under fire

Chapter 1338 The puppet army that lost its backbone

Chapter 1338 The puppet army that lost its backbone
Ma Liang was lying on the grass and holding up the binoculars, his face was extremely ugly.

Staring at the puppet army not far away.

After watching it for a long time, he said: "The puppet army has internal strife!"

The student next to him muttered: "Now the puppet army is blocking the way into the mountain. In my opinion, let's make a detour."

"It takes at least one more day to go around the detour."

"The superior asked us to send the food to Lingqiu Squadron. If they come here, we will be in big trouble."

On the hillside behind the two of them, there was a dense crowd squatting, including soldiers and more ordinary people.

Ma Liang shook his head: "There are so many of us, it is impossible to completely hide our whereabouts!"

The student next to him sighed deeply, feeling like he was about to collapse.

The puppet army in the south continued to advance and sweep northward, attacking a train carrying grain.

Watching the guard platoon soldiers lower their guns, the staff officer felt relieved: "As long as the green hills are there, we will not be afraid of life or burning. We must keep our useful bodies."

One hand tightly clutched the rifle in his hand, and the other hand grabbed the grain bag beside him.

As soon as these words came out, the scene became tense again.

Pseudo-company commander Veteran Youzi, after a little thought, he understood that the guard platoon should be waiting for him.

"One battalion and one company?" The platoon leader's eyes lit up: "Do they also want to fight guerrillas with us?"

The commander of the first battalion had a dark face. He knew very well that the staff officer was right.

The platoon leader's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "The people in the military command can eat people without spit out bones. I didn't believe it before."

"Where is this going, can you explain it more clearly?"

"The surname Zhao is a member of the military commander. If we shoot, no one will survive in the end!"

"Platoon leader, why don't you let us shoot Zhao?"

Turned a few times, turned over a post.

"It's possible, let's wait for them here?"

"Yes!" The first company commander of the pseudo-first battalion saluted, then turned around and ordered his subordinates, ready to carry out the order of the deputy head.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, the staff officer said: "Let's go, go back to Tangyin County to reorganize, and report to the commander before making a final decision!"

Carrying food on my back from last night until now, just about to enter the mountain, I didn't expect to almost bump into this group of puppet soldiers.

The guard platoon is well-trained and outnumbered like a mountain.

Seeing someone waver, the staff officer continued: "Could it be that your brain is flooded? The devils died at the hands of the Eighth Route Army! Besides, our regiment leader died in battle, and so many brothers died. Who dares to say that we are not effective in suppressing bandits?"

The staff officer looked grim: "The imperial army is powerful now, and everyone knows the situation in the mountains. Commander Zhang wants to take us into the mountains to fight guerrillas. He is simply sending us to death."

"Think clearly, the eight roads in the mountains cannot accommodate you!"

"I know you want to go back and find Eight Routes for revenge, but your platoon is not an opponent of Eight Routes at all!"

Because the team in front stopped at a mountain col, the puppet army who followed them saw that the other party did not continue walking from a long distance.

The pseudo-company commander was not feeling well, and if he attacked his brother, should he do it or not?
If it doesn't work, hand over their weapons and take them back, then let them fend for themselves!

The guard platoon began to carry ammunition boxes to the baggage train.

The guard platoon leader asked back: "Then why didn't you shoot?"

"Then tell me, what should we do now?" A puppet army leader who flirts with the staff officer asked following the staff officer's words.

After some words, all the guns were no longer pointed at him. The staff officer made up his mind and waved his arm: "If there are brothers who are willing to go to the mountains to fight guerrillas, I, Mr. Zhao, will never stop me, but let's say it first, I don’t care if I’m starving to death, but I will never agree to anyone who wants to cut off the brothers’ lives.”

Devils must and can only die in the hands of Balu!
As for fighting guerrillas in the mountains, those days are simply not human!
The deputy head hesitated for a while and waved: "First company commander, follow, keep your hands and feet clean."

"Zhao, don't force me, I'll kill you now!" The submachine gun on the chest of the guard platoon leader raised again.

34 figures, carrying food and ammunition boxes, walked into the ditch of the mountain.

The team that followed was getting closer and closer. The guard platoon leader raised his binoculars again, looked at it for a while, and his face changed drastically: "Everyone stand up and run into the deep mountain immediately."

The guard platoon leader shook his head, although 1 people didn't believe it in his heart, he said solemnly: "If they go into the mountains to fight guerrillas, they must bring food. Unfortunately, they only bring ammunition boxes, not even a lunch box."

The expression on his face was complex, excited and worried.

The guard platoon leader turned pale and waved: "Get the ammunition, let's go into the mountain!"

The squad leader asked: "Platoon leader, don't you want to wait for them?"

The puppet army marched eastward.

The students and guerrilla fighters in the ditch squatted in the bushes, looking nervously at Ma Liang lying on the top of the slope.

"From the beginning to the end, this guy just wanted us to go to the mountains to fight eight ways. If it weren't for him, the leader would not have died!"

"Report, it seems that a battalion and a row of people are following behind."

There is still no abnormality in the front guard platoon, and they should be able to catch up after walking a mile or so.

"You didn't order it!"

The deputy head looked at the staff officer blankly: "Now, let me tell you, the reason they haven't done anything to you is because I don't want my brothers to starve to death!"

Someone next to him finally said: "Now that the devils are dead, we may be executed if we go back!"

"Aren't you afraid that we will shoot you black?" The guard platoon leader said with a dark face.

"It's useless for you to say these things now. If you shot him black just now, even if all the brothers died, you would definitely not blame you."

Ma Liang turned his head, looked at the students behind him one by one, and finally waved his hand to signal to keep quiet.

The platoon held the binoculars on the head's back all the time, thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

I heard that there are seven or eight hundred puppet troops in the ditch ahead.

"Let's carry the corpse in the corpse pit of the head of the regiment and go back to wait for the big troops."

Then, under the gaze of hundreds of eyes, he turned around and walked into the mountain.

"Hehe, for the brothers to survive, you can kill me now!" The staff officer became more and more confident: "But after today, whoever dares to mention this is the sworn enemy of our whole group of brothers!"

"The first battalion commander himself flirts with Zhao. The regiment commander is dead. If we kill Zhao, the first battalion commander will definitely use us as a shield."

In order to survive, who can control the past robes?

Staff Officer Zhao's face was gloomy, and he told the battalion commander standing next to him: "First battalion commander, now you are acting as the commander and you will not be left alive."

The guard platoon leader thought for a while, and then made a decision: "Leave the body of the regiment commander, you all go, give me [-] bullets of various types, and I will go into the mountains to fight guerrillas!"

The staff officer said surprisingly: "If they leak the news that the devil died in our hands, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Leader take him out, I can give him a grand burial, what about you? Throw him into the mountains to feed the beasts?"

More than [-] people were immediately divided into front and rear teams, vanguards, rear guards, observers, and luggage, and ran westward with their stuff on their shoulders.

The puppet company commander thought so in his heart.

Grabbing the shrub branches on the side of the road, carefully stepping on the slippery rocks on the road.

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, raised his head, and his gaze suddenly froze.

The people in the guard platoon waiting for them suddenly disappeared!
what's the situation?
"Pioneer squad, hurry up and tell them that we are also going to fight guerrillas in the mountains!"

(End of this chapter)

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