mountain people who got up early and followed out the mountain were a little nervous and a little excited. They held shuttle marks in their hands, ropes and sacks tied to both ends of their shoulders, or they were patched and patched.

"Hey, let's go now?"

The correspondent sent back the news that the frontline soldiers set off before dawn.

Instructor Qin is going to wait for the old gangster Qi to finish speaking, add a few words, emphasize the three major disciplines, and then talk about the eight points of attention.
"Let's go!" The old bandit Qi roared.

At that time, the most sung was the obscene ditty, and I walked in the middle of the team.

"Don't worry, it's still in our territory. Our base, wait until we get out of the outer sentinel before changing to yours."

Zhang Weimin's wound felt bursts of pain from time to time, and finally gave the order: "Guard row"

The guard platoon leader next to him immediately stood at attention: "Here!"

Then, the team in uniform on the hillside sang loudly and walked down: "Forward, forward, forward, our team."

"Bring everyone back to me." What Instructor Qin didn't know was how many disturbances his words caused
"Don't worry." The old bandit Qi looked at the militiamen on the playground outside the shack below.

Old bandit Qi waved his hand: "Hey, this is the third time you've said it."

The team at the front sang again, this time with a different song: "The wind is roaring and the horses are roaring."

Instructor Qin, who had been the company commander before and changed his status, was recalling the content of his instructor's speech before, and was still considering what opening remarks to use when the team had already set off.

Li Laoba spotted a spot, jumped to the opposite side after a run-up.

The militia training square outside the shack was deadly silent.

Raise the gun.

A bullet hole appeared in Zhang Weimin's head on the stretcher, and a bloody red and white splashed out from behind the stretcher.

People around are dumbfounded
Then he raised his gun and pointed it at the staff officer.

The staff officer casually threw away the rifle, raised his hand, looked at the guards around him and shouted: "Don't shoot, everyone should be responsible for the work. Commander Zhang disobeyed the commander's order, he should be executed!"

(End of this chapter)

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