under fire

Chapter 1339 Helpless Ma Liang

On the ridge.

Li Laoba panted and ran to Captain Qi: "Old bandit, there are puppet troops coming from the valley ahead."

"You mother, call the captain!"

"Old Bandit Qi, Old Bandit Qi"

"You bastard! You're up and down." Captain Qi's face was sour: "How many people are there in the puppet army?"

"The leading group of three soldiers, two submachine guns, and a rifle, followed by a row of more than thirty people, carrying more than ten boxes, which should be ammunition, and the puppet soldiers behind were carrying more than a dozen bags. It's food."

"Thirty puppet soldiers? Carrying ammunition and food, are you here to give us a gift?" After the squadron leader Qi finished speaking, he turned to ask the young man who was sitting next to Zhang Weimin and the puppet army: "Zeng Sier, you Are you sure that all the puppet troops have come out of the mountain?"

"Sure, I saw them go out with my own eyes, and I don't know how these guys came back again"

"Old bandit, is it possible that the puppet army is stationed outside the mountain?" Li Laoba still directly called Qi Squadron Captain by the nickname, because the two bet during the training and confrontation that Qi old bandit would not be able to last three times under Li Laoba's command. round.

"Set up an ambush immediately and eat them!" The old gangster Qi fought with Hu Yi for a few games, and got together with instructor Qin for more than a month, and gradually became obsessed with upstream tactics.

The platoon leader smiled bitterly: "Uh, then how do you believe it?"

"That makes sense!" The platoon leader froze for a moment. The reason he ran away was because he never thought of pointing his guns at these former brothers.

The pseudo-guard platoon leader frowned: "What's the matter?"

The false platoon leader was worried. After the death of the regiment leader, the guard platoon became an orphan without parents!
Even if you can escape to the south of the Yellow River and find a battalion shelter in the war zone as your regiment leader said, they will be killed as cannon fodder.

This road has gone back and forth twice!
Just go up the mountain ridge in front of you.

The vanguard pointed to the left and right: "We have scouted just now, there is no other way here, Han Liu and the others go to the front to explore the way, and it is estimated that we will be able to climb the front mountain ridge in a while!"

Near the mountain wall, there are still traces of mud washed by the flood on the mountain road.

Put a machine gun at will, let alone a company, and a battalion of him can't even think about going up the mountain, unless they have mortars or planes!

"Boy, these days, in order to survive, some people can do anything!" The platoon leader sighed: "People's hearts are not as simple as you think, we only have 34 brothers, I don't want to leave one person behind, you Understand?"

A procession hurried west.


"Platoon leader, the squad leader of the first company chased after him, he said that the first company would go into the mountains with us to fight guerrillas!"

"I really think I'm an idiot!" The guard platoon leader sneered: "If they can enter the mountains to fight guerrillas, I will change their name to bastard!"

"A company of puppet troops entered the mountain without bringing food or even camping equipment. This is a bit strange!"

"Yes!" "Yes." The team leaders immediately turned around and prepared.

"Report to the platoon leader, there are new footprints here." A puppet soldier who stopped by the roadside was a little nervous: "There may be eight-way spies nearby."

The second squad leader panted: "Platoon leader, although Lian Lian doesn't deal with us very much, at least we all used to stir the spoons in the same pot."

"Groups seven, eight, and nine are ready after the break!"

The second squad leader next to him had tears still in his eyes: "The head of the group was killed by the surname Zhao. I always feel that since we are brothers, I don't believe that Yilian will kill us."

Since these puppet soldiers have gone out and dare to come back, don't blame me for not giving you face.
The old bandit didn't care at all, this place was already out of the defense zone of Lingqiu Cave.


You don't have to worry about those former brothers who plan to kill you.

at the moment.

"If you can't even see that I have been with the regiment commander for so many years, this soldier is considered a dog!" The false platoon leader said with grief and indignation: "The surname Zhao is not a good person. He dares to attack the regiment leader himself. Afraid that we would speak out, so they sent a company to silence us."

After all, the mountainous area is so big, it is impossible for hundreds of eight roads to guard the mountain tightly!
Look up at the surrounding terrain.

"Platoon leader, I don't think you're calm!" The sharp soldier next to him interjected, "Think about it, let's place a machine gun anywhere near here and shoot two shuttles in the air, and we can suppress them and dare not chase them. Why do we Want to run?"

He was willing to stay in the mountains to eat two meals, all because Hu Yi promised him that he would fight back to the three northern provinces!

"Don't be stupid! Why did they send people to catch up? They are afraid that we will go up the mountain ridge ahead, and they will have nothing to do if they try to beat us. They lied to you!" The guard platoon leader used to be the squad leader of Zhang Weimin. Being a battalion commander's guard, it's natural to have some culture.

"The district team, immediately organize the villagers to carry food and supplies on their backs to follow up!"

The pseudo-guard platoon leader looked at the mountain ridge to the west, feeling very uncomfortable.

"How about I ask them?" The pseudo-second squad leader patted the grenade hanging on his waist, gritted his teeth: "If they really want to do this, they will kill me at worst! They don't want to feel better."

Seeing Ma Liang holding up his binoculars and looking at the puppet army leaving eastward, a student said hesitantly, "I think so. The puppet army is fighting among themselves. Those with submachine guns on their backs are confronting those with rifles. Now they are entering the mountain. Leave the team!"

A figure behind the team hurried up: "Report."

The puppet army marched northward.

"Yes!" The group leader immediately dropped the grain bag and changed his outfit to prepare for battle.

But there is still a hurdle in front of you. If you enter the mountain and cross the Taihang Mountain to the west from here, you may conflict with the peripheral security team of the Eighth Route Army.

Otherwise, with his veteran temperament, it is impossible to accept the discipline and attention of the new instructor Qin.
In his opinion, discipline and attention to military regulations are not like military regulations and the ten inaccuracies established by Dazhai masters when he was a bandit in the past are not bad.

This kind of tactic is really good, if you can't beat it, run away, take advantage of the ground in advance, I can only beat you, you can't beat me.

"Then stay and stop them, and let them come over when we go up the ridge." The second squad leader told Li, but he still didn't give up.

It's just that the water level has dropped to the original river course.

This group of puppet troops marched up the mountain for a few days. As for why they retreated, he guessed that it should be the cause of the flash flood.

"Two, three, and four groups are ready to attack, and use grenades to defeat the puppet army of this company! Five or six groups are the reserve team!"

The platoon leader of the guard squatted down and took a closer look: "The footprints end here, follow backwards. In other words, this person should be the one who turned around after he found us."

Stubbornly believes that where there are mountains, it is his territory
It is at least sixty or seventy miles away from Lingqiu Cave!
In the valley, the flood is still roaring.

"Maybe... Maybe they went back because they had something to do?" Another student next to him analyzed. ,
Ma Liang suddenly put away the binoculars and turned his head: "Order, the student company must gather immediately, and one group will put on puppet army uniforms as vanguard soldiers. After touching the puppet army, be vigilant. Be sure to catch your tongue!"

Ma Liang was helpless.

However, this problem is not difficult to solve. After getting rid of the pursuers behind, sleeping during the day, and quietly passing through the eight-way guerrilla defense zone at night, there should be no problem.

Now the puppet army is retreating westward into the hilly area.

Once they join up with the puppet army going north, the whereabouts of their party will be detected by the puppet army soon.

At that time, the puppet army will be encircled and suppressed with all its strength, and there will only be more than a hundred people under him who can really fight. If they can't occupy favorable terrain in advance, it is entirely possible that the entire army will be wiped out.

Moreover, this time the food was sent into the mountains, not to the Lingqiu Squadron, but to the Black Tiger Guerrillas of Gao Yidao Second Battalion in Taihang South!

Although the Ninth Battalion did not deal with the Second Battalion, it was a question of whether grain could enter the mountains, which might affect the development and consolidation of the entire Tainan Mountain base area.

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