under fire

Chapter 1337 Hu Yi's Judgment

west of the railway line.

The road outside the village is full of mud.

A soldier covered in mud ran into the yard.

Hu Yi was woken up.

The mud fighter immediately saluted: "Report to the battalion commander, Guo Qing's troops have gone eastward to the second group, third group, fourth group, and fifth group of the railway line, and there is no trace of the devil!"

"Continue to reconnaissance!" Hu Yi stood up, and quickly put on the military uniform that had been dried and wrinkled overnight on the kang.

Follow out of the yard.

There was a muddy smell in the air after the heavy rain.

The soldiers spontaneously repaired houses for the villagers, and carried the broom to draw the ground water into the ditch.

Some of them were dredging the drainage ditches in the village with their engineering shovels barebacked, and shoveled out the soil from the ditches and piled them on the side of the road.

"No need, there is no road here, devils probably won't come here."

Whether they believe it or not is not the most important thing, what they can do is spread the news.

Liu Yuanqing kept up with the roof: "Mr. Hu, I think you are too careful. Guo Qing's team has already gone north. The road is full of mud. The footprints we left yesterday can no longer be seen. The puppet army is not there at all. Might find it here!"

The militiamen dispersed as they walked, heading towards villages they were familiar with or unfamiliar with.

So, messaging is the old way.

Hu Yi suddenly felt that staying here was not a problem: "Get ready to go!"

Liu Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that Hu Yi's guess was not unreasonable: "This, it is possible!"

If it spreads to one more village, it is possible to save the lives of villagers in an entire village.

The actual strength of the devils in the county is only one squadron, plus a puppet barracks.

Hu Yi looked at the militiamen in front of him, and told them all about the situation.

Behind them was a group of ordinary people whose hands were tied behind their backs with ropes, and behind them were five devils and a group of puppet army devils escorting them with guns.

It wasn't that he looked up at the tall county wall in front of him, and couldn't help but think in his heart that there was no hope at all if he attacked by force.

Do not drink unboiled water!
If diarrhea and vomiting occur, they must be isolated.

"No, this kind of sudden rainstorm comes and goes quickly, which is just suitable for the little devil to poison!" Liu Yuanqing's expression changed drastically: "Why didn't I think of this!"

Seeing the battalion commander come out, they all tried their best to pretend to have endless energy.

Cheng'an County.

On the ground next to it lay more than a dozen soldiers who were punished for unknown reasons and were doing push-ups.
Seeing Hu Yi coming in, the soldiers didn't dare to stop their movements, but they did them better.

Climb up the roof along the stairs on the wall, take the binoculars from Li Xiang, who is in charge of security, and lift them up to look into the distance.

He greeted the two puppet soldiers next to him: "You, come down with me to have a look"

There is a brigade of devils stationed in name.

The county is empty of troops.

The sun has risen in the sky.

Hu Yi looked at the soldiers fiddling with heavy machine guns with narrow eyes, and looked up at Li Xiang on the roof, as if he didn't hear Liu Yuanqing's words.

Hu Yi looked at the map: "The guerrillas have demolished a lot of railroad tracks. After the kid finds out, what do you think the first thing they will do?"

None of them seemed to feel sleepy.

The soldiers going to the column had already set off with the militia, and he was not sure when he could find the column headquarters.

Hu Yi thought for a while: "I suspect. Because of the heavy rain, the devils did not arrive at the railway station to assemble on time."

Li Xiang brought radio soldiers with him, but he didn't have a radio.

After speaking, he got up and walked in front of Hu Yi: "Don't worry, none of the three seriously injured will die."

The city defense team expressly stipulates that if an unknown team approaches the city gate, the suspension bridge must be closed.

Li Xiang hurriedly took out the map, but the roof was not completely dry, so Liu Yuanqing stepped forward to fight with Li Xiang alone.

Hu Yi looked at the map of the plain covered with dense rivers: "Did you forget the devil's Huliela?"

The two regiments of the Guoqing Security Brigade have more than [-] people, and they are not qualified to be stationed in the county.

Phone calls didn't work well, and besides, he didn't know where to call.

When the battalion commander reached the entrance of the village, he immediately leaned his shovel against the wall and stuffed cigarettes into his mouth.

Li Xiang didn't speak.

The devils had already made emergency preparations, but they did not see the assembled devils.

In order to control the nearby towns and artillery towers, most of the devils were sent out to serve as instructors in the puppet army.

Only by using the radio to spread the news will be the fastest.

Li Xiang hesitated for a moment: "It must be to find a way to repair the railway."

Because what Hu Yi said that they didn't understand made them feel very heavy.


All the warrior militia in the village assembled.

They are all stationed in the townships around the county seat.

Liu Yuanqing threw the machine gun in his hand to Mancang next to him: "Continue to maintain it."

"Hurry up and put away the suspension bridge." The false platoon leader looked at the team getting closer and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Looking at the map, Liu Yuanqing spoke first: "We don't have the details of the deployment of the devil's troops, nor the information on the mobilization of the devil's troops."

It is very abnormal in itself.

It is very risky for them to do this. There may be enemy spies in every village, they may encounter enemy detective teams, and they may even encounter night raid teams hiding in a certain village.

The courtyard was very lively, and Liu Yuanqing was pulling a heavy machine gun to point the soldiers in a circle.

The two devils took the lead with their rifles in hand, followed by a squad of puppet soldiers with rifles on their backs.

Treatment: drink vinegar!
The militiamen are not underground traffic officers, but there should be underground organizations in every village.

The puppet soldiers standing on the tower looked at the messy team that appeared two miles away, thinking that the brothers from somewhere had caught the anti-Japanese elements again.

Then he yelled at the puppet army standing guard at the gate below the city tower: "Hurry up and see who is here!"

Hu Yi walked around the village and looked around for the situation in the distance outside the village.

There were always a few who stared wide-eyed to see if the battalion commander would return to the carbine.

Looking at the militiamen in the distance, Hu Yi felt heavy in his heart.

Liu Yuanqing thought for a while: "Should send a detective team of traitors to search for the dismantled railroad tracks near the railway."

Because including Gong Shaofeng and Minister Liu, no one told Hu Yi where the headquarters of the column was!
What he has to do is go west to the railway, break into Cheng'an County guarded by Guo Qing, and rob the devil's radio station in the county!

Pointing and pointing from time to time.

In other words, in a county town with tens of thousands of people, including the gendarmerie, there are only more than two hundred devils in total.

Walk into the village from the other direction, then turn around and walk into a yard.

The false platoon leader who heard the yelling came out of the tower room, looked up for a while, but couldn't see why.

Although I don't know what Huliela is, it's definitely not a good thing.

The two puppet soldiers who were inspecting the people queuing up to enter the city heard the voice and turned their heads to look at the tall tower: "Platoon leader, what are you talking about?"

The team walked in the mud with difficulty.

He couldn't figure out why the devil would do this.

Li Xiang hesitated for a moment, ""We are now twenty miles away from the railway line, so it's not surprising that we haven't encountered any devils. "

Hu Yi's brows and eyes were full of deep worry. He retracted his gaze and put down the binoculars, looking at Liu Yuanqing: "According to Captain Gong, the little devils have already gathered on the railway line. We haven't encountered any devils yet. Something is wrong."

More than 100 militiamen started to leave the village in groups of three and headed towards the muddy road.

According to Zhu Qihui's disclosure, the Eighth Route Army and the railway sabotage team attacked the devil's communication line.

It is indeed very abnormal that the devils assembled heavy troops and did not arrive.

The more I walked, the heavier I felt.

There was a commotion outside the city gate, and the people who were about to enter the city were driven to the base of the outer city wall.

The line is getting closer.

Two devils led the way, and one carrying a plaster flag yelled loudly at the tall fake platoon leader behind the machine gun base: "¥%#@#¥."

He has been stationed in the county for a long time and often deals with the prince. How could the false platoon leader not understand a bird's language?

Immediately waved proudly to the puppet army next to him: "Hurry up and put the suspension bridge away to lift the horse away, it is the Taijun who is coming!"

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