under fire

Chapter 1340 Undefended County

Chapter 1340 Undefended County
Wu'an County is located between HD and Wei County in the southeast.

In the county town, there are dense clusters of high and low houses.

The two main streets cross the city wall in the north-south direction and intersect in the middle of the county.

There are two patches of stagnant water in the east and west around the county seat.

I had already received news that the Eighth Route Army had attacked the railway, but fortunately this place is far away from the railway.

After the puppet army in the city was transferred, the quiet county town strengthened its defenses.

The gate of the city was shrouded in wisps of mist.

There are puppet troops stationed at the four city gates. Seeing the imperial army singing birds on the opposite side of the suspension bridge, the puppet platoon leader quickly ordered his subordinates to release the suspension bridge.

Cheng'an County is between Wei County and HD. This year, people from the Autonomous Army often come to HD. It is not surprising that such a team appears.

The false platoon leader suddenly remembered that according to the rules of guarding the city, he had to ask the opponent's number and password.

"This world is very strange. After such a long drought, there is such a sudden heavy rain. When the road is dry tomorrow, I have to go back to the countryside to see the crops."

Another fat traitor came to the window, looked at it and immediately yelled: "They seem to be untying the ropes on their arms?"

Crazy Yang led the team directly into the county seat.

Waiting for the Taijun with the bastard box hanging on his waist to walk from the suspension bridge to the pseudo platoon leader, the pseudo platoon leader hurriedly saluted the Taijun: "Hello Taijun!"

The fake platoon leader is a little upset, your mother. A big soldier deserves to pat the platoon leader on the shoulder?

Because, the eight roads he has seen are all as thin as hemp sticks. Without exception.

There were seven or eight puppet soldiers squatting by the suspension bridge outside the city, and the puppet platoon leader explained clearly the deployment of the devils and puppet troops in the city.

The devils were not completely assured of the defense of the county, and would send a squad to garrison the city wall every day to urge the Imperial Association Army to guard the county.

The devils immediately planned to resist, but it was too late to grab them.

"A group?" The traitor was a little confused.

A sharp-eyed traitor said, "Hey, what are those mud legs doing?"

What should I do? Keep busy.

Working hand in hand, they are no match for the commandos led by Li Laosan selected by Crazy Yang.

As a result, I yelled a few words, but the Taijun on the other side of the blockade ditch that was changed from the moat couldn't understand at all.
The Imperial Association Army behind the Taijun winked at the wall, as if pretending to be strange and deliberately not talking
Look at the team on the other side of the blockade ditch, many of them are still wet.

The false platoon leader is a little confused
Aren't the hands of these captured ordinary people tied behind their backs?

"What?" Li Laosan suddenly stopped, staring at the fake platoon leader: "Why are you calling Daoist?"

After a moment of silence.

The sudden gunshots caused the people waiting at the base of the city wall to clamor suddenly, and looked up.
Above the high city wall is the sky, and nothing can be seen.

The four or five meter wide city gate is not big, and the storekeepers on both sides of the East Street in the city are not even in the mood to come out to take a look.

The bullet pierced the puppet army's chest, and after bringing out a rain of blood, it flew into the distance with unabated momentum.

The cloth shoes covered with mud made a rattling sound as they walked on the muddy and wet cobblestone street.

Wen Wuquan next to him muttered: "Hey, Company Commander Yang, why does this fucking county look like it's not fortified?"

Bang. A dull sound of tearing the air broke the silence of the tower.

Finally, he patted him on the shoulder: "Your work, you have worked hard."

"What do you mean? These mud legs want to run?"

The Taijun, who was wearing long military shoes and gloves stained with mud, stretched out his hand with a smile, and straightened the military uniform for the false platoon leader.

Before they could react, a bayonet stabbed over.

"Stop talking!" Crazy Yang kept his eyes on.

No one would have thought that the god of death had arrived.

This one has three hands?

The devil is no longer interested in this kind of thing of watching the scenery from the tower every day.

The drawbridge smashed across the blockade, splashing mud.

Finally plucked up the courage: "Hey, Ba Ye, we all have the certificate of returning to the war."

The devils are all sitting in the city gate and reading the family letters sent a few days ago.
To comfort the lonely homesickness.

"Hey! Which part are you from? What are you doing here on the tower?" The resounding voice of the puppet soldiers on the tower floated in the sky above the tower.

With the slap on the shoulder, he felt that the ancestral grave must be emitting green smoke, and his body was about ten catties lighter.
The brothers of the Imperial Association Army behind were carrying wet rifles on their backs, and everyone who passed by the false platoon leader patted him on the shoulder.

Guarding on the city tower every day, since the establishment of the Autonomous Army, the county has been safe for nearly a year.

The false platoon leader felt dazzled, didn't this guy's hands be tied behind his back?
This is unbelievable
They were tied back ass!It's all about holding the rope in your hand, the rope that binds your arms behind your back.
What's the situation?

The fat traitor tilted his body and fell to the second floor of the restaurant.

The false platoon leader didn't think it was wrong, and was obviously exhausted by the march in the mud.

People from the shops on both sides of the street were talking about it: "I don't know where the coolies were caught again."

"It's gone!" a voice shouted arrogantly and triumphantly from the tower towards the city.

There is also the hill-like imperial association army. It is absolutely impossible for the eighth route army to have such a fat person.

To the puppet soldiers who had already raised their hands on the tower, they did not kill them: "Don't move, anyone who moves will be killed!"

No one knew that a dozen devils had all died on the tower.

East Main Street.

"Ugh, I thought I had to pat you on the shoulder to get into town"

"Hey, stop and talk about you?"

Seeing the traitor pull out his gun, he noticed this guy's movement, and immediately raised his rifle to aim at the traitor's head, and shot almost at the same time as the fat traitor.

"Hey, don't bark if you don't want the Dao Lord to overthrow." Li Laosi raised the shell gun in his hand!
Pedestrians walking out of the city, passing through the fog on the street, found that there seemed to be a figure shaking at the end of the gate tower.

"All of them? Show it to Ba Ye." A militiaman unceremoniously poked the false platoon leader's shoulder with the muzzle of his rifle.

"No, they are in the same group!"

I saw the team marching into the county seat.

Then followed by a long line of ordinary people.

Until, when a commoner with his hands tied behind his back also reached out to take pictures, the false platoon leader quickly stared: "Hey, you dare to take pictures of me?"

bang bang
He fired a shot straight into the sky.
The soldiers following Crazy Yang have been guarding both sides of the street.

The devils in the defense team belonged to the second-rate army of devils, many of them were only sixteen or seventeen years old, and their height was less than 1.5 meters.

A few detectives in black were sitting on the second floor of a restaurant by the street, looking out at the Imperial Army leading the Imperial Association Army on the street.

"It's all men, I don't know which village's women have suffered again."

Only occasionally when I went out of the city to find the flower girl, it rained heavily and the road was muddy.

"It's the Eight Routes!" The fat traitor's expression changed drastically, and he drew out his pistol and aimed it at the imperial army in front. He hesitated for a moment, if he made a mistake, there would be no good results!
Raise the muzzle.

The false platoon leader stood up straighter, his chest straightened out like a big girl.

Followed by two trio fighters rushed into the restaurant.

Someone filled the seat immediately, and there was no confusion at all in the marching team.

Continue to the county office.

The devil gendarmerie is stationed in the county office, and a devil squadron is stationed next to the original barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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