under fire

Chapter 1341 Starting from the unheard of

Chapter 1341 Starting from the unheard of

The devil sentinel standing guard at the gate of the barracks looked in the direction of the gunshots.

I found that the two devils were the leaders of the approaching team, so I didn't care.

The imperial army shot and killed a lot of people on the street. It's nothing more than a normal thing.

Those two are really tall, the whole squadron probably can't find anyone who can compare with them
Don't think about it, it must be an officer!
Soon the gunfire stopped, and the sentinel saw some men in black escorting out from the street in the distance.

The coming team is getting closer and closer.

The ghost sentinel looked at the similar military ranks that came over, and the one who came over was actually a lieutenant!
The other one should be a corporal.

Quickly salute Niaoyu: "Hi Lieutenant!"

"Hard work!" The other party returned the salute in Niaoyu, and then took out his ID: "Please register!"

Seeing the Imperial Association Army behind continue to move forward, the sentinel nodded: "Which one are you looking for?"

As for the Eighth Route Army, it is possible to launch an ambush or something.

The plan is very simple. The first step is to find a way to sneak into the county, and it is not difficult for Crazy Yang, who can speak birds, to bring the "human criminal" into the county.

Shrink your head and hide, wait a while and check again.

The half-ear on the opposite side was on standby after changing the magazine, and he and Commander Luo Dalian fired alternately.

Luo Fugui stared at his ugly eyes and frowned deeply, carrying his second-generation ancestral Czech light machine gun.

The high-speed and dense bullets penetrated one chest after another.

in the military camp.

How dare someone dare to attack the invincible imperial barracks?

"Company commander, the devil is coming!" The machine gunner on the opposite side had half an ear

"Assemble, the second team will launch an attack immediately." Morita was very puzzled, where did these people come from?

"Grandma's Crazy Yang is so capable of killing people," Luo Fugui, who was pasted on the outer wall of the barracks gate, kept cursing.

Crazy Yang looked at the signboard at the entrance of the barracks, and signaled Wen and Wuquan not to be nervous, and the two walked back and forth to the barracks bungalow on the side of the road.

In order to achieve the maximum killing effect.

The previous gunshots were ignored.

The gunfire on the street stopped instead.

Ballistics poured on the devils who were running towards the gate.

Da da da da
The howling god of death began to pass through the playground of the devil's barracks, piercing the flesh and shattering the bones, and scattered in a cloud of blood mist
The bullets passing through the crowd shattered the tiles of the barracks in the distance, and pierced through doors and windows.

This man was yelling loudly at the soldier next to him who was digging soil with a pickaxe from the street and stuffing it into a sack: "It took me so long to get a sandbag. This time you hit it."

The ghosts who were still sleeping in the house woke up one after another.

After the first step was successful, they occupied the East City Gate, followed by a surprise attack on the county office, and retreated after the battle in other directions before the devils and puppet troops could figure out the situation.

The sentinel withdrew his gaze and watched the Imperial Association Army go directly to the police force and the county office. He couldn't help muttering in surprise, "Shouldn't they go to the Imperial Association Army barracks ahead?"

Most of the devils who were awakened by the sound of rifles were still sitting on the bed, listening to the orders of the sergeant who had been sleeping at the door and had gotten up to check the situation outside.

No one paid any attention to the two recent officers.

The high-pressure gas drives the re-entry machine to hit at high speed and reciprocate violently, making non-stop noise, following the bouncing bullet casings and continuously bouncing to the ground again and again.

Hearing the sound of Czech light machine guns, the sergeant finally realized what he meant: "Assemble."

In the devil's barracks.

Seeing the two of them walking into the barracks, the sentinel couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. Senior officers are different, unlike those first class sergeants and second lieutenants who slap every time.

The barracks immediately exploded.

The emptied warhead flew directly towards the wall of the devil's barracks in the distance with a puffing sound.

Devils pay attention to discipline, and no one even looks in the direction of the barracks gate.

Suddenly gunshots rang out from the county office and gendarmerie headquarters next door.
And it became more and more dense, and the machine guns began to sound.

It suddenly occurred to me that two days ago, there were indeed Eighth Routes operating nearby, and the report said that Eighth Routes were destroying the railway line.

But in the public security area, it was unheard of for someone to dare to attack the county town personally guarded by the imperial army.

Luo Fugui yelled in the middle of his throat: "The rifle is aimed at the devil's machine gunner and the throwing barrel, and leave the devil's infantry alone"

There are devils who are training in the barracks. It seems that the devils have recruited a group of recruits from China.

The sergeant's voice was a little flustered.

Some of the devils with guns who were training hurried to the gate, while the other immediately went back to the dormitory to get their guns.

The trajectory was pulled left and right by the ghost crowd.

Outside the barracks gate.

Was it the Imperial Association Army's rebellion, or did some rebels infiltrate the county?
But he doesn't want to touch the wild boar's butt, does he?

I couldn't figure it out for a while, since I can't think about it, just don't think about it, whoever you are, let's kill it first.

After speaking, he immediately pulled the machine gun and rolled to the middle of the gate of the barracks, and then pulled the trigger.

Quickly said to the ghost on the opposite side: "No, why are there so many ordinary people behind?"

Luo Fugui stared ugly eyes: "You hit me when you come, what do you want me to do?
Hearing what the company commander said, Half Ear shook his head, pulled the hat to the back of his head, and fired the gun to load the bullet.
Then I took a look with my head, then lay down on the ground, and then yanked the Czech machine gun out of the wall.

However, guns were fired continuously at the gate of the barracks, and the devils trained in the courtyard were the first to react.

Leaning against the gate, he probed and observed along the gap between the wall and the iron gate.

The devils were well-trained, and no one went out naked. One after another put on their clothes first, then hung up their equipment, and then they grabbed their guns in an orderly manner, waiting in line for orders from the sergeant standing at the door.

Knowing the name of the ghost squadron leader from the false platoon leader, Crazy Yang spoke fluently: "I have an appointment with Morita-kun."

Now that the imperial army is gathering on a large scale, the vicinity has long been a restricted area for the Eighth Route Army.

The sound of the devil's neat and dense footsteps was spreading, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

Lieutenant Morita hurried out of the house when he heard the gunshot.

The second step is to find a way to sneak into the devil's barracks. At that time, it will be an internal blow to the devil. If you can't get in, just kill the sentry at the gate of the devil's barracks. Put two light machine guns on the door of the devil's barracks. Sleeping devils cannot get out within 10 minutes.

Go straight to the toilet.

The soldier hurriedly pushed the sack from the outer wall of the gate to the open space in the middle: "I am the deputy shooter, and I will shoot you when you die."

I have heard that the Eighth Route Army attacked the county town guarded by the Imperial Association Army.

Da da da.
The muzzle of the machine gun under the sun flashed light again and again, and the sound of the gunpowder deflagrating at a high speed spread out in all directions.

The four puppet soldiers walking on the street heard the two muttering, and without saying a word, they raised their guns and shot.
bang bang
There was a sudden sound of gunfire, and the team that had been walking slowly on the street suddenly started to run like a whirlwind blowing on the flat ground.

As for who is so bold, that is something that the gendarmerie should investigate.

The barracks bathed in the pleasant sunshine behind the raincoat instantly turned into hell.

Pull the trigger directly.

After the ballistic, Yuan fell to the ground and moaned in pain, the devil had a companion.

Luo Fugui squeezed the trigger, fired twenty rounds in one shuttle, and then rolled to the side.

The devil's reaction was not slow.

Immediately began to fight back, and the bullet hit Luo Fugui's shooting position just now, splashing a few clouds of dust.

"I'm his ancestor!" Luo Fugui, who was so frightened to death, covered his arms, then turned his head to look, but the splashed sand and stones scratched a few marks, and blood was slowly oozing out.
When Luo Fugui's machine gun fired, tables and stools were temporarily brought from nearby shops, and the soldiers leaning against the wall outside the barracks threw the fired grenades into the crowd of devils.
(End of this chapter)

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